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Everything posted by badluckburt

  1. badluckburt

    Weird Graphic Issue

    You are not alone. I play on Standard as well to avoid the thing. It would be nice if they'd adjust the distance that effect is rendered as it looks relatively good from a distance. And you're welcome.
  2. badluckburt

    Map Lighting

    Time of day and weather types I guess. I intend to try it out at the later stages of my Suomenlinna map as the current lighting won't cut it. I'm just gonna go brute force and replace every lighting entry with the first and see what happens :cool:
  3. badluckburt

    Polyline object ? (railway)

    It could be done with scripting perhaps, with some trial and error ofcourse but I'd be willing to fool around with it a bit. The Chernarus railway should provide enough testing material. I'm already forming a rough version of it in my head right now so if you're willing to give it a shot, let me know, usually when this happens I end up making it anyhow :) - edit Alright, I gave it some thought and scribbled down what I think should work.
  4. Damn, you've done a great job so far. Looking forward to the finished version! Can I ask how you placed the solar panels in that curved fashion? Was it by hand or script?
  5. badluckburt

    Weird Graphic Issue

    Hi. It's not a bug but a feature but I'm sure everybody who encounters it for the first time is like w0t? It's an effect called parallax that's applied to the ground textures to give a fake depth perception. Try setting Terrain detail to Standard or Low, it should disappear. On a sidenote, it's there in Arma 2 as well, just not as pronounced as in A3 I think.
  6. badluckburt

    unable to load binarized version of P3D

    I feel like an idiot. I linked you the wrong files. Terribly sorry about that. These are the ones I was talking about. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_2_Sample_Models Again, sorry for the hassle but from the Description on the page above: The pack of sample models and animations from Arma 2 and its expansions; contains unbinarized models, configs, model configs, RVMATs and scripts from Arma 2 including all DLCs in ZIP archives divided according to the licenses applied. Note that files indicated as "parts" are separate archives which can be unpacked independently of the other parts of the package, the data was split only for the purpose of easier manipulation with the files.
  7. badluckburt

    unable to load binarized version of P3D

    You can't edit binarized models. You need to get these: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_2_Sample_Models. Those are the unbinarized versions and should load fine into OB as far as I know. Good luck!
  8. badluckburt

    An option to disabling Grass must happen!

    Setting Terrain Detail to Low in the video-settings will do what you want, it will give you floating distant objects in return though. As far as servers go, some will give you options for it, some won't. Thinking about it, I don't think I was right about that. Either everyone has grass off or nobody. It may have something to do with the AI calculations. If grass is off on your PC, it may have an effect on some calculations done by the server where grass may be turned on.
  9. badluckburt

    Multi-dimensional arrays

    You're welcome. After I posted I saw that Prof. Tournesol ninja'd me but I decided to leave it there anyway. And we've all been there. One thing that always helped me is breaking code down step by step. Sometimes things get a bit too abstract in the beginning when your brain first encounters a new situation and too many things happen at once. But the more you code, the less you need to do that because of the experience you gain :)
  10. badluckburt

    Multi-dimensional arrays

    Hi, multi-dimensional arrays can be a bit of a bugger when you first work with them. Try looking at your _multiArray1 like this: _multiArray1 = [ ["Item1",1,2,3], //First entry in the _multiArray1 array (index = 0) which is what you get when you _multiArray select 0; ["Item2",4,5,6] //Second entry in the _multiArray1 array (index = 1) which is what you get when you _multiArray select 1; ]; When you do _multiArray1 select 0;, you get the first entry from your main array: ["Item1",1,2,3]. As you can see, there are four items in that: Item1, 1, 2 and 3. That's why when you do count _multiArray1 select 0;, you get 4 back. It first selects the value from _multiArray1, which is the array with 4 items and then runs the count command on that value. I hope that explains things for you, what are you trying to do exactly?
  11. badluckburt

    [WIP] Molokini Map

    You can give it a try I suppose but I suspect the engine will either crash on load or performance will be very bad. I believe there's a thread in the Terrain Builder section of the forums where JakeRod mentions you can import several heightmaps as long as they are lined up properly. That would be a way for you to work around the free version's limit. If you stick to 1m per pixel scale, you could fit the island itself on a 1024x1024 and then work on several tiles to place around it. It doesn't look like you'll have many trees on there :D so you might be able to pull off a very large detailed terrain. My advice would be to run a few tests to see what the balance between performance and detail should be.
  12. badluckburt

    [WIP] Molokini Map

    Thank you. I think I got it now but now I have a new question: You plan to have the heightfield you import to Terrain Builder at 0.1m per pixel scale? I don't know if the engine would run that much detail.
  13. badluckburt

    [WIP] Molokini Map

    Nice idea. You're right about the diving stuff being ignored, I was planning on doing maybe a few shipwrecks that you could explore on my own map. Your math's confusing me a bit though so if you don't mind me asking: You say you want to scale the heightmap up 4 times to 8192x8192 pixels but as I understand it, the 2048 one you're working on right now is true to scale at 2.5 meters which means the area atm is 5120x5120 meters. If you scale that up four times, the 8192x8192 version would be 20480x20480 meters which I think is slightly smaller or as big as the Altis map. It might not make sense to me because I missed something in your post but I thought I'd ask anyway before you get in too deep and it turns out to be an error in your calculations.
  14. I don't think anyone knows for sure. I found this video for Arma 2: but that clearly lacks any real trees or clutter, let alone objects.The bigger the map more detail you'll sacrifice in actual map objects. And then there's the jitter-bug that happens on big maps the further away you get.
  15. I only did a quick test but this is pretty awesome. I'm a bit too wasted atm to come up with good examples but with a little ingenuity, you could make sort of a dynamic conversation bot with this if it returns the captured part along with altered string. Just pop this in a mission init.sqf, toss in a player and stare at the creepy conversation :P
  16. badluckburt

    Legal violations by A3L: Arma 3 life

    We're supposed to submit our incomes from the previous year before April each year. They then process all of it and usually you end up with either a refund of overpaid taxes or they'll want the underpaid taxes from you. It usually takes a few months for them to process all of it. I don't know an awful lot about how they deal with websites receiving donations but reading a thread on a Dutch Minecraft-forum dealing with hosting and donating, it would appear that you need to report what money you have left from donations after substracting your monthly expenses.
  17. I sincerely hope you do manage to contact him and that he will let you use the model in your mod but like M1lkm8n said, for me, no answer = no. And yes, you could base your model on his if you wanted to as long as it's not a simple copy. As far as addon makers who have passed on go, I would consider their work lost unless they have made it clear somehow that others are allowed to continue their work.
  18. I don't think I have made any references to civil law in my posts. And I'm not a legal expert but as far as I know, patents don't come into play until you attempt to make a real-life copy of a product and try to sell it and maybe even try to pass it off as the real thing. Chinese Lego comes to mind. However, this is not the case in Arma modding. As for your quote, this is the full one, which translates a bit different: Qui tacet consentire videtur, ubi loqui debuit ac potuit (He who is silent, when he ought to have spoken and was able to, is taken to agree) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Silence_and_consensus How do you know if the creators are able to respond? Still, I suppose you can take that route, assuming you'd remove the mod(s) once the creator voices his disagreement but not everyone may agree with it when you do that. I don't like to get into legal arguments because the way I see it, it's a matter of respect between people. However, in the end, nothing is stopping you from adding them to your mod without explicit permission. Then again, nothing is also stopping you from releasing an updated version of your mod once you do get permission.
  19. badluckburt

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I think it's called Heavy Metal :cool:
  20. badluckburt

    Legal violations by A3L: Arma 3 life

    NL tax authorities are the best (or worst). They're like relentless bloodhounds, in many cases you're more likely to get away with murder here then tax evasion.
  21. Kalashnikov did not create the models that are put into Arma. Yes, they are based on his inventions but that doesn't have to do anything with this in my opinion. Same goes for fire control systems and / or weapon sights. Nobody can stop you from creating something from scratch that mirrors a real life thing, wether that is a vehicle, weapon or whatever when information about it is publicly available. If the copyright / trademark owners of the real-life stuff truely have a problem with what you mentioned, they almost always step in to handle their business and protect their assets. In other modding communities projects have been shut down because they received a Cease and Desist. I remember a total conversion Lord of the Rings-mod for another game engine that suffered that fate.
  22. Interesting script. I suppose this is what you mentioned you would work on in the other thread? I'm going to test this out later today, if I find anything peculiar I'll report back :)
  23. True. Actually, that's a solution for a problem someone had in another thread. I need to see tomorrow what this command returns on my map: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/surfaceType If I get the textures I named myself, this is gonna be good B) Someone else had an issue where he wanted to check what kind of road someone was on through scripting using above command but it just returned the textures names at the bottom of that page. I initially planned on just popping gravel under the roads I 'll draw but I'll make a separate texture and give a concrete_road or dirt_road name if the command returns my texture names. Just another tool for mission makers to do stuff with :P The guy wanted to people to get random damage for driving too fast on dirt roads btw.
  24. I agree with Fennek. His analogy is spot on. Especially if there's no license it would be important to get the author's permission I think. You can mess around with it in private all you want anyway, nobody can do anything about that but adding something without permission and releasing it to the public is rather disrespectful in my opinion. Since the mods in question are on Armaholic you can always link to them when releasing your mod as a recommendation for extras. On a side note, +1 to you for asking. We can only hope more people follow your example :)
  25. PBOProject FTW :) And Viper, I think that if you follow BushLurker's advice, that may fix the grass not showing but we'll see what happens once you try.