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Everything posted by VanZant

  1. VanZant

    Fixed topics

    Then, let's go watch some videos and pictures
  2. VanZant

    Fixed topics

    In this forum 15 out of 25 topics per page (with default settings) are sticky. Is this normal? Perhaps are childish-screen-capture threads more important than problems for an 1.68 version, after 4 years of development, for example?
  3. VanZant

    Lost the ArmA 3 hype

    I have spare time, coffee ready, and want to play a couple of missions. I subscribe to some that seem long and interesting and one of them throws script errors, the other after 20 minutes and after loading a savegame my team members are missing. I close the game and watch some TV series. This happened 2 hours ago. Not always is like so, but many more times than it should this is my experience as SP player. I can assure that with A2 playing user made content was a lot less painful. Lost the hype?. No, I just want to play.
  4. My thoughts. Lot of content is now useless due to constant changes. And this is real. At times, after spending 2-3 hours trying to play i've ended playing nothing due to errors, outdated mods, tons of mods required or broken savegames. People, modders, get tired of adapting to those changes constantly. The sensation of a never finished game, again, due to constant game-breaking changes, reinforced by a year of beta testing. Steam has boosted the amount of content yes, but low quality, plenty of noob content, errors, lack of info, discontinued or obsolete, etc. It's like the fast food of content, and the main source of content now for SP people not in a milsim group. The infamous contest of half million for 12 people. Many playable content requires more mods than before. Too much mod dependency forces the player to stay constantly aware of updates, compatibility, more stuff to download, and now it's higher than ever. The way the game is shifting towards ... something. More recently, how a campaign like apex protocol can somehow be approved. Bad implemented, copy-pasted, futuristic content which, you may like or not, gives less possibilities and adds magic. In other words, high tech is boring. The lack of a constant supply of official playable content. Good, complex, intelligent content, not apex protocol. The attitude of "They (us) will fix it". Artistically the terrains are great, but in essence are enormous empty, dead spaces. There is no easy way for mission makers to add ambient combat or civilian life. ... How not to get tired?
  5. That button is the marketing button. Its function is just to capture 2 or 3 COD players. Apart of that, it's useless.
  6. Pettka, I'd like to explain a point I think it hasn't been said before in this thread, at least in my case is the main reason of why was I expecting your campaign. Many of us make our own mods, for ourselves or for others, as well as missions or other kind of content. Also, there is a bazillion of user-made content out there. We all know that. So, Why I was waiting for your campaign?. Well, you are the guys with a mocap studio, with talented programmers, designers (please give a pay rise to the Tanoa guys), who can make proper radio chats, or game tricks nobody can do. It's your game. You have all the resources to make a campaign awesome, in an awesome terrain, and suddenly we get something that many of us, as SP players, barely can play. That's all.
  7. Yes, there are. None at all.
  8. Wow, I though it was a joke but no, really!. What a wonderful changelog!. Definitely marketing experts have invaded everything.
  9. VanZant

    How much would you recommend the Apex Expansion?

    Tanoa is the real reason to buy the expansion. Has some flaws but superb in general. The campaign is pure crap. The rest is similar to other DLCs in quality and quantity, could be better, but not bad.
  10. The company wants to move towards casuals and life players, not new, but this campaign has removed completely the SP. You can play yes, but it is just for the record, period. Apart, there is no tactics, decisions, planning in the gameplay ... I understand company movements, but making the content, exclusively, pure MP, is a bad decision. We don't want to know how many problems are, we know that for many of us this campaign is unplayable and a fiasco. Moreover thanks for being here answering, Zipper 5.
  11. After 3 missions I can't continue. Just horrible, especially for SP players. Simple missions, guided, no team mates, pure Rambo style, no savegames, respawn points, waiting times, no secondary tasks ... Where are missions like Razon Two, Manhattan, Bingo Fuel?. Tanoa is one of the best, if not the best terrain ever made, with the worst campaign.
  12. VanZant's Copy My Stance Current version: A3.2.0.0 Required addons: None Key: Yes Signature: Yes Direct links: Download Armaholic: Download Changelog: This will make that your units really follow your stance. It works in a individual way so, if you wish, you can make that only 2 units follow your stance and the rest will remain in the same position. Installation and notes: Install the addon as usual. You will see a new option in the menu nº7. The old command has been renamed to "Auto". Known issues: Voice commands have no unit enumeration.
  13. Has anyone experienced large fps drops while firing, aiming, or with particle effects?. Not now, since some months ago and not necessarily with complex actions. Some examples, all of them in the editor without AI: Case 1. Looking at a fixed point. - Watching: 73 fps. - Aiming (RCO): 57 fps. 15 fps less with far fewer objects on screen! - Aiming (RCO) and firing full auto: 35 fps! Case 2. Looking at a fixed point, the same as case 1. - Watching: 73 fps. - Firing full auto without aiming: 60 fps. Case 3. Throwing a single smoke grenade 3 m ahead. - Before throwing: 73 fps. - The smoke almost covers the whole screen: 45 fps!.
  14. VanZant

    Visual Upgrade – Feedback

    First. The new tone-mapping is a big improvement, looks fantastic, and tweaking a little bit the post-processing becomes even better. Congratulations BIS! :lol: Very slight adjustments to make: - There is too much contrast in low-light situations. Blacks are too black and light does not spread well. Seems linear decay. - Some rocks seem made of rubber. - Some very white textures are burned. - Darker shadows. Some captures after making tweaks. http://imgur.com/a/iHWzZ
  15. Everything is very small, unreadable. The rest of the game seems ok, including the 2d editor. It happens only with eden.
  16. Yes. Resolution, hud, 2d editor, ... everything ok except the 3d editor.
  17. The editor is almost useless with 4k monitos. Any plans to fix this?
  18. ArmA Fast Launcher (for A2, A3 and maybe more) I've created this program because I needed a very fast tool to handle many mods, and other solutions out there including the official launcher are slow, confusing and clunky for some purposes. This tool doesn't handle updates. It is just a profile manager and the default config includes example profiles for A2 and A3. Basic steps: 1. Create a game and configure the executable path, startup arguments, and a mod folder for the game. The "mod folder" must contain folders of mods, named like @ACE3, with the @ at the start. This "mod folder" will be monitored and its content will be shown inside the program. 2. Create profiles for the selected game. 3. Add mods to the selected profile by adding from the mod folder ("Add to profile"), or using "Add special mod", that allows the user to select a folder that's not listed in "mod folder". 4. Enable or disable mods for the selected profile using the checkboxes. 5. Launch the desired profile. Changelog v1.0.0.62 Small tweaks in the UI. Added. The mod folder can be opened from the contextual menu. v1.0.0.60 Initial releaseDownload Armaholic Mega Screenshots
  19. Updated ... new link: Mega v1.0.0.62 Small tweaks in the UI. Added. The mod folder can be opened from the contextual menu.
  20. VanZant's SteadyShot (sway and recoil controller) Current version: A3.3.0.0 Required addons: None Keys: Yes Signature: Yes Direct links: Download Changelog: Description: This addon allows to tweak sway, recoil and breath values in a easy way. Edit the file "steadyShot_settings.hpp" located in "\userconfig\vz_addons" and run or restart the game. This how the default "steadyShot_settings.hpp" looks: // Globals. #define VZ_SSH_G_R 1 // Global recoil multiplier. #define VZ_SSH_G_S 0.3 // Global sway multiplier. #define VZ_SSH_G_P true // Enables or disables aim imperfections after running, changing stances, and such type of actions. // Bipods. #define VZ_SSH_I_DRP 0 // Multiplier for the permanent recoil when the bipod is deployed. // Breathing. #define VZ_SSH_B_TH 1.6 // Multiplier for how many time the breath can be holded. #define VZ_SSH_B_TR 0.7 // Multiplier for how many time takes to restore the breath. #define VZ_SSH_B_SW 0.5 // Multiplier for sway. Notes: - v1.54 is required. - Addon settings cannot be changed while the game is running. A restart is needed. Installation: Install the pbo file as usual. Copy the folder "userconfig" into the game's root folder and overwrite if asked. For example "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\userconfig"
  21. Select some units and in the command menu nº1 use "Move to point". The units will move to the specific point, not spreaded due to formation. Here
  22. I play SP only so if there is a problem with MP I can't make tests (and don't want to waste time). On other hand, although it can be done modifying the provided userconfig, the intention of this addon is to make adjustments in a easy way, not remove everything. To work well is necessary to configure properly the userconfig folder.
  23. New version uploaded. v1.54 is required.
  24. VanZant

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    There is a feasible solution for the last one. I've tested it personally and does the trick. Make that regularly, for example every 3 seconds, every team member in group who is following the player within a predefined radius decreases his fatigue value by a percentage, closer to the player, greater percentage. And finally compensate the final regeneration rate with the load value. As said this has been tested and, without being perfect, the player can command a group very decently as the selected members who are following the player, unless carrying a large load or getting stuck somewhere, will have almost the same value of fatigue. No more people 400 meters behind without a reason.
  25. VanZant

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    Be rid of slowed animations has been a great advance, and overall the system is not bad, but somehow it is absolutely necessary to punish walking and normal running. Maybe one restores the stamina slower, and the other nothing at all, or something similar. Of course all of this infuenced by load, stance, ... Months? Come on ... <_<