I searched these forums before and just recently and could not locate any information on this particular issue/event. BattlEye provided all the help they could and the issue was not on their product but in the set-up of the server. DEFCON offered no support and kept telling me to refer to BattlEye saying, outside the scope of their support". Eventually told me to find another provider (sigh), I hope that this will help others that have/will have this same issue with DEFCON and BattlEye.
The default DEFCON server set-up defines the working BattlEye folder location under "/XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX_PORT_XXXX/server/battleye/". With using the provide default command line provided by DEFCON the BERCon and RCon tool work correctly. When creating a custom Command Line (-mod="@XXXXX;@XXXXXX:etc...") the BattlEye admin features become unavailable.
The working BattlEye folder changes with a custom command line to "/XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX_PORT_XXXX/BattEye/". Unless you also copy and paste the BEServer.cfg file (and other files as needed) there all admin BERCon and RCon admin functions are not available.
DEFCON default Command Line:
"-config=server.cfg -port=XXXX -profiles=server -name=server -maxplayers=XX"
DEFCON Custom Command Line:
"-config=server.cfg -port=XXXX -profiles=C:\GameServers\PROFILENAME\GameServers\TC 68034XXXXXXXXXX32044782\ -name=server -maxplayers=XX -mod=@XXXX;"
The BattlEye folder becomes redundant in the server set-up as it exists in 2 locations.
With the ban feature being disabled via in-game Control Panel and server commands this can be quite frustrating as kicking players using cheats/hacks/exploits etc is rarely effective and usually only inspires more of said juvenile behavior.