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Everything posted by mantls

  1. mantls

    WIP EC145 Pack

    This thing looks neat a F*CK
  2. mantls

    Sloped Fence

    try: [this] execVM "surfaceNormal.sqf" _obj = _this select 0; _normal = surfaceNormal _obj; _obj setVectorUp _normal; you can probably insert that into the fences init line aswell, not sure though.
  3. yeah, you have to use createVehicle Array as createVehicle on it's own returns nothing (or atleast it used to). glad if i was of help.
  4. mantls

    Weather/Time and JIP?

    is the "time" variable public? does it get transmitted to JIPs or is it local?
  5. AFAIK bis_fnc_findesafePos returns the middle of the map if no suitable location is found. Maybe increase the radius and repeat if the returned position is too far away (middle of map)?
  6. Check the acre API! Tons of nice things there. Can't post you the link as I'm on my phone.
  7. Hey, Are you trying to paradrop AI? Or players? I have nice function for AI which I can give you if you can wait till monday as I'm not at home ^^ It uses upsmon for the group which gets dropped but you can pretty easily change that. I also have one for players which we used on our public server. It's pretty simple though and I'm looking to refine it, but if you want it let me know. Cheers. Alright, Para = { private ["_pos","_chute","_location","_locationSize","_dir","_dest","_transport","_transportGrp","_wp","_grp"]; if (!isServer) exitWith {}; /* declare variables etc */ _locMark = _this select 0; _location = gerMarkerPos _locMark; _locationSizearray = (getMarkerSize _locMark); _locationSize = _locationSizearray select 0; _dir = random 359; _pos = [_location, 2500, _dir] call bis_fnc_relPos; _dest = [_location,2500, (_dir - 180)] call bis_fnc_relPos; _transport = [_pos,(_dir - 180),"O_Heli_Light_02_unarmed_F",EAST] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; //player setPos _pos; _transportGrp = (_transport select 2); {_x setBehaviour "CARELESS"; _x flyinHeight 60;} forEach units _transportGrp; _wp = _transportGrp addWaypoint [_location,(_locationSize - (_locationSize / 10)),0]; _wp = _transportGrp addWaypoint [_dest,0,1]; _wp setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _grp = [_pos, EAST, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "EAST" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> "OIA_InfSquad"),[],[],[0.25,0.4]] call bis_fnc_spawnGroup; {_x MoveInCargo (_transport select 0); _x assignasCargo (_transport select 0)} forEach units _grp; waitUntil {sleep 1;(getPos (_transport select 0)) distance _location < (_locationSize + (_locationSize / 10))}; /* Initial Drop */ { unAssignVehicle _x; _x allowDamage false; moveOut _x; sleep 0.35; _chute = createVehicle ["NonSteerable_Parachute_F", (getPos _x), [], 0, "NONE"]; _chute setPos (getPos _x); _x moveinDriver _chute; _x allowDamage true; sleep 0.5; } forEach units _grp; /* Assign a task */ //[_grp, _location, _locationSize] call CBA_fnc_taskAttack; null = [leader _grp, _locMark, "spawned", "showmarker", "full"] execVM "scripts\UPSMON.sqf"; /* Initiate CleanUp */ _i = 0; waitUntil {sleep 1;_i = _i + 1; ((getpos (_transport select 0)) distance _location > 1750) || _i >= 70;}; {deleteVehicle _x} foreach units _transportGrp; deleteGroup _transportGrp; deleteVehicle (_transport select 0); /* Return handle */ /* _____________ */ _grp }; just call it like: ["marker"] spawn para; or via ExecVM.
  8. mantls

    Group Manager

    I'm really loving the Functionality with this! Most stuff on your GitHub is just Gold! The only thing this is missing is a prettier Dialog instead of AddActions (even though the KeyEventhandler is a nice way). Xeno had a pretty neat Screen/Graphic in his Group Management, though it is lacking the functionality yours has.^^ cheers.
  9. mantls

    JSRS2.0 WIP Thread

    0.1 not 0.01, isn't it? :D
  10. Hey DAP, Can we use the bloody screen you're using in our script/addons?
  11. hi, make sure you add a little sleep before adding the EH to make sure it is added last. BIS has their own (sneaky) HandleDamage EH assigned and that can cause some weird behaviour. Also, do you have a repro mission?
  12. mantls

    =BTC= Revive

    In it's current state, no. As it utilizes respawn, which is (afaik) not available for AI.
  13. A clear, somewhat more detailed statedment would be nice indeed.
  14. broadcasting them continously will Most likely create an awful amount of traffic which is kinda unneccessary.
  15. mantls

    FN FAL from Arma 2

    Dl Link is wrong ^^
  16. mantls

    Roadside IED Script

    what? i'm sure i saw that in the changelog. Waaaaaait.
  17. mantls

    Roadside IED Script

    yes, it was/is using the 'bis_fnc_mp' more specifically its isPersistent param. Said option has been disabled since last patch. It was not a nice solution anyway and i'll have to fix that. I pretty much know how, just gotta get myself up. Can't give you an ETA though since i'm pretty busy with school.
  18. mantls

    Can't build a fence uphill

    check this out http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setVectorUp
  19. you could put a waitUntil in there to wait for your functions.sqf to be finished before continueing. functions = [] execVM "functions.sqf"; waitUntil {scriptDone functions};
  20. mantls

    =BTC= Revive

    BIS changed that.
  21. mantls

    AI not attacking anything

    Are you using Fog? Just recently i had problems with AI and fog, still not sure why though.
  22. They said maybe. But isn't Gamescom next week? :D it's only a few more days anyway. I would expect it to hit shortly though.
  23. not for arma 3 that is. CMS 0.5 for A2 came out some time ago.
  24. Heyo, Para = { private ["_pos","_chute","_location","_locationSize","_dir","_dest","_transport","_transportGrp","_wp","_grp"]; if (!isServer) exitWith {}; /* declare variables etc */ _location = _this select 0; _locMark = _this select 1; _locationSizearray = (getMarkerSize _locMark); _locationSize = _locationSizearray select 0; _dir = random 359; _pos = [_location, 2500, _dir] call bis_fnc_relPos; _dest = [_location,2500, (_dir - 180)] call bis_fnc_relPos; _transport = [_pos,(_dir - 180),"O_Heli_Light_02_unarmed_F",EAST] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; //player setPos _pos; _transportGrp = (_transport select 2); {_x setBehaviour "CARELESS"; _x flyinHeight 60;} forEach units _transportGrp; _wp = _transportGrp addWaypoint [_location,(_locationSize - (_locationSize / 10)),0]; _wp = _transportGrp addWaypoint [_dest,0,1]; _wp setWaypointSpeed "FULL"; _grp = [_pos, EAST, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "EAST" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> "OIA_InfSquad"),[],[],[0.25,0.4]] call bis_fnc_spawnGroup; {_x MoveInCargo (_transport select 0); _x assignasCargo (_transport select 0)} forEach units _grp; waitUntil {sleep 1;(getPos (_transport select 0)) distance _location < (_locationSize + (_locationSize / 10))}; /* Initial Drop */ { unAssignVehicle _x; _x allowDamage false; moveOut _x; sleep 0.35; _chute = createVehicle ["NonSteerable_Parachute_F", (getPos _x), [], 0, "NONE"]; _chute setPos (getPos _x); _x moveinDriver _chute; _x allowDamage true; sleep 0.5; } forEach units _grp; /* Assign a task */ //[_grp, _location, _locationSize] call CBA_fnc_taskAttack; null = [leader _grp, _locMark, "spawned", "showmarker", "full"] execVM "scripts\UPSMON.sqf"; /* Initiate CleanUp */ _i = 0; waitUntil {sleep 1;_i = _i + 1; ((getpos (_transport select 0)) distance _location > 1750) || _i >= 70;}; {deleteVehicle _x} foreach units _transportGrp; deleteGroup _transportGrp; deleteVehicle (_transport select 0); /* Return handle */ /* _____________ */ _grp }; That's my Paradrop function. Keep in mind that it uses UPSMON (though you can just replace that). you can call it like this: [POSITION, Marker] spawn para; it returns the group paratroopers. Feel free to just modify it. You could just replace the marker in the parameter with a number if you want to use waypoint or whatever instead.