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Everything posted by Richie

  1. Richie

    [Terrain] Mach Loop

    Well done Spooky :ok:
  2. Richie

    Can't convert textures into .paa

    Just clicking 'Export satellite texture' allows me to select 'Convert exported textures into .paa' check your previous settings maybe ?
  3. Richie

    no grass showing

    Your mask along with the layers.cfg determines what surface is assigned, surfaces and clutter add the clutter on top. So your issue is the mask or layers, you don't need any values in texture either. For example my seabed entry looks like this : class px1_seabed_surface { texture = ""; material = "PX1\spero\data\PX1_seabed.rvmat"; }; Make a backup of yours and then try how i have mine, might just fix it.
  4. Welcome Gwiddik to the team, he'll be placing objects and all the eye candy along with TheVampire. Tonight will see the birth of the capital city, if you want to watch then tune in to Twitch around 7pm GMT, you can also see the town of Cordova being built from Last weeks stream
  5. Richie

    no grass showing

    You have a double underscore on line #6 of surfaces Also you really don't want your project in the TerrainBuilder folder, make a new folder P:My_Tag\My_Project Unused entries in the config should be removed. Does this path even exist ? satellite = "jsp\abc_sample\Data\s_satout_co.paa"; Follow Jakerods guide Here
  6. Richie

    No Clutter appearing

    Send me a contact request on Skype, username is pkrichie Then i'll add you to the TB group and remove you from my contacts :)
  7. Richie

    Mikero's Dos Tools

    Look in the 'docs' folder, all the tools have guides
  8. Richie

    RCON and ArmA 3

    Use EPM RCon Tool by Uncle Dave, works perfectly.
  9. You can't bash Armaholic, how can anyone justify it ? The guys have provided a source of content for many many years, they're always on the ball, yes there can be delays but they work tirelessly for FREE, when they're being paid for their time, then you can complain. When my terrain is released and i get some donations, Armaholic will be seeing a share, because they deserve it and i've used the Armaholic website for many years, so thank you guys for past and future content hosting :)
  10. It's perfectly normal for the sea to be flat, I wouldn't worry too much about it. You can alter it with L3DT or you can add some noise using the BI Terrain Processor tool. Remember to make a backup before, just incase it all goes wrong.
  11. Richie

    No Clutter appearing

    The links to join the many Skype groups are Here
  12. Richie

    WW2 maps

    That rule only applies in Germany, without going all political i don't agree with it, best not to open that can of worms.
  13. Richie

    WW2 maps

    10,240 is close to Chernarus size, the terrain i'm making now is 20,480. The bigger a map the more objects to place, that takes the time, the rest is easy enough.
  14. Richie

    WW2 maps

    Find an intresting part where a battle was maybe ? something with hills and valleys, forests and open fields, an intresting terrain to travel back and forth.
  15. Richie

    WW2 maps

    There won't be too much difference, see what you can come up with, I just enjoy terrain building and i'm happy to do any location.
  16. Richie

    WW2 maps

    UK mate, plenty help with terrain building and i don't mind helping. Better idea, why not learn to make objects ? you make some WW2 objects and i'll work on a terrain with you :)
  17. Richie

    No Clutter appearing

    Happy to help, I hit the same issue and many more, so if you get stuck just ask. Also think about joining the terrain builders skype group, so many experienced people all willing to help.
  18. Richie

    No Clutter appearing

    Some files are case sensitive and have to be lowercase, my surfaces are all lowercase, even though the files are in caps.
  19. Richie

    No Clutter appearing

    Try lowercase in your files path on your surfaces. For example change : files = "DAR_DAR_Base_dry_grass*"; To this : files = "dar_dar_base_dry_grass*";
  20. Richie

    Terrain Processor

    So do i import my existing terrain height.asc into QGIS, then through TP before going back to TB ? I'm not following you here, i'd like to use TP, I just presumed TB and TP would work in harmony.
  21. Richie

    WW2 maps

    Nah, there's new stuff coming out all the time, the main thing lacking are object packs for terrain builders, Poolpunk seems to be the only one doing objects, that's the biggest shame.
  22. Richie

    Terrain Processor

    Really ? It would explain why nothing happens but surely a BI product should work with another BI product, otherwise what's the point ? Be nice to get an official answer here, do polylines exported from TB work with TP ?
  23. Richie

    Terrain Processor

    Well mine doesn't crash but nothing changes, I get a larger .asc file exactly the same as the source.