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Everything posted by p_siddy

  1. p_siddy

    3CB BAF Weapons

  2. Am I being silly? I cant see any .pbo's in the GitHub linked and really want to have a play with this.
  3. p_siddy

    After a favour from car lovers

    All, A friend if mine has put blood, sweat and tears into restoring his BMW and making it road worthy again. It has been entered into a competition and I'd be hugely grateful if you wouldn't mind up voting it. You do not need register and only have to hit the heart button to vote. http://www.bimmersmagazine.com/bimmerscotm?contest=photo-detail&photo_id=1166 Thanks in advance, Siddy
  4. This post made me lol! Good work Rock!
  5. p_siddy

    UAV Controls

    Anyone know if there is a way to make the UAV's in game controllable by two people at the same time. I.E. One player Piloting and the other controlling the camera/weapons?
  6. p_siddy

    Two new scopes

    Really like your work Kiory! Just wish I had the money to give you to make me some shit :D
  7. Just wondering if you plan on making a UAV control station or similar? The NASAMS one is quite cool!
  8. Literally some of the best work I've seen coming out recently. I keep joking that our unit should re role as Spanish Marines just to use this mod! The Reaper looks nice! Wish there was a RAF one!
  9. p_siddy

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    Sorry quick question.. is the Mediafire link on the OP up to date? The date on their is from 2015 and PWS is taking FOREVER to download! ---edit--- Cancel Cancel. As soon as I posted this it jumped from like 10% to complete :D ---edit--- Cancel the cancel. It wont update to the latest version for some reason :( Will wait for Armaholic mirror I guess. ---edit--- Just had it pointed out to me that its a WIP update and not that the mods been updated.... guess I need sleep afterall.
  10. p_siddy

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    Unless you're into that kind of thing. On another note I've followed this mod since the start and flown around in the editor a fair bit with a lot of these aircraft.. As a Brit its nice to see the F35B added. I may even roll out of bed and go have a play with it now. Who needs sleep anyway!
  11. This looks really really good gents. Pumped to see it in action. Good work
  12. p_siddy

    RSO Creations

    Nice Spook. I'll keep my eye's peeled!
  13. Good to see this is still being worked on. I used to love jumping in and flying about when this was first released. Hope you get your problems sorted!
  14. This looks good! Any chance an RAF/RN skin can be added to your list. I know the RAF aren't ordering the 'C' but it will probably be a good option for British units.
  15. That BAM and the rest of the mod look so amazing it almost makes me want to join a spanish unit, just to use them on a regular basis!
  16. Is there anything your not doing :P Nice work bud!
  17. p_siddy

    Boeing CH-47F V1.17

    Thanks for doing the RAF skin!!! Its a good one at that! Look forward to see what else is coming to this mod!
  18. Hugely impressed to say the least. That BAM looks amazing! Congrats.
  19. Really nice job. Was good fun to drive around on. Im not hugely in to tanks so i drove around in a Jackel. Nearly rolled it twice... :D I really think this would be perfect if it was a bit bigger with a military garrison and airbase.
  20. Looks nice, look forward to jumping on my pc later and having a play. Shame it wasnt 10x10 or 20x20 so that combined arms units could use it as a map for home rotations.
  21. p_siddy

    Boeing CH-47F V1.17

    +1 to a RAF texture, please :D Could you also confirm if this already has AFM compatibility or if it is planned?
  22. All, We're currently trying to set up our server for our first 'official' deployment. However, the persistency isn't working. When we try to save we get this error in the log: 2016/02/05, 0:42:36 ALiVE Exit - mode: SAVESERVERYO 2016/02/05, 0:42:36 -------------------------------------------------------------- 2016/02/05, 0:42:36 ALiVE Exit - mode: REMSAVE 2016/02/05, 0:42:36 [8716,273.493,109.479,"x\alive\addons\main\fnc_buttonAbort.sqf:41","PLAYER CLICKING ON ABORT BUTTON: _this=["SAVESERVERYO","76561198059112808"]"] 2016/02/05, 0:42:36 [8716,273.493,109.479,"x\alive\addons\main\fnc_buttonAbort.sqf:41","PLAYER CLICKING ON ABORT BUTTON: _this=["REMSAVE"]"] 2016/02/05, 0:42:36 ALiVE SYS_PLAYER - DISCONNECT 2016/02/05, 0:42:36 ALiVE SYS_PLAYER - PLAYER UNIT FOUND IN PLAYABLEUNITS (major) 2016/02/05, 0:42:36 ALiVE SYS_PLAYER - DISCONNECT 2016/02/05, 0:42:36 ALiVE SYS_PLAYER - PLAYER UNIT NOT FOUND IN PLAYABLEUNITS (HC) 2016/02/05, 0:42:36 ALiVE_fnc_HashGet retrieved wrong input [any,"lastSaveTime"]! 2016/02/05, 0:42:36 Error in expression <id] call AL Any help would be hugely appreciated.