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Everything posted by machineabuse

  1. machineabuse

    Advanced Helicopter FDM Feedback

    Advanced FDM is now essentially unplayable without analog controls. With keyboard inputs it was previously kind of possible to get away with binding Shift+collective up/down to quickly make fast collective inputs. Now using that instantly rips the rotors off the top of the helo and of course the tail rotor is the other victim :) I understand that the new FDM is made primarily with analog controllers in mind but perhaps at some point a look over the keyboard controls is in order. Perhaps adding a force/time curve for 100% rudder and collective inputs. That said I wonder if it is even possible to de-rotor a helo making such an input without pulling maneuvers.
  2. machineabuse

    Firing from Vehicles feedback

    Leaning out of car windows should be more doable on the mod front once the base system for firing from vehicles is complete. Historically the major issues with this on the mod front have been related to synchronicity issues keeping players in the right spot in/on the vehicle especially over network. Once BI makes the core more robust a lot of windows will open (no pun intended) :)
  3. machineabuse

    Firing from Vehicles feedback

    If Force exceeds X = animate ragdoll. Also, falling out of the vehicle might actually save your life in some cases.
  4. machineabuse

    Firing from Vehicles feedback

    I know ;) I'm a big fan of security vs convenience when it comes to the consequences of one's actions. If you want to kneel in the back of a truck you ought to understand that you can fall out. That creates more interesting scenarios to happen organically.
  5. machineabuse

    Firing from Vehicles feedback

    This would be a wonderful provision to have especially for modders. It would be pretty sweet that if using such a position it would be possible to fall out of the vehicle if it maneuvered too violently to distinguish it from a "secure" firing position.
  6. machineabuse

    Arma 2 AV-8B Harrier II Port

    Thanks for bringing the Harrier back to us! :) Current implementation feels mighty fine and am really looking forward to the fully functional HUD. I would say that what this would benefit immensely from is a config for compatibility with Feint's Headrange Plus mod so that TrackIR pilots can get the 6dof groove on :cool: There's something about your port that feels a lot nicer than the vanilla fixed wings in A3 I must say
  7. machineabuse

    Firing from Vehicles feedback

    Solid copy all! :cool:
  8. machineabuse

    Firing from Vehicles feedback

    TrackIR is broken with Firing from vehicles in all cases. A temporary condition I hope?
  9. Oh my how have I not seen this before :) Will be waiting for this in great anticipation!
  10. machineabuse

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    Everyone intensifies on needing to delete that .PBO evidently.
  11. machineabuse

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    I digress from the thread topic to assert this but given the history of the ArmA/Flashpoint franchise I believe your point is largely invalid. We are after all talking about a franchise that sits the fence between allowing things like first and 3rd person perspective, various rules regarding visibility of units on the map and also a whole 3rd person high command interface. "Unfocused and confused" you say? Now personally, I and the group I play with don't use any of that but I appreciate that the diversity that is possible to represent a wide playership. What is in our collective interest is that BI makes money. If a more forgiving stamina system allows inroads for new players (most of which you or I will never play with so why worry about them "watering down" our experience?) I have no problems with that. For mods, I am good with that. At point of sale to new players? Read paragraph 2.
  12. machineabuse

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    No rudeness intended but I don't think you really appreciate just how fit the ArmA soldier is. On flat ground with 20kg he can move pretty darned far and fast before needing to rest unless you are trying to hold the sprint key. And for another thing you need to appreciate that he can do that over rough terrain that for a guy carrying 20kg he never slips, never sprains his ankles, never needs to work through blisters and never needs to hydrate. Now with that said; I DO think fatigue should be scale-able for players who want to play a more of a typical shooter.
  13. machineabuse

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    I'm inclined to disagree and . Again I need to reiterate that it *feels* unreasonable due to the fact that fatigue and weight feedback lacks clarity to the player. Simply put, the player doesn't have a good sense of how much they are carrying and how quickly they are tiring so it *feels* overdone.But it isn't ;)
  14. Sweet models :) If only there was an easy way to globally replace vanilla weapons. I'd love to replay the campaign with these as Tavor replacements.
  15. machineabuse

    Helmet Mounted Displays MOD

    Oh cool :) I've learned something new today!
  16. machineabuse

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    I think this is where we stand overall; 1. Some of us recognize the need for a stamina bar to facilitate getting over inadequate feedback. 2. By way of demonstration via ShackTac's Stamina Bar; as an exercise in utility a bar does indeed work. 3. Some of us would like a native option for a stamina bar for the express purpose of playing on servers who may for whatever reason choose not to support said mod. 4. Most of us don't wish to force the use or the denial of HUD elements on others. 5. Various solutions of diegetic and non-diegetic means as well as technologically canonical means have been discussed. Whether any of these will work is anyone's guess. 6. The mechanics of fatigue require abstraction as they are modeled around the vitals of the average ArmAverse warrior-athlete who's sole existence is to provide an avatar for players to inhabit and shoot at. The end goal being that the characteristics of said avatar be reasonably accurate to what a soldier could perceive as "real". 7. See point 2. :) Y'all are some pretty smart dudes for and against. Keeping the debate from getting too personal helps leverage that intellect.
  17. machineabuse

    Helmet Mounted Displays MOD

    That collective ladder is looking mighty delicious! :) I take the identical crosshairs for POV and gun are WIP?
  18. machineabuse

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    Generally speaking what most communities want is the ability to tailor all the HUD information for their needs. I too am of the mind that delineation of features by difficulty is somewhat archaic. For one thing, most of what is on the HUD is important for accessibility of the visually handicapped and the rest should be the domain of the server admin and mission maker to control the player to player consistency of the experience. If there is a stamina bar, that is an accessibility feature. If you feel you don't need it; power to you and turn it off. Simple as.
  19. machineabuse

    what is the most annoying thing for you in arma 3 ?

    Action menu. A close second is the modelling of almost all the iron sights being disproportionately small or in some cases nonsensical (Rahim and MK20 for example).
  20. machineabuse

    US Helicopters (HAFM OVerhaul) MOD

    It was about 5 meters away from edge of rotor disk to rotor disk.
  21. machineabuse

    US Helicopters (HAFM OVerhaul) MOD

    That may explain the spontaneously detonating chinook I experienced in testing too after I placed it moderately near another helo in the editor. It exploded maybe 20 seconds into the preview.
  22. machineabuse

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    I understand, but I still find it funny :) The old Surefire G2 on my desk has a switch typical of a modern combat light; you press it for momentary and you twist it for constant on. When using the momentary with gloves on the only indication anything worked is that the light comes on because you barely feel the switch. Personally I can't imagine an audible sound that would be appropriate given I know they shouldn't sound like anything.
  23. machineabuse

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    Companies spend tons of money making noiseless pressure switches for flashlights and lasers, gamers ask for them to make noise. Go figure :) I suppose you could say ambient occlusion for sound but the term itself is jargon for light rendering technique. Sound occlusion would be a better term.
  24. machineabuse

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    Any chance we can have the flight model separated from the aircraft armament changes? The changes to the weaponry are outstanding but the AGM flight model for most helos makes them seem grossly underpowered for lift and antitorque. Having vanilla as a pairing option would be nice :)
  25. machineabuse

    Better Little Bird Mod

    Looking forward to it! A frustration I have with AGM is that they've done great work with the weapon systems but their home grown flight model has pretty much turned most helos tail rotors into table fans. I'd be well happy to use BLM to scratch that itch :cool: