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Everything posted by Richie

  1. You can use anything you want really, it's just an image you'll see from a distance, make sure the surface matches up for when you get close.
  2. and then you have posts like This
  3. Richie

    Airport design info

    Awesome post, great link. Thank you :)
  4. Yes i found your post, at least now i can link it :)
  5. I now know where it came from, post edited and i apologize. I had the link and the original post bookmarked, when the forum updated the bookmarks were broken, i then deleted them before the were fixed, my bad and i meant no disrespect.
  6. Once you have the airport and runway on your terrain sat you can edit the mask, load up both images and you can see them as layers, just paint the mask where you need to, I used concrete but you can also use a tarmac or any other surface. Then start Buldozer or use MapBuilder or xCam, you'll then be able to see the airport painted on the sat and up close you'll see the surface you decided on, the marking will be your guide for runway objects or use polylines, depends on your airport. I used the runway objects for my main runway, the secondary runway is a polyline. *Edit* I'll also leave this handy link originally posted by Spookygnu for your lights :) http://www.slideshare.net/Miltenjose/airfield-lighting-introductory
  7. What spooky said, my terrain in real life had no airport so i went shopping round the world, found one and with a bit of PS soon had it on the sat.
  8. Richie

    ArmA III DX12

    New people should use the search feature, maybe in the future they will but i won't hold my breath :p
  9. Happy to help, good luck with your terrain project :)
  10. In your cfgSurfaces you use capitals, in your layers.cfg you use lowercase, example : mpj\omaha\data\mpj_mud.rvmat files = "MPJ_mud*"; Try it and see :)
  11. Richie

    how to create a server?

    Really ? sweet :)
  12. Richie

    how to create a server?

    Mini Dayz is a browser based game, I'm guessing you posted in the wrong section. So until you post more info it would be impossible to help. TADST is what you want for A2 or A3, no idea for TOH or TOM
  13. He only said it was on hold, my terrain is sometimes on hold, you can't force yourself to do something when you're not in the mood, You only then regret it and quality suffers.
  14. I use L3DT to smooth my roads, you can load the sat in to it and then follow the terrain that way. L3DT also has a Bulldozer tool, awesome for when your road follows a mountain, you can do things like http://i.imgur.com/RuXtaN0.png
  15. Richie

    Surface soundEnviron

    Welcome to the club, you're not the only one, I have a post Here about the same thing :)
  16. Just don't use the config files, they don't work
  17. Richie

    Vegetation not appearing on map

    I've no idea, I use Mikeros pro tools, it takes care of everything automagically. You can either live without them showing, pay for the pro tools or maybe someone else has an option. On the bright side, you found the cause :)
  18. Richie

    Vegetation not appearing on map

    I know some are not supported by the free tools, Mikero knows best, hopefully he'll see this in passing. Check other objects, see if they're also type 60 and show on the map.
  19. Richie

    Vegetation not appearing on map

    Could it be the type of p3d ? type 60 and 68 show fine on my terrain, what type are your missing trees ? TerrainBuilder will show you if you click and highlight it, top right corner. Also do you use the free tools from Mikero or the premium ?
  20. Hundreds use Mikeros tools including myself, it's most likely a false positive caused by a self certified installer, it's your choice if you add an exception. I don't use the BI tools, I use Mikeros, so i can't help you anymore, maybe someone else can. Good luck with your project :)
  21. Pbo project is listed in that link you posted, sort the filter by name and look under P
  22. Your mask can be .bmp .png or .jpg L3DT will create one, it's a good start and just edit that. I'm getting the impression you're trying to bump along without understanding what needs done, read all the posts in the terrain builders section and then do the Atlas guide Cype popsted several times, try new things each time to see what works and what doesn't, eventully it'll fall into place :)
  23. Why not hire people ? we're paying for the expansion, you'll sell a lot more and make more income if the terrain is top notch, less enterable buildings will put a lot off and therefore affect sales.
  24. Cheeky feckers and it's very poorly done, they also have no community and doubt they ever will. Name and shame em Aussie, just don't let them get you down buddy :)