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Everything posted by mindstorm

  1. mindstorm

    [MP][RACE] Race for stratis 32

    Thx for the tip SavageCDN. I'm actually currently working on a new mode called "Death Race". The first part is a car-builder which let's you attach defensive (metal plates and stuff) and weapons to your vehicle. It saves configurations per vehicle so you won't have to rebuild. You then can race ala death race the movie. Of course more added parts/guns make slower vehicles. It's still far from done but I think it will be a nice race type.
  2. So I can launch textview2 normally. Then I open the "open file dialog" but once I click a folder textview2 crashes. Doesn't matter what folder. Win8 x64. My P drive exists. I tried starting as winxp sp3 but same thing. Any suggestions? --Edit-- After testing it seems that I also have problems loading models into oxygen 2. Just about every model I try to open makes the program crash.
  3. mindstorm

    [MP][RACE] Race for stratis 32

    Weird. Is this still the case? If so would you be willing to send me a copy of the your log files (%userprofile%\appdata\local\arma 3\, latest file). ProGamer: I'm starting the development of this as a race type. Unfortunately I don't have a lot of the time upcoming 2-4 weeks due to business related travels. And yes i've seen the movies, and like the idea.
  4. mindstorm

    [MP][RACE] Race for stratis 32

    I've had this idea as well. It probably won't be implemented in a scripted version however. It is possible to add custom weapons (as in "existing ones") to existing armored vehicles but unfortunately I don't believe it's possible to add weapons to vehicles like the offroad (without modding). I will start investigating features like the deathrace "activation" triggers very soon tho. Thank you for your suggestion =).
  5. mindstorm

    [MP][RACE] Race for stratis 32

    Could you be a bit more specific? I just tried it on stable build (MP with AI) and everything seemed to be working fine.
  6. Well I must say I have no clue what could be causing the support module to crash. This is the line that gives you an error: if (({_mdl = _x; typeOf _mdl == format ["SupportProvider_%1", _supportID] && {!(_x isKindOf "Logic") && !(vehicle _x isKindOf "Man") && canMove vehicle _x && count crew vehicle _x > 0} count synchronizedObjects _mdl > 0} count _allProviderModules > 0 || ({typeOf _x == format ["SupportProvider_Virtual_%1", _supportID]} count _allProviderModules > 0 && (count (_supportID call BIS_SUPP_getEligibleClasses) > 0 || {typeOf _x == format ["SupportProvider_Virtual_%1", _supportID] && count (_x getVariable "BIS_SUPP_vehicles") > 0} count _allProviderModules > 0))) && ((player getVariable format ["BIS_SUPP_used_%1", _supportID]) < (player getVariable format ["BIS_SUPP_limit_%1_total", _supportID]))) maybe it has something to do with the fact that you are using 2 support modules? I noticed that those BIS scripts don't use private vars so they might have a conflict there. Could you test it with only 1 support module? Else you might wanna create a ticket at the bugtracker.
  7. 1. I'm not sure but it seems you are passing a string instead of a object/marker or something to the module? You could maybe upload your mission? 2. again you forget to use format in this line: _smhint = "...<t align='center'><img size='5' image='%1'/></t>...", _image; It needs to be: _smhint = format["...<t align='center'><img size='5' image='%1'/></t>...", _image]; Else you will just display this string "...<t align='center'><img size='5' image='%1'/></t>..." without the %1 being replaced by the _image.
  8. 1. Please provide the script. 2. You forgot format _smhint = format["...<t align='center'><img size='5' image='%1'/></t>...", _image]; 3. Mission params are not automatically converted to variables in your script. Use this piece of code to do so. for "_i" from (0) to ((count paramsArray) - 1) do { missionNamespace setVariable [configName ((missionConfigFile/"Params") select _i),paramsArray select _i]; }; Keep in mind that in the editor default wilt always be used.
  9. mindstorm

    [MP][RACE] Race for stratis 32

    Hey, Sorry for the delay in update. I wanted to release an update earlier but decided to add some more content before releasing this. You should be able to start a race now.
  10. mindstorm

    [MP][RACE] Race for stratis 32

    I am aware of this bug and working on a fix. After testing I will release it. Probably somewhere around midnight EST. Thank you for reporting this issue.
  11. So i'm trying to get my spectator cam to face downwards so you get a top-down view. SPECTATOR_CAM setVectorDir [0, 0, -0.99]; That however is not working. However I've been diag_loggin vector dir and it should be the right angle? Can anyone help me with this?
  12. mindstorm


    So I sorta got it now: setVectorDirAndUp [[0,0,-1],[0,1,0]]; This sort of does what I want. However once I use that and then use the mouse it tilts back to the original form and then my view is locked.
  13. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?156120-Setting-Color-of-Offroad
  14. mindstorm

    Impassable Objects

    The first trigger would have to have a condition this && player in thislist also the next trigger can just be player setDamage 1. thisList select 0 might me someone else if 2 players happen to walk inside the trigger at the same time.
  15. mindstorm

    Dialog picture color

    Thank you, you are my hero =)
  16. So I finally managed to create my custom target dialog with this piece of code: class rscTitles { class DYN_COMTARGETDiag { idd = 4040; name= "Commander targetter"; movingEnable = false; enableSimulation = true; duration = 9999999; fadeIn = 0; fadeOut = 0; class controls { class Picture: RscPicture { idc = 4041; text = "dynrace\ui\commander\TargetGreen.paa"; x = 0.475; y = 0.475; w = 0.05; h = 0.05; //colorText[] = {1,1,1,1.0};// whatever gives you a thrill colorText[] = {1, 1, 1, 1}; colorBackground[] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; }; }; }; }; The png/paa/tga files can be found here. For starters, the color I gave the targeter is green, but it is displaying in a "black/grey, nog rgb kinda style". I am however unable to give a different color to the picture. Ive tried these 4: ctrlSetActiveColor, ctrlSetBackGroundColor, ctrlSetForeGroundColor and ctrlSetTextcolor. All seem to have no effect. The circle keeps the same color. Anny suggestions?
  17. mindstorm

    Display not showing

    Hmm wierd. Can anyone tell me why this works: cutRsc ["DYN_COMTARGETDiag","PLAIN", 0, false]; But this doesn not? (finddisplay 46) createDisplay "DYN_COMTARGETDiag";
  18. My pm was a bit wrong. Init.sqf END_TIME = 3600; //When mission should end in seconds. if (isServer) then { [] spawn { ELAPSED_TIME = 0; START_TIME = diag_tickTime; while {ELAPSED_TIME < END_TIME} do { ELAPSED_TIME = diag_tickTime - START_TIME; publicVariable "ELAPSED_TIME"; sleep 1; }; }; }; if!(isDedicated) then { [] spawn { while{ELAPSED_TIME < END_TIME } do { _time = END_TIME - ELAPSED_TIME; _finish_time_minutes = floor(_time / 60); _finish_time_seconds = floor(_time) - (60 * _finish_time_minutes); if(_finish_time_seconds < 10) then { _finish_time_seconds = format ["0%1", _finish_time_seconds]; }; if(_finish_time_minutes < 10) then { _finish_time_minutes = format ["0%1", _finish_time_minutes]; }; _formatted_time = format ["%1:%2", _finish_time_minutes, _finish_time_seconds]; hintSilent format ["Time left:\n%1", _formatted_time]; sleep 1; }; }; }; Then in the trigger with end set condition to: ELAPSED_TIME > END_TIME
  19. mindstorm

    Vehicles don't explode. STOP THIS

    Suggestion: Vehicles explode when being shot with a missile. Vehicles without ammo do not explode when damage = 1 Vehicles with ammo have a possibility to catch fire and eventually explode when hit damage = 1 Vehicles with and without ammo DO NOT explode when you receive damage from any source other then ammo/missiles. E.g. walls, trees, and god knows what. Arma explosions should be more like this first 2 explosions in this video. Currently they are more like the last one. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=JeHWs16ybnA
  20. mindstorm

    Display not showing

    So I found out what was wrong. Apparently dialogs need a couple more values: duration = 9999999; fadeIn = 0; fadeOut = 0; and I was missing the parent class rscTitles.
  21. Script errors inside dialog's init, button click and event handlers (buttonclick e.t.c.) often don't even generate errors. (Haven't really tested which cases they do and don't but it's rather strange overall if you ask me). I'll test this script in a bit and post back my findings.
  22. The latest test confirms it that JIP functions do actually work. Would you be willing to share your originally mission, the broken one so I could investigate it myself? If you don't want to make it public you could pm it.
  23. So your function reaches the call queue but it won't get executed. This code actually makes sure it should: private ["_canExecute"]; _canExecute = switch (typename _target) do { case (typename grpnull): {player in units _target}; case (typename sideUnknown): {playerside == _target;}; default {true}; }; if (_canExecute) then { _function = missionnamespace getvariable _functionName; if (!isnil "_function") then { if (_isCall) then { _params call _function; } else { _params spawn _function; }; true } else { ["Function '%1' does not exist",_functionName] call bis_fnc_error; false }; }; The _canExecute should be true because _target = true and therefore the default case is triggered. The next part actually checks if your function is initialized. If not it displays an error. Since it's not displaying "Function does not exist" we it's fair to assume the code doesn't reach that part. _iscall is false and your function should be spawned. Weird. I walked through fn_initMultiplayer.sqf with your diag_log output of the _queue. It should, 100% sure call BIS_fnc_MPExec (e.g. fn_MPexec.sqf) which should then spawn your function. 2 more things left: 1: Switch to dev mode and test again. 2: Set up a clean proof of concept with these scripts //Server [["testvar1", true, "testvar2"],"CF_addactionMP",true,true] call BIS_fnc_MP; CF_addactionMP CF_addactionMP = { diag_log "Adding action"; diag_log _this; }; If the dev mode doesn't work test with the 2nd set of scripts. If those don't work in JIP it's a bug and you should use the bugtracker to report it as a bug. I will also test this scenario tonight when I get home (4-5 hours from now) and post my results here.
  24. Hmm after re-evaluating your script I noticed something weird. _object addaction [("<t color=""#58FA58"">" + (_screenMsg) + "</t>"),_scriptToCall,[],1,false,true,"",_showActionVar]; Where "_showActionVar" is "_this select 3". And accoring to this line: [[transformer,"Place Charge","sabotage.sqf","showAction1"],"CF_addactionMP",true,true] call BIS_fnc_MP; this means _showActionVar = "showAction1". This would mean that the unit should have a local var named showAction1 which should be true in order to be able to see the action. Is this var also synced to JIP players? ---------- Post added at 16:34 ---------- Previous post was at 16:32 ---------- Did it show the "diag_log format["Called CF_addactionMP with vars: %1.", _this];" part? Please be a little more specific. I'm trying to help you and your replies are beginning to irritate me...