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Everything posted by Sneakson

  1. Sneakson

    Any chance for default melee weapons?

    Some jackhammer in your neighbourhood.
  2. Sneakson

    Mission Music - Copyright infrigement?

    Anyone uploading videos containing copyrighted music to Youtube can get into trouble... the internet police are all over that place.
  3. Sneakson

    Any chance for default melee weapons?

    I think melee is appropriate. CQB, special ops, stealth... a knife is a man's best friend?
  4. Sneakson

    steady aim

    ARMA3 is perfect... when aiming you SHOULD be accurate, that's the point duh. If anything should change then it's the movement speed which could be made lower when aiming so accurately.
  5. Sneakson

    Ammo type suggestion

    Just hover your mouse over the ammo and it should say what weapons it is for.
  6. Sneakson

    Shooting around corners

    Remote vision guns and cornershots aren't blindfire but they're related enough to also be discussed here. I don't mind them. And if anyone does mind them they'll just have to play servers that don't use them. In a year ARMA3 is probably going to have everything from dinosaurs to ponies thanks to the mod community so arguing any feature some people may like and some people may not like shouldn't be implemented is pretty pointless duh. ARMA's going sandbox style. Anyways Ghost Recon 2 (9 years old now) has this gun called the XM29 OICW with remote vision, airburst grenades, night vision, thermal vision, 6x zoom, you name it... In reality it continued development into the XM25 CDTE and it was apparently deployed in 2010 and entering full use this year. The wiki site doesn't mention anything about remote vision though. Airburst grenades are still badass. I think critics are going to react if ARMA3 doesn’t come with ANY high tech stuff even though it’s set 20 years into the future. Ghost Recon: Future Soldier is set only 10 years into the future and has active camo, ground drones and all sorts of wild sci-fi nonsense.
  7. Could definitely be an alternative. I don't mind it they way it already is though.
  8. Sneakson

    Movement speed tweaking

    Doesn't sound like a bug. Nope? >_> Explain?
  9. Basically what the title says. A txt to put in the init line in the editor of a supply box to spawn one or many of every item (clothes, equipment, weapons...) in the game into one crate. Making a list like that for your own takes forever and I'm guessing someone already has one or something close to it for playing around some with.
  10. I did it twice for some reason I can't remember and for the second time I just forgot to add that stuff to the description file.
  11. Sneakson

    Soldiers appearance. Important!

    Different what? Knee pads? Go play Morrowind, dammit. Different knee pads don't give you different stats, protection and if you're worrying so much about appearance perhaps you should go play with a doll or something. Besides I doubt the soldiers have much choice. I don't see too much point in having bigger men either. Implementing soldiers of different sizes would take a lot of work reanimating the guys, remodeling their clothes and would introduce the inconsistency that clothes would change size depending on the wearer! And naturally it has been proven time and time again that even a child can shoot a gun so I do believe in skinny soldiers.
  12. Sneakson

    Vault,Dive,roll for movement?

    Oh yes, using dolphin diving as an argument against jumping was not a smart move there ;) You just shot yourself and everyone arguing that jumping is a bad idea in the foot. Now your arguments are nothing but stumps!
  13. Sneakson

    shooting deliay before shot

    Low mouse batteries? :s
  14. Sneakson

    Movement speed tweaking

    The only things bugging me right now is that crouching is exactly the same speed or even faster than standing up and that all movement with weapon lowered makes you wobble your head around like a god damn Skrillex beat.
  15. Hey, I heard there were some changes to the AI in the patch some days ago. Pre-patch I tried playing Escape from Stratis with bots and had terrible lag absolutely regardless of settings (even with vision 500/500). Post-patch I suddenly noticed really sweet framerates in Headhunters (also lots of ai) and noticed I could turn the settings up to my singleplayer high-ultra levels and still be on a pleasant about 30 very playable fps. I don't even think I turned background programs off. Has there been a plain and simple positive optimization in every sense of the word or is this just me? Gonna try it out again tonight anyways.
  16. The AI still isn't too bright but they don't cause slowdowns in any mission I've played.
  17. I'm hating this shit >_< I probably shouldn't Elite... Been playing the whole night and haven't even cleared the mortars... Great concept, I guess. I’d make a map just like it. It’s not actually playing out well for me at all though. Perhaps I should try Recruit with disabled HUD.
  18. Sneakson

    Users are falling down badly?

    You wanna leave? Get the fuck out. *shrug*
  19. Sneakson

    Shooting around corners

    It would be really simple if CTRL+Q/E simply was used to stick your gun out left or right, then froze your position and made the mouse control weapon direction instead of look direction. Only problem then would be blind firing up by holding your weapon higher than your head since CTRL+WASD is already in use. You could bind it to something random, somewhat unintuitive like CTRL+X I guess... or if we get to bind our own buttons for adjusting I might put adjust up/down on CTRL+Z/C which are my stand/prone buttons or something. Some people have also requested being able to bind adjusting to the mouse wheel instead. As long as players get a free choice I’m pretty sure we’ll develop a way to control it intuitively. Anyways CTRL+Q/E isn't used for anything right now if I remember correctly and that would be a very simple way to get blind-firing controls into the game without changing a thing and being extremely intuitive since CTRL is for adjust stances always.
  20. Sneakson

    Safety / Weapon Malfunctions

    What if 2xCTRL put the gun in safety mode, then put it down? Would need a changed animation and take quarter a second longer but perhaps be nicer? I think it's silly to be able to look down on your weapon and see AUTO, SEMI and SAFE and only be able to use two.
  21. Sneakson

    Users are falling down badly?

    Stop being crazy. When the game hits beta and retail we'll have more content, more people, more modding, improved gameplay and stability and anti-cheating systems.
  22. Sneakson

    Shooting around corners

    I made some suggestions before. Basically imagine running up to a wall corner, then you press a blind-firing button and your character automatically sticks the gun to the right/left if you're at a corner and otherwise up under all other circumstances. Auto-detection for corners shouldn't be difficult and having it always go up when not at a corner means the game won't have to determine when you're hiding behind a rock or wall which probably is trickier but absolutely not impossible. While you press the button your look direction freezes and the mouse instead controls the direction of the gun (move mouse right = point the gun right) and shoot as normal. If auto-detection works poorly your movement could also be frozen and WASD be used to control gun position to manually move it up, to the left, right or down around obstacles. Either that or the command could simply stick out the gun without any particular direction but not being able to direct your blind fire based on educated guesses where you enemy is would be really useless. If the default simply makes you put your gun up in the air the command would also be useful when proning or in whatever situation your want to fire from a sligthly higher position to shoot above stuff up ahead. It would be pretty nice if you did that automatically when you're crouched behind rocks instead of having your barrel below your field of vision so you end up shooting the rocks thinking you're gonna shoot over it. Always annoying. Does the game already do something like that after the latest patch when rounding corners by the way? While in the tight lighthouse I noticed my guy waving his weapon left and right as if I had been adjusting even though I wasn't. I mean games are supposed to emulate control over your body and noone ever wants to shoot a rock or obstacle they're hiding behind. Anyways guys don't forget to vote on the feedback ticket in the OP! It started off massively negative and originally the ticket was about some other similar features also, I think and as such it may be more negative than it should.
  23. Sneakson

    Stupid AI Tricks

    My guys keep standing with their binoculars just sorta looking into hills and stuff, chillin'. Chilly. I wish the AI was more like Ghost Recon 1, that game has some AI! When an enemy is shot at they drop or take cover as first priority then either shoot back or they find a perfect blind spot where there's some sort of bush or other obstacle in a direct line between you and them and then they approach you. Suddenly an ai can pop out of a bush right in front of you without you expecting it when you've been still for a while because they've been approaching you in a direct line behind some obstacle in your vision. I also really like being smartly outflanked in video games. Always impresses me. ARMA3 AI can do it decently... if you lie still for too long in Showcase 1 suddenly you'll have a group of enemies running up your sides.
  24. Sneakson

    Users are falling down badly?

    How about /thread?