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About _Ronin_

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. _Ronin_

    FHQ TaskTracker

    Well thanks bro. I first up it in the init.sqf, then I put the whole thing in the "onActivated" section. Thanls.
  2. _Ronin_

    FHQ TaskTracker

    I tried the code with no love. Below is the detailed code I put in. if (["task1c"] call FHQ_TT_isTaskCompleted) then { [Chaos1a, ["task1d", "Three weeks ago, UGR launched an offensive on a lightly guarded joint base and seized stored weapons and supplies. They have occuppied the base and conduct security patrols as a show of force. Raid the base IOT eliminate the leadership within and destroy all stored supplies.", "Raid Supply Depot", "", getmarkerpos "Spawnpoint3", "assigned"] ] call FHQ_TT_addTasks; }; Once I complete the task, thing happens. I have to task assigned to a radio trigger.
  3. _Ronin_

    FHQ TaskTracker

    Thanks....Everything is working like it should. I am having a problem with it checking if taskx & tasky is complete in order to fire taskz. Could you help me out with that? My other, and hopefully final, question is how can I make tasks stay hidden until taskx is completed? I intend to have a couple of tasks to only appear if item x is found. Can you help me with this?
  4. _Ronin_

    FHQ TaskTracker

    I have got my tasking to work and I have used the trigger command to set a trigger state when unit x is killed. Once I kill unit x, I do not receive a hint saying the task was succeeded. How can I make that happen?
  5. _Ronin_

    FHQ TaskTracker

    I have everything working now. Thanks.
  6. _Ronin_

    FHQ TaskTracker

    Alright. After some serious testing, I have finally fixed it. I had some extra quotation marks that threw it all off. Thanks for the help to all. I have one more problem. I have tried naming groups via [Groupname = Group this;] in the init line of each member of the groups, however, when I attempt to put the group name in the filter, nothing shows up. Any help would be nice.
  7. _Ronin_

    FHQ TaskTracker

    Alright. I have simplified it for the sake of help. Neither the Briefing, nor the Tasks, are showing up when I preview the mission. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "fhqtt.sqf"; [ /* These entries are only visible for the units in PlayerGroup */ West, ["Situation", "Enemy <br/>The island of Utes is controlled by the local guerrilla group called "Utes Guerrilla Resistance" (UGR). Reporting indicates UGR conducts surveillance operations on BLUFOR training in the area. Reporting also states UGR patrol villages providing law and order to citizens who assist their cause and terrorize those who oppose it. Reporting indicates the UGR has the ability to plan and conduct IED attacks, utilizing PPIEDs and RCIEDs, on BLUFOR. Citizens who strike these IEDs are compensated for their damages in exchange for their silence and cooperation. Reports indicate UGR stores weapons crates in populated areas for use if BLUFOR are encountered in the villages. According to recent reporting, UGR has conducted raids on lightly guarded joint BLUFOR outposts and seized armored & light vehicles, and IDF support and are trained in their use, as well as in tactics. UGR is capable of conducting ambushes on BLUFOR from received contact reports via spotters and patrols." + "Most Probable Course of Action (MPCOA) - If attacked, is to Reinforce. UGR's strength lies in their ability to mobilize reinforcements within five (5) minutes of reported contact." + "Critical Vulnerability (CV) - UGR has no aerial support. Reinforcements must travel by road to reach the engagement area and are susceptible to interdiction and delay or destruction by BLUFOR assets." + "Friendly" + "Higher - Alpha Company is has completed CAX and are making preparations to execute the CAXFX." + "Adjacent - 2nd Sqd & Wpns are acting as QRF aboard Camp Warfighter." + "Support - 1st SRIG, callsign "Oracle," conducting R&S operations to locate UGR patrol bases, areas of influence and firm bases."], ["Mission", "On 27Apr20131900GMT, 1st Plt 1st Sqd will conduct a clearing operation of the island of Utes IOT seize control from the UGR, by locating and eliminating it's leadership, and assist in the re-establishment of the Utes government which will end the CAXFX."] ] call FHQ_TT_addBriefing; [ West, ["taskC11Obj1", "Chaos 1-1 is to clear the village of Strelka of all enemy combatants. Be advised that intelligence reporting indicates UGR will reinforce its combatants if requested. Locate and destroy any weapon caches in the village. If any information of potential intelligence value is discovered, collect it for analysis and processing. Locate any patrol bases IVO the village from which UGR operations may be planned.","Clear Strelka Village","", getmarkerpos "c11obj1","assigned"], ["taskC11Obj2", "Chaos 1-1 is to clear the village of Kamenyy of all enemy combatants. Locate and destroy any weapon caches in the village. If any information of potential intelligence value is discovered, collect it for analysis and processing. Locate any patrol bases IVO the village from which UGR operations may be planned.","Clear Kamenyy Village","", getMarkerPos "c11obj2"], ["taskRTB", "Chaos1_1 is to RTB for resupply after objectives 1&2 are completed and standby for follow-on tasking." ,"RTB", "", getmarkerpos "c11obj3"] ] call FHQ_TT_addTasks; Alright. After tinkering around with it, I noticed it had to do with the naming of the group. I used playergroup on the default example given and it appeared. [ /* These entries are only visible for the units in PlayerGroup */ Playergroup, ["Mission", "You are to demonstrate your abilities with the NLAW"], ["Situation", "After you've completed your training, the CO wants to see how you perform with heavy weaponry."], ["Execution", "Using the Next-Generation Light Anti-tank Weapon (NLAW), destroy the two captured Ifrits " + "<marker name='markTarget1'>here</marker> and <marker name='markTarget2'>here</marker>." + "The observer will validate your performance. Return to <marker name='markExfil'>the firing range building</marker> " + "afterwards for validation and debriefing."], /* These entries are visible to all west players in the mission that are NOT part of PlayerGroup */ west, ["Assignment", "Observe the soldier and ascertain his ability to handle the anti tank weapon."], ["Situation", "Since the provisional government is bascially putting the whole island in the hands of the NATO troops, " + "they are demanding that the soldiers show that they can handle their weapons effectively and without any incident. " + "After the live fire exercise, return to the <marker name='markExfil'>office</marker> " + "to discuss the results"] ] call FHQ_TT_addBriefing; [ PlayerGroup, ["taskDestroy", "Destroy the two Ifrits", "Destroy Ifrits", ""], [["taskTarget1", "taskDestroy"], "Destroy the <marker name='markTarget1'>first Ifrit</marker>", "Destroy target #1", "", getMarkerPos "markTarget1", "assigned"], [["taskTarget2", "taskDestroy"], "Destroy the <marker name='markTarget2'>second Ifrit</marker>", "Destroy target #2", "", getMarkerPos "markTarget2"], ["taskExfil", "Get back into the building", "Get out", "", getMarkerPos "markExfil"], west, ["taskObserve", "Make sure the soldier knows how to handle an NLAW", "Observe", "", "assigned"], ["taskExfilInst", "Get back into the office", "Get out", "", getMarkerPos "markExfil"] ] call FHQ_TT_addTasks; When I changed the titles from the default, it did work. When I added a different situation than listed in default, it did not work. It makes me think there is a limit of words that can be entered. Any ideas? Also, I thought I named my groups correctly using the [groupname = group this] command in the init file of every member of each group, however, it proved to be wrong. Any help would be appreciated.
  8. _Ronin_

    FHQ TaskTracker

    Alright man. I will see. Thanks. So I tried it with only west and it did not show up. Let me know what I need to send you so you can take a look at it and I will. Thanks again.
  9. _Ronin_

    FHQ TaskTracker

    Adding {_this in} did not work. I guess I will have to just make the init longer. So, I have taken the time to make the briefing longer, however I am still unable to make it work when I preview the mission. My code is listed below. call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "fhqtt.sqf"; [ /* These entries are only visible for the units in PlayerGroup */ Chaos1, ["Situation", "Enemy <br/>The island of Utes is controlled by the local guerrilla group called "Utes Guerrilla Resistance" (UGR). Reporting indicates UGR conducts surveillance operations on BLUFOR training in the area. Reporting also states UGR patrol villages providing law and order to citizens who assist their cause and terrorize those who oppose it. Reporting indicates the UGR has the ability to plan and conduct IED attacks, utilizing PPIEDs and RCIEDs, on BLUFOR. Citizens who strike these IEDs are compensated for their damages in exchange for their silence and cooperation. Reports indicate UGR stores weapons crates in populated areas for use if BLUFOR are encountered in the villages. According to recent reporting, UGR has conducted raids on lightly guarded joint BLUFOR outposts and seized armored & light vehicles, and IDF support and are trained in their use, as well as in tactics. UGR is capable of conducting ambushes on BLUFOR from received contact reports via spotters and patrols." + "Most Probable Course of Action (MPCOA) - If attacked, is to Reinforce. UGR's strength lies in their ability to mobilize reinforcements within five (5) minutes of reported contact." + "Critical Vulnerability (CV) - UGR has no aerial support. Reinforcements must travel by road to reach the engagement area and are susceptible to interdiction and delay or destruction by BLUFOR assets." + "Friendly" + "Higher - Alpha Company is has completed CAX and are making preparations to execute the CAXFX." + "Adjacent - 2nd Sqd & Wpns are acting as QRF aboard Camp Warfighter." + "Support - 1st SRIG, callsign "Oracle," conducting R&S operations to locate UGR patrol bases, areas of influence and firm bases."], ["Mission", "On 27Apr20131900GMT, 1st Plt 1st Sqd will conduct a clearing operation of the island of Utes IOT seize control from the UGR, by locating and eliminating it's leadership, and assist in the re-establishment of the Utes government which will end the CAXFX."], Chaos1_1, ["Situation", "Enemy <br/>The island of Utes is controlled by the local guerrilla group called "Utes Guerrilla Resistance" (UGR). Reporting indicates UGR conducts surveillance operations on BLUFOR training in the area. Reporting also states UGR patrol villages providing law and order to citizens who assist their cause and terrorize those who oppose it. Reporting indicates the UGR has the ability to plan and conduct IED attacks, utilizing PPIEDs and RCIEDs, on BLUFOR. Citizens who strike these IEDs are compensated for their damages in exchange for their silence and cooperation. Reports indicate UGR stores weapons crates in populated areas for use if BLUFOR are encountered in the villages. According to recent reporting, UGR has conducted raids on lightly guarded joint BLUFOR outposts and seized armored & light vehicles, and IDF support and are trained in their use, as well as in tactics. UGR is capable of conducting ambushes on BLUFOR from received contact reports via spotters and patrols." + "Most Probable Course of Action (MPCOA) - If attacked, is to Reinforce. UGR's strength lies in their ability to mobilize reinforcements within five (5) minutes of reported contact." + "Critical Vulnerability (CV) - UGR has no aerial support. Reinforcements must travel by road to reach the engagement area and are susceptible to interdiction and delay or destruction by BLUFOR assets." + "Friendly" + "Higher - Alpha Company is has completed CAX and are making preparations to execute the CAXFX." + "Adjacent - 2nd Sqd & Wpns are acting as QRF aboard Camp Warfighter." + "Support - 1st SRIG, callsign "Oracle," conducting R&S operations to locate UGR patrol bases, areas of influence and firm bases."], ["Mission", "On 27Apr20131900GMT, 1st Plt 1st Sqd will conduct a clearing operation of the island of Utes IOT seize control from the UGR, by locating and eliminating it's leadership, and assist in the re-establishment of the Utes government which will end the CAXFX."], Chaos1_2, ["Situation", "Enemy <br/>The island of Utes is controlled by the local guerrilla group called "Utes Guerrilla Resistance" (UGR). Reporting indicates UGR conducts surveillance operations on BLUFOR training in the area. Reporting also states UGR patrol villages providing law and order to citizens who assist their cause and terrorize those who oppose it. Reporting indicates the UGR has the ability to plan and conduct IED attacks, utilizing PPIEDs and RCIEDs, on BLUFOR. Citizens who strike these IEDs are compensated for their damages in exchange for their silence and cooperation. Reports indicate UGR stores weapons crates in populated areas for use if BLUFOR are encountered in the villages. According to recent reporting, UGR has conducted raids on lightly guarded joint BLUFOR outposts and seized armored & light vehicles, and IDF support and are trained in their use, as well as in tactics. UGR is capable of conducting ambushes on BLUFOR from received contact reports via spotters and patrols." + "Most Probable Course of Action (MPCOA) - If attacked, is to Reinforce. UGR's strength lies in their ability to mobilize reinforcements within five (5) minutes of reported contact." + "Critical Vulnerability (CV) - UGR has no aerial support. Reinforcements must travel by road to reach the engagement area and are susceptible to interdiction and delay or destruction by BLUFOR assets." + "Friendly" + "Higher - Alpha Company is has completed CAX and are making preparations to execute the CAXFX." + "Adjacent - 2nd Sqd & Wpns are acting as QRF aboard Camp Warfighter." + "Support - 1st SRIG, callsign "Oracle," conducting R&S operations to locate UGR patrol bases, areas of influence and firm bases."], ["Mission", "On 27Apr20131900GMT, 1st Plt 1st Sqd will conduct a clearing operation of the island of Utes IOT seize control from the UGR, by locating and eliminating it's leadership, and assist in the re-establishment of the Utes government which will end the CAXFX."], Chaos1_3, ["Situation", "Enemy <br/>The island of Utes is controlled by the local guerrilla group called "Utes Guerrilla Resistance" (UGR). Reporting indicates UGR conducts surveillance operations on BLUFOR training in the area. Reporting also states UGR patrol villages providing law and order to citizens who assist their cause and terrorize those who oppose it. Reporting indicates the UGR has the ability to plan and conduct IED attacks, utilizing PPIEDs and RCIEDs, on BLUFOR. Citizens who strike these IEDs are compensated for their damages in exchange for their silence and cooperation. Reports indicate UGR stores weapons crates in populated areas for use if BLUFOR are encountered in the villages. According to recent reporting, UGR has conducted raids on lightly guarded joint BLUFOR outposts and seized armored & light vehicles, and IDF support and are trained in their use, as well as in tactics. UGR is capable of conducting ambushes on BLUFOR from received contact reports via spotters and patrols." + "Most Probable Course of Action (MPCOA) - If attacked, is to Reinforce. UGR's strength lies in their ability to mobilize reinforcements within five (5) minutes of reported contact." + "Critical Vulnerability (CV) - UGR has no aerial support. Reinforcements must travel by road to reach the engagement area and are susceptible to interdiction and delay or destruction by BLUFOR assets." + "Friendly" + "Higher - Alpha Company is has completed CAX and are making preparations to execute the CAXFX." + "Adjacent - 2nd Sqd & Wpns are acting as QRF aboard Camp Warfighter." + "Support - 1st SRIG, callsign "Oracle," conducting R&S operations to locate UGR patrol bases, areas of influence and firm bases."], ["Mission", "On 27Apr20131900GMT, 1st Plt 1st Sqd will conduct a clearing operation of the island of Utes IOT seize control from the UGR, by locating and eliminating it's leadership, and assist in the re-establishment of the Utes government which will end the CAXFX."] ] call FHQ_TT_addBriefing; [ Chaos1, ["taskC11Obj1", "Chaos 1-1 is to clear the village of Strelka of all enemy combatants. Be advised that intelligence reporting indicates UGR will reinforce its combatants if requested. Locate and destroy any weapon caches in the village. If any information of potential intelligence value is discovered, collect it for analysis and processing. Locate any patrol bases IVO the village from which UGR operations may be planned.", "Clear Strelka Village", "", getmarkerpos "c11obj1", "assigned"], ["taskC11Obj2", "Chaos 1-1 is to clear the village of Kamenyy of all enemy combatants. Locate and destroy any weapon caches in the village. If any information of potential intelligence value is discovered, collect it for analysis and processing. Locate any patrol bases IVO the village from which UGR operations may be planned.", "Clear Kamenyy Village", "", getMarkerPos "c11obj2"], ["taskRTB", "Chaos1_1 is to RTB for resupply after objectives 1&2 are completed and standby for follow-on tasking.", "RTB", "", getmarkerpos "c11obj3"] Chaos1_1, ["taskC11Obj1", "Chaos 1-1 is to clear the village of Strelka of all enemy combatants. Be advised that intelligence reporting indicates UGR will reinforce its combatants if requested. Locate and destroy any weapon caches in the village. If any information of potential intelligence value is discovered, collect it for analysis and processing. Locate any patrol bases IVO the village from which UGR operations may be planned.", "Clear Strelka Village", "", getmarkerpos "c11obj1", "assigned"], ["taskC11Obj2", "Chaos 1-1 is to clear the village of Kamenyy of all enemy combatants. Locate and destroy any weapon caches in the village. If any information of potential intelligence value is discovered, collect it for analysis and processing. Locate any patrol bases IVO the village from which UGR operations may be planned.", "Clear Kamenyy Village", "", getMarkerPos "c11obj2"], ["taskRTB", "Chaos1_1 is to RTB for resupply after objectives 1&2 are completed and standby for follow-on tasking.", "RTB", "", getmarkerpos "c11obj3"] Chaos1_2, ["taskC11Obj1", "Chaos 1-1 is to clear the village of Strelka of all enemy combatants. Be advised that intelligence reporting indicates UGR will reinforce its combatants if requested. Locate and destroy any weapon caches in the village. If any information of potential intelligence value is discovered, collect it for analysis and processing. Locate any patrol bases IVO the village from which UGR operations may be planned.", "Clear Strelka Village", "", getmarkerpos "c11obj1", "assigned"], ["taskC11Obj2", "Chaos 1-1 is to clear the village of Kamenyy of all enemy combatants. Locate and destroy any weapon caches in the village. If any information of potential intelligence value is discovered, collect it for analysis and processing. Locate any patrol bases IVO the village from which UGR operations may be planned.", "Clear Kamenyy Village", "", getMarkerPos "c11obj2"], ["taskRTB", "Chaos1_1 is to RTB for resupply after objectives 1&2 are completed and standby for follow-on tasking.", "RTB", "", getmarkerpos "c11obj3"] Chaos1_3, ["taskC11Obj1", "Chaos 1-1 is to clear the village of Strelka of all enemy combatants. Be advised that intelligence reporting indicates UGR will reinforce its combatants if requested. Locate and destroy any weapon caches in the village. If any information of potential intelligence value is discovered, collect it for analysis and processing. Locate any patrol bases IVO the village from which UGR operations may be planned.", "Clear Strelka Village", "", getmarkerpos "c11obj1", "assigned"], ["taskC11Obj2", "Chaos 1-1 is to clear the village of Kamenyy of all enemy combatants. Locate and destroy any weapon caches in the village. If any information of potential intelligence value is discovered, collect it for analysis and processing. Locate any patrol bases IVO the village from which UGR operations may be planned.", "Clear Kamenyy Village", "", getMarkerPos "c11obj2"] ["taskRTB", "Chaos1_1 is to RTB for resupply after objectives 1&2 are completed and standby for follow-on tasking.", "RTB", "", getmarkerpos "c11obj3"] ] call FHQ_TT_addTasks; Any help with why it will not show up?
  10. _Ronin_

    FHQ TaskTracker

    Problem with tasks posting. I copied this directly as it was written and I changed the variables to fit my mission. I tried to preview the mission and I had no dice. Can someone assist me so I can correct the error of my ways? Thanks in advance. call compile preProcessFileLineNumbers "fhqtt.sqf"; [ /* These entries are only visible for the units in PlayerGroup */ Chaos1, Chaos1_1, Chaos1_2, Chaos1_3, ["Situation", "Enemy <br/>The island of Utes is controlled by the local guerrilla group called "Utes Guerrilla Resistance" (UGR). Reporting indicates UGR conducts surveillance operations on BLUFOR training in the area. Reporting also states UGR patrol villages providing law and order to citizens who assist their cause and terrorize those who oppose it. Reporting indicates the UGR has the ability to plan and conduct IED attacks, utilizing PPIEDs and RCIEDs, on BLUFOR. Citizens who strike these IEDs are compensated for their damages in exchange for their silence and cooperation. Reports indicate UGR stores weapons crates in populated areas for use if BLUFOR are encountered in the villages. According to recent reporting, UGR has conducted raids on lightly guarded joint BLUFOR outposts and seized armored & light vehicles, and IDF support and are trained in their use, as well as in tactics. UGR is capable of conducting ambushes on BLUFOR from received contact reports via spotters and patrols." + "Most Probable Course of Action (MPCOA) - If attacked, is to Reinforce. UGR's strength lies in their ability to mobilize reinforcements within five (5) minutes of reported contact." + "Critical Vulnerability (CV) - UGR has no aerial support. Reinforcements must travel by road to reach the engagement area and are susceptible to interdiction and delay or destruction by BLUFOR assets." + "Friendly" + "Higher - Alpha Company is has completed CAX and are making preparations to execute the CAXFX." + "Adjacent - 2nd Sqd & Wpns are acting as QRF aboard Camp Warfighter." + "Support - 1st SRIG, callsign "Oracle," conducting R&S operations to locate UGR patrol bases, areas of influence and firm bases."], ["Mission", "On 27Apr20131900GMT, 1st Plt 1st Sqd will conduct a clearing operation of the island of Utes IOT seize control from the UGR, by locating and eliminating it's leadership, and assist in the re-establishment of the Utes government which will end the CAXFX."] call FHQ_TT_addBriefing; [ Chaos1, Chaos1_1, Chaos1_2, Chaos1_3, ["taskC11Obj1", "Chaos 1-1 is to clear the village of Strelka of all enemy combatants. Be advised that intelligence reporting indicates UGR will reinforce its combatants if requested. Locate and destroy any weapon caches in the village. If any information of potential intelligence value is discovered, collect it for analysis and processing. Locate any patrol bases IVO the village from which UGR operations may be planned.", "Clear Strelka Village", "", getmarkerpos "c11obj1", "assigned"], ["taskC11Obj2", "Chaos 1-1 is to clear the village of Kamenyy of all enemy combatants. Locate and destroy any weapon caches in the village. If any information of potential intelligence value is discovered, collect it for analysis and processing. Locate any patrol bases IVO the village from which UGR operations may be planned.", "Clear Kamenyy Village", "", getMarkerPos "c11obj2"], ["taskRTB", "Chaos1_1 is to RTB for resupply after objectives 1&2 are completed and standby for follow-on tasking.", "RTB", "", getmarkerpos "c11obj3"] call FHQ_TT_addTasks; All the group names are set (using the "groupname = group this" command) and markers are labeled correctly, but neither my tasks nor my notes have been appearing.
  11. Yea airway & broken bones. Thanks for helping out regarding some of the options though. Now I can teach my community. I wonder if all the items work, but I'm sure they would be visible if they did work (i.e. elastic bandage, chest seal, quick clot, etc). Thanks.
  12. I understand. does that apply with all the other items that are not highlighted in the field?
  13. I have a problem where I am unable to use the Medical Kit icon consistently. I had a situation today where my medic had a messed up leg and i was able to stem the bleeding but unable to treat him. After opening & closing the CMS menu repeatedly, I noticed the medkit icon would briefly light up and I was able to quickly click it before it went away to heal him. I am sure this is not how it is supposed to work. Can someone help me with this, please? Thanks in advance. I also have a question regarding the chest seal, elastic bandages, and quick clot. Does any of these items work in game? I don't see where myself, or my medic, can select them to administer to patients if needed. Thanks.
  14. _Ronin_

    Taskmaster 2

    Hey guys. I'm sorry to bother you with more coding but I have run into trouble trying to use the TaskMasterBriefing.sqf. I know I'm in the right area so I'm just going to post the tasks and notes I'm trying to create. [[ ["(group _x == "Chaos 1-1","Chaos 1-1-A","Chaos 1-1-B")","Obj1","Clear Strelka Village","Chaos 1-1 is to clear the village of Strelka of all enemy combatants. Be advised that intelligence reporting indicates UGR will reinforce its combatants if requested. Locate and destroy any weapon caches in the village. If any information of potential intelligence value is discovered, collect it for analysis and processing. Locate any patrol bases IVO the village from which UGR operations may be planned.",WEST,["Chaos 1-1 OBJ1",getpos c1-1obj1,]], ["(group _x == "Chaos 1-1","Chaos 1-1-A","Chaos 1-1-B")","Obj2","Clear Kamenyy Village","Chaos 1-1 is to clear the village of Kamenyy of all enemy combatants. Locate and destroy any weapon caches in the village. If any information of potential intelligence value is discovered, collect it for analysis and processing. Locate any patrol bases IVO the village from which UGR operations may be planned.",true,["Chaos 1-1 OBJ2",getpos c1-1obj2,]], ["(group _x == "Chaos 1-1","Chaos 1-1-A","Chaos 1-1-B")","Obj3","RTB","Chaos 1-1 is to return to base and debrief the operation. They will resupply and stand by for follow-on tasking.",true,["Chaos 1-1 OBJ3",getpos c1-1obj3,]] ],[ ["Mission","On 27Apr20131900GMT, 1st Plt 1st Sqd will conduct a clearing operation of the island of Utes IOT seize control from the UGR, by locating and eliminating it's leadership, and assist in the re-establishment of the Utes government which will end the CAXFX."], ["Situation"," Enemy <br/>The island of Utes is controlled by the local guerrilla group called "Utes Guerrilla Resistance" (UGR). Reporting indicates UGR conducts surveillance operations on BLUFOR training in the area. Reporting also states UGR patrol villages providing law and order to citizens who assist their cause and terrorize those who oppose it. Reporting indicates the UGR has the ability to plan and conduct IED attacks, utilizing PPIEDs and RCIEDs, on BLUFOR. Citizens who strike these IEDs are compensated for their damages in exchange for their silence and cooperation. Reports indicate UGR stores weapons crates in populated areas for use if BLUFOR are encountered in the villages. According to recent reporting, UGR has conducted raids on lightly guarded joint BLUFOR outposts and seized armored & light vehicles, and IDF support and are trained in their use, as well as in tactics. UGR is capable of conducting ambushes on BLUFOR from received contact reports via spotters and patrols. <br/>Most Probable Course of Action (MPCOA) - If attacked, is to Reinforce. UGR's strength lies in their ability to mobilize reinforcements within five (5) minutes of reported contact. <br/>Critical Vulnerability (CV) - UGR has no aerial support. Reinforcements must travel by road to reach the engagement area and are susceptible to interdiction and delay or destruction by BLUFOR assets. <br/>Friendly <br/>Higher - Alpha Company is has completed CAX and are making preparations to execute the CAXFX. <br/>Adjacent - 2nd Sqd & Wpns are acting as QRF aboard Camp Warfighter. <br/>Support - 1st SRIG, callsign "Oracle," conducting R&S operations to locate UGR patrol bases, areas of influence and firm bases."], ]] execvm "shk_taskmaster.sqf"; Can I get a little help or could you just talk me through it so I can understand and do it on my own? Thanks in advance. Let me add that this is for Arma2
  15. @Harzach, Thanks bro. It worked. I appreciate it and now I know what I did wrong. @LockJaw, I also retried your method and found that adding a couple of quotations (VehicleVarName Method) worked for me too. Thanks.