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About mr_shadow

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  1. mr_shadow

    State Life Role Playing server

    The videos and screens are outdated anyway. The whole visulas already have been changed. The last update posted here was a version 3.82. Now its 4.56. So actually there were lots of updates. Basically scripting. P.S. Dev team is listening to every player to bring the project same cool features as it was in arma 1 and arma 2. So basically we are adding all the amazing features from all arma life games (Arma 1, Arma 2 Life, City LIFE RPG, Takistan Life, etc). The thing I'm trying to announce that this mission is about the life mode which all of us had played a long time ago. For example do you remember assassin missions? Bank trucks? We have all of this features, special jobs and trainings. etc.
  2. mr_shadow

    State Life Role Playing server

    Well mate, I'm making updates to the code everyday, if you are interested - I would like to invite you to join our discord. As soon as you are interested - you could become one of the admins. The thing is, that I can not post all the new abt the mission in this topic. So I will await for everyone in discord.
  3. mr_shadow

    State Life Role Playing server

    Our modpack we are going to reanimate: https://www.moddb.com/games/arma-3/downloads/state-life-rpg-mod For now its no-modded, so everyone could enter and see our unique scripts.
  4. mr_shadow

    State Life Role Playing server

    Welcome everyone! The server is back up after long time. We have decided to reanimate the life project. The server is online. IP and port are: 2896 website: arma3slc.weebly.com Discord: https://discord.gg/Jz6mkS5v For right now we are looking fir server/website and discord admins. If you are interested in life projects and want to become a part of unique(scripting) life project - you are welcome at our server, please visit our discord.
  5. Hello guys, I would like to know how should look the command in MP if i want the player to press on acion and then execute in sidechat a message for example "Unit327 : I need backup", so the other players will see his name too. The thing i do not know is how it should be executed exactly.
  6. Hi there, i need some of your help please. I'm trying to make a script which will basically delete the bullet and draw a green tracer line to the cursortarget. So far as I know, all the scripts were based on the bullet tracing, and I was wondering if it is possible just to draw line for 5-7 sec which will be created about 100m distance or something like that. Let me show I want to make, its incorrect code: init.sqf [] execVM 'scripts\tracer.sqf'; Player addEventhandler ["Fired", { _bullet = (_this select 6); _target = cursorTarget; dist_1=player distance _target; if (primaryweapon player== "impulseg") then { deletevehicle _bullet; if (_target isKindOf "Man") and (if (dist_1 < 50))then { [player, [1,0,0,1], 3, 2, nil, 3] call hyp_fnc_traceFire; _target setdamage 1; }; }; }];
  7. mr_shadow

    Tracer Line script

    Let me show I want to make, its incorrect code: init.sqf [] execVM 'scripts\tracer.sqf'; Player addEventhandler ["Fired", { _bullet = (_this select 6); _target = cursorTarget; dist_1=player distance _target; if (primaryweapon player== "impulseg") then { deletevehicle _bullet; if (_target isKindOf "Man") and (if (dist_1 < 50))then { [player, [1,0,0,1], 3, 2, nil, 3] call hyp_fnc_traceFire; _target setdamage 1; }; }; }]; tracer.sqf
  8. Hello guys, I'm trying to make a script which will basically dewlete the bullet and draw a green tracer line to the cursortarget. So far as I know, all the scripts were based on the bullet tracing, and I was wondering if it is possible just to draw line for 5-7 sec which will be created about 100m distance or something like that. Any help please?
  9. mr_shadow

    Player sidechat in MP mission

    No way, that doesn't work. Same as [player, format ["Negative"], "sidechat", west, false ,false] call BIS_fnc_MP; or [[_player, format ["%1: Negative",name _player]], "sidechat", west, false ,false] call BIS_fnc_MP;
  10. mr_shadow

    Player sidechat in MP mission

    Yes when player clicks on the button in that menu i want him to say3d and send a chat message so can I do like this? negative.sqf(directly from dialog.hpp no other sqf files) [[player, format ["Negative"], "sidechat", side player, false ,false] call BIS_fnc_MP;
  11. mr_shadow

    Player sidechat in MP mission

    right, so dialog will directly execute the negative.sqf? and that's the code inside it: [[player, format ["Negative"], "sidechat", west, false ,false] call BIS_fnc_MP; The thing I wanna completely understand is - how it will work : showing the "Negative" only for the side player or showing this message for all players but in their sidechat(which means that opfor will see blufor message) ? __________________________________________________________________________________ Same thing have to be used on the opfor side, but only if (side player == side _theguywhoseethismessage) so as i thought i made this: _player = player; closedialog 0; [[_player], "negative", nil, false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; _player= _this select 0; if (side player == side _player) then{ player sideChat format["Unit %1 : Negative.",name _player]; }; Tell me please the correct way.
  12. mr_shadow

    Player sidechat in MP mission

    Ye, I know how it should work, the problem is - that it's not working) And the problem is in that part: _player= _this select 0 ; And I'm not sure if all the players will see the message. This part is just for testing, thats why it looks complicated. _player sidechat format ["%1: Negative",name _player] P.S. I'm focusing on onKeyUp to make it close when the key was released, didn't get luck yet. I'm using keydown and key up, so the dialog exists while player is holding button.
  13. mr_shadow

    Player sidechat in MP mission

    Thing I'm trying to do: neg.sqf (when you press on button) [[], "negative", nil, false] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; init.sqf negative = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "menuQ\negative.sqf"; negative.sqf _player= _this select 0 ; _player sidechat format ["%1: Negative",name _player]
  14. Hello everyone, I was wondering how should look my script about sidechat. On keyHold i have a dialog, which is creating a menu like in BF, where you can communmicate by radio. Question is - how should I execute a sript with with the BIS function or else?
  15. mr_shadow

    Launcher reload script

    Thing that helped me: player addbackpack "B_Kitbag_sgg"; player addSecondaryWeaponItem "NLAW_F"; removebackpack player;