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Everything posted by astrell

  1. he removed his Mod on all download sites. He abandoned the Mod. Still it would be awesome if someone else becoming the permission to modify and distribute...
  2. Amazing mod! I was searching a long time for that! 450MB is a little harsh for a config fix but at least it is stand alone :P And of course we are interested in all other kinds of Arma 2 Objects like Stones or ... whatever. So the interest is there and we all would be thankful if you take your time for that ^__^ /edit I´m using it with AiA, loading AiA first then your Mod. The trees only working on Tschernarus and Celle correctly. Saharani, Takistan, Rashmaan still not working properly =(
  3. Is it helpfull that PhysX Libs are now open source?
  4. Yeah ... it was late ... sorry. Don´t bother with the prefabs ... Own stupidity. :) If ya say the init data is necessary then ... ok. And: Damn you bohemia that your own system not working properly! But now that the prefabs working this isn´t a big problem.
  5. Having problems with the prefab function. I did in VR a Base with around 800 Objects and now i wanted to import it to an other map using prefab. All selected, open prefab window, create new prefab on selected objects -> Base01 In the same Mission i can use the prefab but if i close the Mission, open rashmaan and trying to use the prefab -> Nothing happens. I can see the prefabs ( even the default ones ) but i cant use/load/place them. And i´m thinking its a little overkill that you export the objects in a format that makes me impossible to move around the objects a bit without deleting the Object Init Field for every object.
  6. I'm using maxmsgsend 2048 and playing with 30+ mates stable, hadn't the chance to get more mates on the server right now. Around 3000 objects on map, HC is running, too. All Als are on HC (200+). Server fps never goes under 45fps. Lots of traffic indeed but it's working. (5-7k traffic) Maybe you should test smaller value in your network bandwidth. I don't know if the arma netcode can handle all the stuff and doing miscalculations ?! /edit Never tough that MaxMsgSend could be this low... have to test it :P
  7. Silola, i found (finally) the time to learn and use all about Xcam and its exact the amazing, ass-kicking placement tool what i did expect! I´m feeling like the old days in the past working with AutoCAD 2008 - easy and fast. Right now i ended a working session because of the feeling of time "it could be late, you should go to bed" :rolleyes: Looking on the Clock, its 3:50 a.m. ;) 6 Hours of work and i´m not feeling exhausted! The workflow is beautiful! Maybe i found a bug with the libs, but i sleeping first and try to reproduce before saying any more :P
  8. The name of the marker and the zone can only be numbers. No letters or signs.
  9. astrell

    VCOM AI Driving Mod

    GOD FUXXING THANK YOU :-D I like your Mod :-P
  10. Thank you! Yesterday i took it out of our Repository, now i have to patch it back in. :D But i´m happy that my mates can´t say "Wuup Wuup is watching us!" Your mod is a relief. Thanks mate!
  11. astrell

    CH Specialized Arsenal

    So I did misunderstand the purpose of this script? I thought I'm selecting a class (configurable) and getting the specified stuff without the possibility to pick up not allowed stuff?
  12. astrell

    CH Specialized Arsenal

    I'm not fully understand how to bring in my own Loadouts,especially from scripts. Could you please explain as for idiots? ;-)
  13. As a member of an realism and role play clan for panzergrenadiere I have to say it's nice to see more Bundeswehr gear but it would be nice if there's a version with clean boots. Additional to this though, you're freaking sure that our mates still putting the pants into the boots if in combat in Afghanistan? I'm pretty sure that not. They would be dead by heat right now :-P Thanks again for your great Wörk!
  14. shut up and take my money! Fantastic wörk! Very organic and naturally. Perfect! Gorgeous! Amazing!
  15. Shut up and take my money! Wuuhuu!!! Finally!! I´m start to dream of a IFV Marder, just in case :)
  16. @shay_gman Its not. rly. :butbut: Spawning Units per Script on HC with text in InitField (group this) setVariable [""GAIA_ZONE_INTEND"",[""17"", ""FORTIFY""], false]; But they do nothing. If i put MOVE or NOFOLLOW into this, it wörks. Same with the MCC Console Just Spawning Units on HC, create Zone, marker Units, give to gaia "fortify" ... nothing. Give to GAIA "aggressiv" ... roaming start. Your not planning to fix this anymore?
  17. Im trying to use GAIA with AI on HCs. AIs and Zones are generated trough a Script, made from "Silent Map Converter". The Mission is made that if HCs is there, Spawn that Script on HC, if not there then on DediServer. This Script wörks fine on Dedicated but not on HCs. They´re not moving. I´m using fortify. Latest MCC Mod running. Bug or do i something wrong? /edit Related to MCC Mod Thread Reply 3666
  18. astrell

    ASR AI 3

    Thanks a lot! Can´t wait for it :) Obviously
  19. astrell

    ASR AI 3

    Hi, it seems i´m the only one with problems running ASR AI with latest Version on Headless Client AI? AI Spawning trough script from "Silent Map Converter" and even a few AIs are too much of a performance drop. FPS around 30 and CPS around 3-7 with 120 AI. 3,6Ghz Core. Even on Dedicated its run dramatically better. RPT Log from the HC: HC and Dedicated Shares the same folder and Mods, so there should be no differences?!
  20. astrell

    [WIP] G250 Wolf

    They are still driving if our forces goes into the wood and mud. Our fleet of rented cars have no insurance there.
  21. astrell


    Please stop, don't give the other countries more stuff to discriminate us...!!
  22. Pitch / roll / yaw would be really nice. I can understand your thinking because of the bugs with TerrainBuilder, but there is much more possibilitys as just that (wanna place a barrel laying on the side?) mission placement? ;-)
  23. Drivable landing craft? Woohoo! That would be so epic! Your work is amazing!
  24. astrell

    Headless Client question

    Do a barrel roll. Its not the case anymore, don´t have to buy further DLC content, Its worth. Saw FPS increase. Runs on the Same Maschine. Read the forum before post. Every question is already answered.
  25. Oh oh ... its getting serious now? Damn ... i´m in the middle of a "move" from house to house ... dont know to right way to say in english .... I´ll have to take back my question for a testing version, i have no time and internet for the next weeks. Maybe someone else want to?