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Everything posted by Richie

  1. Richie

    co10 Escape

    Check the FTP link on the OP, it's already done, runs lush :)
  2. Richie

    MP - Ravage [COOP - 6] The Escape

    Very enjoyable, creepy as fuck when the sun goes down :D For the respawn, what about using a tent ? we only found a few, so place a tent down becomes a respawn point, no repacking so you have to find more for another respawn,
  3. Richie

    Water color !

    Draw it that colour on your sat and use the same colour for the surface :unsure:
  4. James kindly posted a fix for the lighting after 1.60, see Here
  5. It's the result of the 'tartan bug' being fixed, it was worse if you remember http://i.imgur.com/LufQ9Ff.jpg Nothing you've done wrong though Richard
  6. Richie

    Importing from l3dt?

    Click on the heightfield and then right click, select export it as .asc, import that file as your height source in TB You can export as .xyz but i had issues randomly that way, using .asc has never let me down. *Edit* Ninja'ed by Victim :)
  7. Richie

    [Source Files] Sosopol

    what are the paramenters you have in TerrainBuilder for BD launching ?
  8. Are you using Neo's co10 Escape ? that is the proper one and it works fine for me and my group on Escape Tanoa. We've found jetskis and speed boats on the coast line and by docks, always planes are the airfields as well, I know there is a ported version around, maybe that is the issue.
  9. I hope it doesn't change, I bought Apex for the objects for my terrain, would then be a waste of my money if they were given away free.
  10. Richie

    Picture loadscreen and briefign - EDEN

    See Description.ext You can define a picture to be shown while the mission is loaded. The path is relative to the mission folder. loadScreen = "pictures\intro.paa";
  11. Richie

    Expansion files in EBO

    Just while the expansion is new, Stratis and Alstis were the same, they will be unencrypted soon.
  12. Richie

    New Assets

    Hopefully with the lack of Apex adverts (allegedly), see Here then BI will release them sooner, to encourage new community made terrains, more so as a lot of old terrains are no longer supported and have the old lighting bug, so working terrains have now dropped, this will encourage more Apex sales as people love community made terrains. Do it for the community BI, you know you want to :D
  13. I really hope you don't retire Blastcore, if do i'll understand but still hope you don't. Thanks for everything in the past, Blastcore is one of my 'must use' addons
  14. The fact that it clearly shows twice that is was sponsored makes it fine in my book, they're advertising a new product to generate income, just like all other companies do. As others have said, If it was paid but disguised as an impartial review then you could moan but it's not, so where is the problem ? What if BI didn't advertise, players don't know of the release, leading to empty servers and people bitching the community is dropping, BI can spend their budget where they like for me, using PC gamer with their large audience makes perfect sense.
  15. Richie

    How much would you recommend the Apex Expansion?

    You'll need it if any terrain builders use the objects as well, so it won't just be 1 map, it'll be all that use Apex objects in the future. It's on sale until it's official release, grab it cheap now, it's well worth it and so is supporting BI.
  16. Doesn't setting it in the config do the same thing ? elevationOffset = -2;
  17. Steam workshop is optional, you'll find manual download links on Armaholic or PW6 if you prefer to do things manually. The workshop though will keep your mods updated, each to their own, the end result is the same.
  18. To import into Terrain Builder they have to be in the library, that is the snag as the source files are all .ebo, we'll have to just wait until BI release them as .pbo
  19. Hey PuFu, care to share how mate ? I have a sat/mask done and just itching for some Tanoa objects
  20. Richie

    Forum Errors

    I have the same, not just the 2 links you posted, also the last newest thread here https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/191987-revive-respawn-template-abandoned-in-apex/
  21. 10.6 GB after todays new maps (v1.2.0) have been added :)