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Everything posted by SleepY_KinG

  1. I have noticed the exact same things happening in arma II public servers and now in arma III. Whats more annoying than this is people are hardly ready to team up. Most people i have seen are too busy playing solo. The solution to all this as stated before is to not allow everyone into the servers. But then again there are many players who do behave the way you would expect them to behave and if you simply put a password and lock up the server you might miss out on the experience with them. Banning the culprits could stop these people from coming back in so in the end when all such people have been blocked you get a clean server.. but you already know that :D
  2. Scene - Island invasion Setup - Multiple enemy AA locations, Communications satellite (Primary & Secondary), Radar Stations etc. (Essentials for defence and communication for reinforcement and coordinated attack on invading force.) Task - Infantry groups to arrive by boat in the dark (pre-dawn) and cripple key enemy installations (AA, comms, etc) and make way for main invasion force coming in by transport helis. Preferred plan should be a coordinated attack on the targets so as to avoid alerting the enemy and possible reinforcements. I maybe entirely wrong about the insurgency link here... forgive me if so. :)