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J. Baago

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Everything posted by J. Baago

  1. Hi. A much needed script. However, there are some defects with backpacks on JIP. 1) Its not giving the right backpack. 2) The backpacks are empty.
  2. J. Baago

    OHally's T-10 Parachutes

    Amazing - keeping an eye on this daily now!
  3. J. Baago

    NATO/Russian AK SOPMOD Pack WIP

    That's more than perfect, wish more modmakers were like you.
  4. Im up for trying your medical system, as far as i can read from the included readme it runs through the scroll-wheel action system. I'll make a video for you that explains and show's what is, and isnt happening in both dedicated and whilst in editor. But for now when i am running @VTN in the editor it appears only when a unit is wounded (you cant check or diagnose until then), further more the option to heal other AI's in editor is only working some of the time and not on all models. On dedicated server, the scrollwheel option to heal wounded players isnt there at all when you or others are shot. Can you tell me a bit about how the system handlers are working? Does it only apply for VTN units? Does it only apply for players? Does it only apply for wounded and others, or also can you heal yourself? At the moment its 50/50 working for me and others in my unit, but id love to get it to work due to the Russian feel of it all.
  5. My dedicated server wont start with AllinArmaTerrainPackLite anymore, normal one works fine. And yeah, bargate looks fucked. :)
  6. J. Baago

    Moss Targets

    Ill give them a go, thanks a lot.
  7. J. Baago

    "X-Cam" and "DAC" Project

    This looks absolutely amazing. These two additions will be a huge contribution to the community that will make it much easier for us to produce addons. Thanks.
  8. J. Baago

    NATO/Russian AK SOPMOD Pack WIP

    These weapons looks very sexy, good job. As a community tester for mods the primary issue with a lot of the excellent weapon packs out there at the moment is the lack of compatibility between magazines and optics, would you consider making optional configs for RHS, VTN, HLC etc to mae them usefull in the "bigger" context?
  9. Oh - damn. At the moment im in doubt to as if it is even running also as it works sometimes in the editor, but not on dedi-box at all.
  10. Looks good man. Whats up with the dependency for RDS Tank Pack? Isnt RHS sufficient? (merely out of curiosity)
  11. When i change they key's for interaction and self interaction my game crashes. Wee.
  12. How do i disable the wounding system, say i want to run AGM or CSE instead?
  13. J. Baago

    Leights OPFOR Pack

    Great pack! I like it a lot and the compilation of shared files and gear, beautiful textures combined with the many factions makes it an overall essential part of my units campaign mod-set. With some Ukrainian Separatists in the modpack, will be eventually see some Ukrainian Goverment Forces also?
  14. J. Baago

    Combat Space Enhancement 0.2

    Thank you for the fast reply, its much appreciated. Im also experiencing that its very hard, if not impossible to get people back up "from the dead" so to speak with the basic revive module.
  15. J. Baago

    Combat Space Enhancement 0.2

    Is there a way to pre-load certain objects into certain vehicles on mission start? If i want a helicopter pre-loaded w. two boxes for an example. Also is there a way through triggers to activate the damage features? In the certain case, give pain to players within the trigger. Thanks :) Specifically, pain.
  16. Im hungry for some quality weapons i can play with also. The AK pack is absolutely amazing, but the weapons are very old-era. Will we ever see some AK74M w. GP25 or GP30 etc?
  17. What file/config is changed here. Id like it gone also, i cannot launch the mappack via. dedicated anymore.
  18. @About starting mid-flight? Wouldent that spawn a floating crew-chief w. a box outside the aircraft in mid-flight?
  19. J. Baago

    disable ambient sounds?

    Im making artic-warfare missions also, id really like a way to get the damn chicades removed. :confused:
  20. Is there a way to start in the aircraft - halo check done and ready to jump? For the more clandestine operations and maps w. out runways.
  21. The VDV-GRU rotates home after a bloody conflict in Podagorsk. We are currently in home-rotation conducting military readiness excercises and have begun recruitment once more. Feel free to jump on TS and have a chat with us if your interested in potential membership or participation in our upcoming co-op campaign We are looking for 4-6 new people check us out. VDV-GRU Deploys to Ovallestan Valley in a COIN operation VDV-GRU Preparing for Static Line Training VDV-GRU in some trench warfare on Op Attero VDV-GRU forest warfare on Op Attero A small video summs up some of the reasons for a still glooming conflict in Podagorsk.: zQ7YjZCK14M
  22. Im not the scripting master, but i know there a lot of syntax and variables which are not dedicated compatible. Something to if they are run locally or dedicated. Syntax such as createVehicle, SetPos, AllowDamage, IfServer, player etc. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Multiplayer_scripting
  23. Still not working on dedicated sadly.
  24. Im going to test this right now for you. ---------- Post added at 08:39 ---------- Previous post was at 08:07 ---------- While i do this; would it be possible to make it so that the parachute wont explode when hitting a rock/tree whatever?
  25. J. Baago

    @A3MP - ArmA 3 Map Pack

    Ive had some issues when running Podagorsk and Thirsk w. A3MP on dedicated servers. Some who join in see water in rivers and ponds etc, and start the "swimming animation" and everything, for the most part of us we see no water just dried up riverbeds. How can this be?