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Everything posted by unknown03

  1. ^ This...Very much this. It's my opinion that JSRS needs to be the vanilla sounds for this very reason. Can't join any MP servers with mods enabled, and I was told that it was all or nothing. Either all mods allowed, or nothing allowed. In fact, not a single server in my area with decent ping will allow JSRS. I haven't played with the other mods, but some of these mods just need to be "official".
  2. unknown03

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Get out of here, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
  3. unknown03

    Development Blog & Reveals

    Considering I have already logged 94 hours into Arma 3, I would say that I have got my monies worth. However, no "campaign" at full release is disappointing. In fact, as far as I know no actual release date has been confirmed for the full game, so announcing no campaign was completely unnecessary in the first place - unless it would take you into 2014.
  4. This is an issue that I've always had with both Arma 2 and Arma 3. For some reason I rarely find any populated servers with decent ping, even though 1/8th of the entire country of the United States lives in California. Attached is a screen shot of what I see on the daily - not much to choose from. Maybe Arma is more of a European game? Anyone else experience the same? Before anyone asks, my internet isn't 56k :p http://i.imgur.com/PFTRWHG.jpg (276 kB)
  5. Much better. I was using the Dev version since the hacking fiasco. Back then I had more servers on it too.....probably because that's what everyone was using :D
  6. unknown03

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    Awesome! Does this mean that firefights wont sound like tapping pencils on a desk, or popcorn in the microwave?
  7. unknown03

    Just Overclocked my CPU.

    And boy what a difference! My specs are: ASRock Fatal1ty Z68 Motherboard. Intel i5 2500k Quad-core CPU - 3.2Ghz Nvidia GTX 570 Graphics card. 8GB DDR3 Ram. 500GB HDD. 60GB SSD. 32" T.V. (Monitor) TrackIR 5 Zalman CPU Heatsink. Originally I was playing with between 20-40 FPS. All settings were high-very high and the View distance around 1600, object distance 1000, and shadows @ 100. I decided to see if overclocking my cpu would help since everyone says this is a CPU intense game, so I did just that. I upped my OC to 4.2Ghz and after an hour of gameplay my load temps didn't go higher than 60c for both my CPU and GPU. Also, my FPS was around 50-65 the entire time with all settings to high-very high and the view distance around 1850. If you are able and haven't done so already, I definitely recommend overclocking for a significant performance boost!
  8. unknown03

    Ladder Animation and Sound

    One thing that I noticed on those comparison video's is that Arma is the only one where the character animation is actually grabbing at the steps with his hands.. All the other ones, the hands are grabbing at the side of the ladder
  9. unknown03

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    I got it figured out. First I downloaded the PlayWithSix version of JSRS and JSRS ACE, I then moved the @ folders to the root of arma 2 OA (Was giving me the same problem)..then I had to disable JSRS ACE from the "Expansions" menu.. The new version of CBA was important, I stopped getting any error messages by adding " -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion" to the launch options in STEAM...All is well now, and I'm finally enjoying Arma 2...So much that I stopped playing Arma 3 until this mod gets updated for A3!
  10. When I first got TrackIR, it took a while to get used to it as it was a bit awkward for me. Now if I don't have it enabled I find myself moving my head without response, and manually looking around is awkward.
  11. That was pretty fun and I really like the little intro video. Good job! Would be really awesome if there was some sort of heli insertion
  12. unknown03

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Holy cow the sounds are great. However, I am running into a major problem. First, let me just say that I've followed the instructions and have the Steam version. I get error messages that constantly pop up, for instance right when launching the game, it's either: Addon 'cba_xeh_oa' requires addon 'CA_communityConfigurationProject_E' or Addon 'JSRS_ACE_Explosions' requires addon 'ace_c_weapon' Then when I get to the main menu an error pops up: Script ca\communityconfigurationproject_e\ai_madetankgunneruseatandheammo\muzzle\init.sqf not found And THEN, when loading a mission I get error message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Ural_Base_withTurret/HitPoints/HitGlass1.name' . But it doesn't stop there. I found that I can start a campaign it will play ok, but if I ever try to load a previous save I get this error: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.ace_sys_explosives, acex_main, acex_m_veh_5ton, acex_t_veh_5ton, acex_wep_rifle, acex_wep_hk, acex_wep_launcher, acex_wep_rh_ak, acex_ru_main, ace_c_weapon, acex_wep_shotgun, acex_wep_sniper, acex_wep_smg_us, acex_ru_veh_bmd1, acex_ru_veh_bmd2, ace_main, ace_sys_interaction, acex_wep_pistol, ace_c_vehicle I assume this may be the reason why I can't find the ACE menu as well. I do hope someone has a solution.