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Everything posted by killzone_kid

  1. The code looks ok, apart from that you probably better off adding magazines before adding weapon. What's the last hint displayed when you run your script OP? ---------- Post added at 22:17 ---------- Previous post was at 22:14 ---------- KitArray will be identical to WepArray, what is the point?
  2. killzone_kid

    Dear BIS Devs!

    If someone goes player="trololol"; publicVariable "player"; it will break MP instantly for everyone. But I guess it ain't a problem then.
  3. killzone_kid

    [Help] Issues with values.

    scalar means that the engine knows the type of variable (which is scalar i.e. number) but value is undefined.
  4. killzone_kid

    change the AI max spot distance?

    I'd imagine you would need to overwrite the class, redefine it again in config.hpp in your mod class CfgAISkill { aimingAccuracy[] = {0,0,1,1}; aimingShake[] = {0,0,1,1}; aimingSpeed[] = {0,0.5,1,1}; commanding[] = {0,0,1,1}; courage[] = {0,0,1,1}; endurance[] = {0,0,1,1}; general[] = {0,0,1,1}; reloadSpeed[] = {0,0,1,1}; spotDistance[] = {0,0.2,1,0.4}; spotTime[] = {0,0,1,0.7}; }; then change spot distance probability to min 1 max 1 regardless of skill just to see if it's working spotDistance[] = {0,1,1,1};
  5. killzone_kid

    Marker Names ???

    http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/allMapMarkers maybe?
  6. killzone_kid

    Debriefing and parsing Variables to it ?

    Well it seems it is kinda possible.
  7. You can disable user input and then script camera and animations yourself in MP. It even gives you wide screen borders on camera sort of cinematic effect.
  8. killzone_kid

    change the AI max spot distance?

    ai with spotting skill 1 will still have 0.4 spotting probability. you will probably need to overwrite cfgAIskills to make it higher
  9. killzone_kid

    Questions about scripting in Arma 3

    i wouldnt keep high hopes for java just yet looks like it might be supported as an extension which is not too bad but core will still be sqf.
  10. killzone_kid

    Get Map Name via Scripting

    And so is _array find _item as well, but if (worldName == "ChErNaRuS") then {...} will be true on chernarus map.
  11. killzone_kid

    Get Map Name via Scripting

    Makes no difference arma string comparison is case insensitive basically "CherNarUs" == "chernarus" will produce true
  12. killzone_kid

    Distance check for array

    too many ((((( waitUntil {side player == blufor && {(player distance _spwnpos) < 10}};
  13. killzone_kid

    unlock door/computer

    You can check if player is facing object with direction player command and some geometry calculations. There are also built in BIS functions you can use for that but in my experience you are better off writing your own.
  14. _castlegate = createVehicle ["Land_A_Castle_Gate", position Castlegate, [], 0, "NONE"]; _castlegate setDir 120; //your direction _castlegate setPos (getPos _castlegate); Use setPos after you used setDir to sync.
  15. killzone_kid

    [Help] Issues with values.

    use format ["%1",_value] instead of str _value. "any" will not show with str but will show with format (due to error trying to str undefined value)
  16. you can just have a config.sqf file redistributed with new scripts that will contain paths to new scripts if you want drag and drop system. the path to config.sqf is permanent then config.sqf can contain all other configs you need to run new scripts.
  17. Doesnt work for me either
  18. perhaps vehicle was damaged 0.5 and more?
  19. killzone_kid

    .vars.Arma3AlphaProfile ?

    While the dev is here, will it work on dedi server? I haven't tested it for the lack of one.
  20. killzone_kid


    Trying to terminate spawned script from inside said script froze and crashed my Arma 2 quite few times for it to be an accident. Maybe Arma 3 is different.
  21. actually you are not removing anything, your currentplayers equals playableunits, this is why it works.
  22. if (!isPlayer _unit) then { //not human player };
  23. in this case //function: rHINT = []; fnc_rHINT = { private ["_player","_message"]; _player = _this select 0; _message = _this select 1; if (!isNull _player && {local _player}) then { hint _message; }; }; "rHINT" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select 1) call fnc_rHINT;}; //call: rHINT = [playerObj, "message"]; if (local (rHINT select 0)) then { rHINT call fnc_rHINT; } else { publicVariable "rHINT"; };
  24. killzone_kid

    gui editor

    Nice one, thanks.
  25. killzone_kid

    .vars.Arma3AlphaProfile ?

    you can store ingame variables in the file and retrieve them later for example with http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/saveProfileNamespace