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Everything posted by CaptainObvious

  1. CaptainObvious

    Tanks - Fire-control system

    I sure hope this madness doesn't lift its ugly head ever again, would be a real shame to see another great feature get watered down to stupidness.
  2. CaptainObvious

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    Fookin'ell that sounds good!
  3. CaptainObvious

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    Isn't it already the case? You get that distinctive high pitched whistle as soon as it passes over you
  4. CaptainObvious

    Forums Upgrade

    Well that was fast, good job! Edit: Yikes, how did I manage to double post instead of an edit, I amaze myself sometimes
  5. CaptainObvious

    Forums Upgrade

    Could the rules about signatures get enforced by any chance? It's quite irritating to scroll mousewheel on fire through a thread when sometimes there are dozens of oneliner posts like this: Half a line of text, 1000pixels vertical space taken. How do I get to the first unread post in a sticky thread? Line spacing could be alot smaller, thus saving more vertical space, actually the posts in general contain way too much empty space vertically
  6. CaptainObvious

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Probably a long shot, but have you tested if your memory is good, memtest86 or something similar? Also integrated graphics have given me a hard time in the past with some dx errors, maybe worth checking too
  7. CaptainObvious

    Visual Upgrade – Feedback

    Ya, same here, it's pretty believable in my eyes, especially when I turn off the lights and the room is dark.
  8. CaptainObvious

    LOD Discussion

    Good job on the LOD switching, now, if you get it to look as good on the foliage as it does on objects, sweeeet! ^_^ Well it is an object(s), what can they do about it if you have OVD at 800meters?
  9. CaptainObvious

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    They should be quite a lot quieter on soft surfaces, brass hitting sand or grass should be barely audible, concrete and other hard surfaces are a different matter of course.
  10. CaptainObvious


    I wouldn't know, I have made my best effort not to come across any specific info about the campaign.
  11. CaptainObvious


    How about you put that shit in spoilers, eh?
  12. CaptainObvious

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    That's not true, fear factor is preferable in many cases and menacing looks help in demoralizing the enemy.
  13. CaptainObvious

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Yes, they have probably tons of different internal builds from which they push new features and changes to the public dev.build.
  14. CaptainObvious

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    The outcome is the same either way, you run to the door and try the handle OR check the action menu, the door is locked and you collapse on the stairs full-o holes, it doesn't make a slightest difference what is or isn't behind the door, you shall not pass.
  15. CaptainObvious

    Locked doors on enterable buildings

    I have yet to properly test Tanoa, but in Altis/Stratis doors (always?) open towards you if you see the hinges, like IRL.
  16. CaptainObvious

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    I can't tell just by looking at a door if it's locked or not in real life either, in my humble opinion you fellas are over analyzing this a bit. :unsure:
  17. CaptainObvious


    You mean the chain-link -ish pattern? Yea I got the same feeling when I read the xml-files and saw that stuff mentioned.
  18. CaptainObvious

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    I wouldn't go as far as removing the sound altogether, but it's a bit silly that the AC is bullet proof too, would be nice to be able to shoot them to death (and quiet).
  19. CaptainObvious


    Valid points there, it would be nice to have different uniforms for each of the parties, there's no arguing that. I guess I'm the kind of guy who's trying to see the real reasoning behind these decisions, and knowing Bohemia doesn't exactly have the man power to do everything we (they) want, so saving that man power for something else by doing a reskin is ok in my book. Interesting to see what we'll actually get, I can't tell much from the couple of screens I've seen so far.
  20. CaptainObvious

    AI Driving - Feedback topic

    I disagree on the last paragraph, during service we were strictly forbidden to use headlights when enemy encounter was possible, granted we always had NVGs, but the protocol was the same even if we didn't have them. Tricky one to tackle in a believable manner :unsure:
  21. CaptainObvious


    And new weapons they shall receive, so what it's being used in some other game, this is Arma. :huh: What good would a fullauto Glock bring to the table compared to the two you mentioned? Sure you can voice yourself no-one's denying that, I just don't get the accusations of BI being lazy/money hungry. I also don't think it's automatically bad to do reskins of uniforms, there's plenty of real life examples of a single uniform used in many patterns so why not CSAT? Not to mention we haven't seen the assets yet, have we, who knows what we'll get? I only referred to the guns we get from DayZ and the fact there's people who don't like it, or course I'd like to have a full navy arsenal at my disposal including a shitload of boats 'n' stuff, but judging by my expedition on Tanoa, there's about 100sqkm of reasons we don't get tens of vehicles and guns this time.
  22. CaptainObvious


    There's always the nay sayers who only see it as laziness, doesn't matter if the assets fit perfectly for the setting in question and using them saves a shit-ton of time/money/manpower, the nay sayers somehow see it in a way that BI should and is obliged to use that saved time/money/whatever to create new stuff from scratch.
  23. CaptainObvious

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    Definitely, especially considering Arma's animation system, one of the biggest immersion killers in any game ever for me is the animations of 4-legged animals, once they stop just loitering around and start e.g hunting it almost always looks like shit with plenty of skating and other not-fit-for-the-situation-animation-stuff.
  24. CaptainObvious

    LOD Discussion

    Yep, sometimes it sort of blends into a new LOD, but it seems the blending, once it's triggered, takes less than a second to complete and it doesn't matter if the player is moving towards/away from said object, or moving at all for that matter, the blend still happens.
  25. CaptainObvious

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    I don't know what can be done with the lines themselves, but I'd rather have them disappear when the pole gets knocked down than to have these unobtainium poles capable of stopping even an MBT.