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Everything posted by bludski

  1. Hi guys. These are my tips and tricks for terrain making for the intermediate to advanced terrain creator. Any replies to this post will be deleted by a moderator and I will not respond to any questions here. Everything I do and my entire method can be surmised from this guide. If there is something you don't understand, go back to the PMC guide or learn some computer gfx basics. Look here for some free gfx educational material: https://www.3dbuzz.com/?fbclid=IwAR0mzUzEwUA4hI_kK6nOce_c7008vzJUd-tS7Su_VAGoUAPWsnHk5inqhTQ This is NOT a terrainmaking tutorial. Snakeman has got that covered with the PMC tutorials. This is simply supplementary information to it and this guide is more like answers to the questions I get most frequently. All your questions will be answered in the official A3 discord server, terrain_makers channel by me or somebody competent. If @HorribleGoat says it, you can bet money on it being true. I write this guide to not have to answer the same quiestions over and over. If somebody doesnt answer you right away in the discord, they are afk and will respond when they see your post. Spamming is rude so please don't 🙂 By reading this guide you agree to my terms which are very simple and as follows: Pay it forward! Information wants to be free. DO follow the excellent PMC tutorial by SnakeMan to the letter. DON'T trust any others. Anything I write here will assume you know ALL the basic information provided in that tutorial. It is the only one without errors and we all contribute to keep it current. There are other tutorials out there but they are riddled with misinformation and errors. If you have done the above, already gotten your first terrain into the game to learn the basics and you now want to start your big dream project, this post is for you! The tips posted here will by no means be the only or the "right" way to do things, but rather how I do it plus some confirmed methods BI use to get their maps to look how they do.(Thanks a lot Ivan!) I will also assume you have a basic knowledge of image editors What I intend to cover: Normal maps, Object placement, Buldozer, Photoshop, misc Terrain Builder. Texturing, clutter, performance and many other things. This guide is a work in progress and as I work on my own terrains, I will add more information as it occurs to me. TERMINOLOGY HAVE A PLAN! FOLDER STRUCTURE TILES and MAPFRAME SAT, MASK AND NORMAL MAPS (TILES/LAYERS) NORMAL MAPS! GROUND TEXTURES MID TEXTURE DECALS ROADS AI CONSIDERATIONS THINGS YOU SHOULD CONSIDER HARD EARNED EXPERIENCE I will add more content very soon. This post might get extensive and each bit of info will be in their own spoiler. What I will NOT cover: Modeling. Configs. Packing your terrain. Real world data.
  2. 01.02.20 Updated. Added middle_mco and folder structure sections.
  3. It is still available on steam.. That one just won't be updated anymore. We are just fixing some performance things and then RHSPKL 0.5 is released!
  4. No. At least not in the same way. My youtube channel has some vids of how it might turn out... Look for "temple".
  5. PKL pics: https://imgur.com/a/Tki8a0d Bunchload of them.
  6. I just spread the rumors... And make them. They might be false...
  7. Some people, including me, have been spreading some rumors that there will be some sort of release in the very near future. They may be true but are still just rumors you shouldn't take seriously. At any rate. If there was to be such a thing. The place to look for it would be in the RHS workshop some time between now and new years. The best place for 100% reliable information about such eventualities is to follow me on twooter.... https://twitter.com/bludclouds I'm not saying that there is, nor that you should, just that I would..
  8. Radio Arma recording tonight.. got questions? Send them to that twitter! time limit 7 hours from this post :3
  9. Almost done and ready to start import it into the game!
  10. Testing me some new clutter blends..
  11. Map area consist of roughly: Mountains 20% Waterways 20% Rural and farmlands 20% Wild taiga 35% Urban/village 5%
  12. No there will be mostly taiga and canals. There will be a lake or two but nothing like your pics. Most water is salty or brackish and summer is short. Performance will not allow for that dense object placement either and that is why most arma maps don't have stuff placed in rivers.
  13. https://steamcommunity.com/id/bludclot/myworkshopfiles/ <- my w orkshop. The one in the pics you liked is katya. not released yet but will be in the rhs workshop.
  14. Naah samme textures, just some rvmat changes mostly.