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Everything posted by fn_Quiksilver

  1. fn_Quiksilver

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    small one-liner tweak request @killzone_kid in "initFunctions.sqf" can we please add the new "fileExists" command, to prevent unnecessary execution of BIS_fnc_MP In this section: if (!is3DEN) then { if (isserver) then { [] execvm "initServer.sqf"; "initServer.sqf" call bis_fnc_logFormat; }; //--- Run mission scripts if !(isDedicated) then { [player,didJIP] execvm "initPlayerLocal.sqf"; [[[player,didJIP],"initPlayerServer.sqf"],"bis_fnc_execvm",false,false] call bis_fnc_mp; "initPlayerLocal.sqf" call bis_fnc_logFormat; "initPlayerServer.sqf" call bis_fnc_logFormat; }; 0.90 call bis_fnc_progressloadingscreen; add like so, if (fileExists 'initPlayerServer.sqf') then { [[[player,didJIP],"initPlayerServer.sqf"],"bis_fnc_execvm",false,false] call bis_fnc_mp; }; At the moment, I have this every time a player connects: 22:02:21 Scripting function 'bis_fnc_execvm' is not allowed to be remotely executed 22:02:21 User Quiksilver (76561198084069420) tried to remoteExec a disabled function
  2. also affects things like infantry-fired RPG at static weapon. AI RPGs do.not.miss. when fired at static weapons, no matter range
  3. welcome back 🙂 only suggestion i have is to look at the handleDamage code and see if it is having the effect you want (at the moment, damage to his hands is treated with same severity as damage to head)
  4. its not practical without scripting to have vehicles be both transport and cargo. most or all of these vehicles have a cargo variant
  5. fn_Quiksilver

    Apex Framework

    Harzach is generally correct... The Apex Framework security is quite tight compared to other publicly available missions/gamemodes, but i generally don't discuss it. However server admins can choose how tight they want to keep it. Many coop servers drop the security in favor of allowing client-side mods, that's a cost/benefit decision based on how often the server gets exploited/attacked. Regarding file patching specifically, Server file patching via the commandline -filePatching is irrelevant, since if the script kiddy has gained access to server-side execution, then they can already do whatever they want. Client file patching can be controlled here, https://github.com/auQuiksilver/Apex-Framework/blob/20e9ec54477e8685dbc7c7a37aef269d44e7aebe/server.cfg#L125 That should be set to 0 or 1 for elevated security protection. If you think it is not, contact the server admin and make them aware of it. It is set to 2 by default by accident, I generally drop security on my dev build to work on scripts, and occasionally dev build configs slip through to release builds. (I would suggest all servers running the framework to use that server.cfg file template, as it contains many useful options.)
  6. fn_Quiksilver

    Invade & Annex Splash screens

    hey there are a number of communities running modified builds of I&A. you'd have to indicate which server/files you're using
  7. fn_Quiksilver

    QS Mag Repack

    QS Mag Repack v1.0.0 by Quiksilver Last updated: 31/08/2016 A3 1.62 Downloads below Description: Repack primary weapon and handgun magazines with simple UI. [L.Ctrl]+[Reload] key combo to actuate mag repack. Known issues/bugs: v1.0.0 - None at this time Limitations: - Strict magazine comparison (cant mix and match types). - Automatic, cannot select individual magazines. - Inflexible UI, [L.Ctrl]+[Reload] - Requires space in your inventory for primary + handgun weapon magazines, when repacking close to capacity. Dependencies: - None Other links: https://www.reddit.com/r/arma/comments/50kjgn/qs_mag_repack/ http://steamcommunity.com/app/107410/discussions/13/359547436766048130/ Source Code: https://github.com/auQuiksilver/Apex-Framework/blob/master/Apex_framework.terrain/code/functions/fn_clientRepackMagazines.sqf Downloads: Client: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=31539 (Armaholic) http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=755210821 (Steam Workshop) Server Key: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hje7hzzh0ub3jkn/QS_repack.bikey?dl=0 Server Mod: - Coming soon Script Version: - Coming soon
  8. fn_Quiksilver

    QS Mag Repack

    hey you would have to edit the mod, and change the key code to the alt key. if you can't do this you'll have to make do with the [ctrl]+[reload] as there is no built in way to change it
  9. fn_Quiksilver

    Apex Framework

    There is no built in option for this sorry. it would be a good scripting exercise to create a new role and abilities for it. However part of the design philosophy of the framework was that admins are players too and blend in, so the admin tools are reasonably modest and some Zeus functionality is disabled (lightning bolt, etc)
  10. fn_Quiksilver

    Apex Framework

    Yes, you need to have -serverMod=@apex in the command line, and also ensure the @apex servermod is in the servers arma 3 directory. to debug, after launching server, check the servers RPT log file. Top lines of the file will have the command line, so you can see if -serverMod is active.
  11. fn_Quiksilver

    Apex Framework

    hmm There is no built in method to remove the session ban. You can apply a script command with the ingame debug console, but you'd have to dig for the code. I think its just a lookup table with a UID and a value, so setting the value to zero would reset. find index with UID. If I may, how was it being abused?
  12. fn_Quiksilver

    Invade & Annex: Apex Edition

    On December 7, 2017 at UTC 21:00 I'll be publishing Invade & Annex: Apex Edition to this thread. Downloads (check back Dec 7) All files published here: Discord: https://discord.gg/FfVaPce Installation Instructions: TBA Gameplay footage: Supported Terrains: Tanoa Altis Malden Mission Types: Classic. AOs with HQ and Radio tower sub-objectives, and traditional "clear the area" with chance of heavy counterattack. Low intensity and relaxing, familiar gameplay. Sector Control. AOs, with other sub-objectives and capture points (the AI had a 20% win rate). Blend of attack and defend. Higher intensity gameplay. Campaign. Persistent, simple insurgency-style AOs with the familiar green/red grid squares and focused more on smaller-scale infantry urban operations. None. Disable the primary objectives and use the powerful framework to support your own content or Zeus missions. Features: TBA Credits: TBA Comments: I will be around after the release to respond to setup/editing/dev questions if anyone chooses to host the mission. Contact me on discord for fast response ;) Big thank you to the community of players who enjoyed the journey, you know who you are. This is my parting gift to the A3 modding community, its been a pleasure and an honor to be a part of over the years.
  13. fn_Quiksilver

    Invade & Annex: Apex Edition

    Hi, there was never an official CUP version sorry 🙂 There may be one or two floating around in a community somewhere that I am unaware of though. Please direct all talk to the below thread https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/212240-apex-framework/ this current thread was an early-announcement of the above release
  14. fn_Quiksilver

    Critique My Scripting

    looks fine. im assuming you are declaring those private variables elsewhere so they don't cause errors. you could maybe get creative and insert some logic to determine when to spawn squads vs teams, and which type of teams to spawn, to respond appropriately to resistance. like, if the defenders have tanks, after some time the enemy could deploy more AT teams. Or if they have infantry, maybe more marksmen. also some logic to determine which attack point to attack (nearby players, etc). but as a start its fine 🙂
  15. Hi, Pretty sure this is related to vehicle/seat assignment. When a unit (player or AI) is exiting a vehicle, you need to unassign that unit from the vehicle/seat. Once the seat is no longer assigned to a unit, the next unit will enter the seat without issues. In much of my work, when player exits the vehicle, I have made sure the player is no longer connected to the vehicle in this manner. using the commands: leaveVehicle unassignVehicle you can use this command to check for "dirty" seat assignedVehicle assignedVehicleRole
  16. fn_Quiksilver

    Apex Framework

    Vehicle simulation bug fix Hi all, to address the above mentioned issue that appeared in the most recent arma update, regarding spawned helicopters not being enterable... Here is a fixed copy of the file: https://github.com/auQuiksilver/Apex-Framework/blob/master/Apex_framework.terrain/code/functions/fn_core.sqf You must find that file in your copy and replace with that. Or if you'd like to fix on your own, you need to delete three lines: https://github.com/auQuiksilver/Apex-Framework/blob/master/Apex_framework.terrain/code/functions/fn_core.sqf#L3134 https://github.com/auQuiksilver/Apex-Framework/blob/master/Apex_framework.terrain/code/functions/fn_core.sqf#L3180 https://github.com/auQuiksilver/Apex-Framework/blob/master/Apex_framework.terrain/code/functions/fn_core.sqf#L3200 When I have some time I'll recompile those fixes into the downloadable PBOs
  17. fn_Quiksilver

    Apex Framework

    Hi, there is no way to do that, "Apex Framework" is everything under the hood, not used for server/mission branding.
  18. fn_Quiksilver

    AI Discussion (dev branch)

    thanks for the "getAttackTarget" command , really helps some combat scripts. feasibility of an "AttackTargetChanged" event handler? I want to adjust AI behaviour based on what their target is and this would alleviate the need for a monitor thread
  19. Have this code block sitting un-used on my PC , might as well publish. Mainly for scenarios with player-driven armored vehicles where flying tanks is an issue. Problem: - Tracked vehicles can go flying with unfortunate collision with other objects Solution: - Periodically save the tanks position - Detect when tank is flying - Restore tank to saved position Things to improve upon: - Detect if the previously saved position is still safe. If not , place nearby instead. // initPlayerLocal.sqf // Execute on client machine QS_tankFix_enabled = TRUE; QS_tankFix_safeScript = scriptNull; QS_tankFix_safeOrientation = [[0,[0,0,0],[[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]],[0,[0,0,0],[[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]]]; QS_tankFix_EH_EachFrame = -1; QS_tankFix_EH_GetInMan = player addEventHandler [ 'GetInMan', { params ['','','_enteredVehicle']; if (_enteredVehicle isKindOf 'Tank') then { QS_tankFix_EH_EachFrame = addMissionEventHandler [ 'EachFrame', { if (QS_tankFix_enabled) then { _vehicle = objectParent player;  if ( (alive _vehicle) && {(local _vehicle)} && {(isNull (attachedTo _vehicle))} && {(isNull (ropeAttachedTo _vehicle))} && {(isNull (isVehicleCargo _vehicle))} ) then { if (((velocity _vehicle) # 2) > 10) then { if (!isTouchingGround _vehicle) then { if (scriptDone QS_tankFix_safeScript) then { QS_tankFix_safeScript = [_vehicle,QS_tankFix_safeOrientation # 0] spawn { uiSleep 1; params ['_vehicle','_safeOrientation']; private _safePos = _safeOrientation # 1; _safePos set [2,((_safePos # 2) + 7.5)]; _vehicle setPosWorld _safePos; _vehicle setVectorDirAndUp (_safeOrientation # 2); }; }; }; } else { if (diag_tickTime > ((QS_tankFix_safeOrientation # 1) # 0)) then { QS_tankFix_safeOrientation deleteAt 0; QS_tankFix_safeOrientation pushBack [diag_tickTime + 1,getPosWorld _vehicle,[vectorDir _vehicle,vectorUp _vehicle]]; }; }; }; }; } ]; }; } ]; QS_tankFix_EH_GetOutMan = player addEventHandler [ 'GetOutMan', { params ['','','_exitedVehicle']; if (QS_tankFix_EH_EachFrame isNotEqualTo -1) then { removeMissionEventHandler ['EachFrame',QS_tankFix_EH_EachFrame]; QS_tankFix_EH_EachFrame = -1; }; } ]; QS_tankFix_EH_Killed = player addEventHandler [ 'Killed', { if (QS_tankFix_EH_EachFrame isNotEqualTo -1) then { removeMissionEventHandler ['EachFrame',QS_tankFix_EH_EachFrame]; QS_tankFix_EH_EachFrame = -1; }; } ];
  20. fn_Quiksilver

    [RELEASE] Flying tank physx fixer

    you need a saved position to restore the vehicle to. so you need to monitor the vehicle and poll its position every few seconds (in this case the rewind is 2 seconds). I have not run tests with epecontact events as its rather hard to reproduce the flying tank issue in many of the ways it manifests ... you would have to spawn a thread to check the velocities for a number of frames after each event triggering. I've edited it slightly to optimize it, so that it only runs the EachFrame component when actually in a tank.
  21. fn_Quiksilver

    Soldier Tracker ( Map and GPS Icons )

    yep, remove these 3 lines https://github.com/auQuiksilver/Soldier-Tracker/blob/master/QS_icons.sqf#L958-L960 if (_ve isEqualTo (vehicle _player)) then { _m drawIcon ['a3\ui_f\data\igui\cfg\islandmap\iconplayer_ca.paa',[1,0,0,0.75],(_po select 0),24,24,(_po select 1),'',0,0.03,_tf,_to]; };
  22. fn_Quiksilver

    Apex Framework

    I've launched a public Development server while we work on adding support for the CDLC Prairie Fire. Currently hosted at: 2302 If you test it out, please report any bugs/glitches here or on the discord.
  23. fn_Quiksilver

    Soldier Tracker ( Map and GPS Icons )

    Thanks for the suggestions! 1 - We don't have much control over the Group Icons, there is an offset argument in the function but it is what it is, there is no fine-grain control. Only what is afforded here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setGroupIcon 2 - Which icon shadow are you talking about? Map or GPS? 3 - It would be possible to modify your version to change the color of the player icon, but there is more to consider. Did you want the different color also when the player is in a vehicle (changing the vehicle icon color)? Color for unit/vehicle icons is entirely set in this section: https://github.com/auQuiksilver/Soldier-Tracker/blob/master/QS_icons.sqf#L254-L331 For a quick fix to change color of the player-on-foot icon, we would insert a line between these two with the players color https://github.com/auQuiksilver/Soldier-Tracker/blob/master/QS_icons.sqf#L315-L316 _c = [_c,[1,0,0,1],[0,1,0.5,1],[0,0.5,1,1],[1,1,0,1]] select _teamID; _c set [3,_a]; So we would change the player color like this: _c = [_c,[1,0,0,1],[0,1,0.5,1],[0,0.5,1,1],[1,1,0,1]] select _teamID; if (_u isEqualTo player) then {_c = [0.5,0.5,0.5,1];}; // Sets the player icon color to Grey. _c set [3,_a]; To change the players group default icon color, just a couple lines above that, you would do this: if (_s isEqualTo CIVILIAN) then {_c = _QS_ST_X # 12;}; if (_u in (group player)) then {_c = [0.5,0.5,0.5,1];}; // overwrite the above values if the unit is in the players group. Sets the players group color to grey, unless they are in a Team. _c = [_c,[1,0,0,1],[0,1,0.5,1],[0,0.5,1,1],[1,1,0,1]] # _teamID; _c set [3,_a];
  24. fn_Quiksilver

    Apex Framework

    Small news update Discord locked my account and is requesting me to send them an IRL photo + photo of my drivers license to re-access my account. As such I won't be using discord until they sort their shit out, so I won't be able to view or respond to queries on our discord server. To contact me, do it here or in PMs.