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Everything posted by Richie

  1. Richie

    UK Dedicated Server Hosting

    5-10 slots could run on a VPS, OVH have some very cheap, gives you full control over what you want to do, some GSP's have limits
  2. Import the height file into L3DT and you can tweak the vertical ranges, high areas will be raised until you have the desired heights.
  3. Richie

    Terrain Processor

    Does anyone know how to stop making tunnels ? It's not even that steep. http://imgur.com/a/3ZgNx *Edit* Increase Road maximal slope to prevent tunnels
  4. No, Not Bushlurkers work please, it would turn into another Kellys island, If you look on Bushlurkers website he does share source files of the terrains he wants to share. You can script the roads and objects with Eden, MapBuilder and xCam.
  5. Richie

    Server monetization program

    I think the best solution could be product placement or sponsored, modders can be paid, community still get free access. Then let the sponsors look after abuse, they can protect their own interest and everyone lives happily. Obviously there would be terms, companies or sponsors would want a return, better quality mods would be needed to encourage downloads, thats a win win for everyone then as shitty stuff wouldn't yield rewards.
  6. Richie

    Big Freeze Map

    Sweet, can't wait.
  7. Richie

    Bludclot's Buldozer Cursors.

    Nice one mate, really need something better than default, cheers for the share.
  8. If you have Mikero's paid tools then yes, otherwise no.
  9. BD will load your surface textures from your layers.cfg, BD will not show clutter though.
  10. Richie

    Server monetization program

    This 100%, it's all or nothing.
  11. Richie

    PMC Editing Wiki: ArmA 3 Terrain

    Sticky request please
  12. Very impressive, love the video
  13. That 2nd image shows that you're trying to join a server using unsuported or outdated addons, what is the RW stuff ? either the server doesn't use it or they use a different version.
  14. Don't use the config files that CaptCaps supplies, they're all outdated now and no longer work. You're best off using an updated guide like The Atlas Guide, do it over and over starting fresh each time but making small changes, you'll master the basics so much faster and in the long run, run into less issues or know how to fix the issues. Also Snake Man has spent weeks writing his [url=http://pmc.editing.wiki/doku.php?id=arma3:terrain:ultimate-terrain-tutorial]Ultimate Terrain Tutorial[/url] and it's up to date and ongoing, it has so many options that will give you a working terrain, there's many ways to skin a cat goat and Snake has them all listed.
  15. Check BD is setup correctly, you want it pointing at the Arma3.exe, see mine below but check your paths match .exe file path - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\arma3.exe launch parameters - -buldozer -window -exThreads=0 -mod= -noAsserts -nologs -profiles=P:\Buldozer -cfg=P:\Buldozer\Buldozer.cfg -name=Buldozer data directory - P:\ For more resources then check Snakes guide Here If you need help there is a Skype and Discord group full of other like minded folk
  16. Richie

    Free Games

    X-COM: UFO Defense You are in control of X-COM: an organization formed by the world's governments to fight the ever-increasing alien menace. Features: Command deadly close-combat battles Shooting down UFOs is just the beginning: you must then lead a squad of heavily-armed soldiers across different terrains as they investigate the UFO crash site. Tackle the aliens with automatic rifles, rocket launchers, and even tanks in the struggle to retrieve useful technology, weapons or life forms. Research and manufacture alien technologies Successful ground assault missions will allow X-COM scientists to analyze alien items. Each new breakthrough brings you a little closer to understanding the technology and culture of the alien races. Once you have sufficient research data on the UFO's superior weapons and crafts, you'll be able to manufacture weapons of equal capability. Develop a strategy to save the Earth You must make every crucial decision as you combat the powerful alien forces. But you'll also need to watch the world political situation: governments may be forced into secret pacts with the aliens and then begin to reduce X-COM funding. provided via Steam key for Windows. For key redemption, a free Steam account is required. Grab from HumbleBundle
  17. Richie

    Buildings cliping into ground

    Are these objects on or over water ? happens to me with piers but in land are always ok. BD will put them right, sometimes it has to be done.
  18. You have 2 choices, you might want more but such is life, you have 2 and they are : 1 - Enjoy the hard work the Cup team have done and continue to do, without any payment or donations, then the distribution costs and website hosting/domain fees etc they've incurred and having to tolerate whiney little bitches with opinions. 2 - Go do it all yourself, your way, with all the fixes and changes and content that you want, the BI samples can be found Here If you pick option 2 then I wish you luck.
  19. People like that generally don't have too many friends, so his sharing pool won't be too many, don't let it worry you Wiki.
  20. I don't see it, the only results are from May 2016 and are nothing like Stratis Air Base 2034, looks like its gone or the guy set it to private/friends only
  21. Is that from Terrain Builder viewing the height map raster ? if so then it's normal Pack the map, they'll be there in game
  22. Fixed If you don't like how the Cup team do things, make your own port, you don't really have options, the samples can be found Here but have a license as well.
  23. Richie

    Tanoa Trains

    I had no plans to put train tracks on my terrain, this changes everything, thanks for giving me more work to do Duda
  24. Richie

    Objects that move by themselves

    If they're piers or part on water/land then they do drop in height on import slightly, sometimes they slide a bit. Fix them up with Buldozer is all you can do, also depending on your map size, objects in the North-East can move more than objects in the South-West, this is because bottom left is 0,0, the values get higher and exporting isn't always 100% accurate with large values.
  25. Richie

    Terrain Processor

    I drew my roads in bright red on my sat, imported that into L3DT and viewed it with sapphire, my roads are perfect and stood out bright red in sapphire, so i could change the terrain as i went, TP uses the same value on all roads, which sometimes you don't want. My forests I used TerrainBuilder, using shapes but only using 3 different models that were to be the majority, this gave my forest boundries the right edges, I then used the multi brush feature in xCam to fill in the gaps with the bushes and other tree objects. I do like TP but you can get away with no using it, what works best for you is the right way, It's nice having options