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Everything posted by ski2060

  1. ski2060

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    So what you're saying is that there's a chance for some US AA vehicles/sites? ;) We really could use at least one AA vehicle and one ground site other than the vanilla stuff. I would love to see RHS quality units.
  2. ski2060

    Pook ARTY Pack

    Posting your quoted question again, two posts later, is generally seen in a negative light. Pookie probably has some real life issues that he is dealing with and will get back to you at his convenience.
  3. There is indeed an ACE / RHS missile compatibility mod on steam. It's by a third party, but it works.
  4. ski2060

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    So, BIS devs just dropped this WIKI info regarding the new extended damage model and Armor Configuration info. Dunno if it something that can be looked into by RHS or other modders to see how granular they can make Armored assets going forward. I have no idea if that is similar to RHS armor values or damage model. Considering that TANKS will be adding new Ammo damage types also (AP, HE, HEAT, and Tandem HEAT). But the new system is apparently open ended and allows for new ammo/damage types to be built. As well as Armor types/protection. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Damage_Enhancement
  5. ski2060

    Tanks - Damage improvements

    Tanks soo much! Pun intended. ;) If only I was off instead of headed out the door. This looks like a great, long awaited implementation. Alongside the Customization posted below, this should help extend Arma 3 play for quite a while!
  6. What weapon are you using? Depending on what system there are several different targeting methods. Laser only works with specific weapon systems. Make sure you are using a bomb or weapon with actual laser targeting. From the AWS PDF Weapon reference section: Laser Targeting Weapons GBU-10 Paveway II GBU-12 Paveway II GBU-24 Paveway III GCS-1 GBU-53 SDB II GBU-54 LJDAM EGBU-12 Enhanced Paveway II Paveway IV APKWS Rocket Laser Zuni
  7. ski2060

    POOK SAM PACK (May 2022)

    Pookie, how inextricable are the SHORAD sites/vehicles from the whole SAM's mod? Would it be possible for you to make a standalone SHORAD Vehicles mod that just pulls the excellent vehicles from your SAMS for people to use without the full on BVR scripting and Sites? <I know, I know, just use the whole thing.> My unit is paring down mods and trying to streamline, so any MB savings we can find are appreciated. I thought I'd see if that was at all feasible or even possible, and something you could offer the community. In other news Brenda, I can't wait to see the updates you have planned for the full SAMS. I really love throwing down some sites and random stuff and seeing if I can run a gauntlet to hit targets. Keep up the great work!
  8. Yeah, RHS introduced an enhanced PIP view distance in their last patch. Lowlands posted theirs some time after. Whatever works for people, as it's out in the wild now.
  9. Multiple missile variants/sensors FTW! Making players choose what type of missile or mix of missiles to bring is a good thing in my book!
  10. @SuicideKing Firewill has Laser guided Mavericks already. It's not hard to do with the new sensor components. BIS just needs to make new weapon configs in game with the appropriate sensors on them.
  11. Are you talking flying your own aircraft in a Single player mission? If so you just acquire the target with your TGP and lase it yourself before dropping your ordnance.
  12. @da12thMonkey I don't know if you use ACE 3 or anything, but they have an LOAL mode for Hellfires. Maybe talk to them about how they achieved that and see if you can import or adapt that for the RHS Hellfires?
  13. We know it's doable as Firewill has LOBL/LOAL weapons as well as dual use GPS/Laser guidance in his mod. Having it in Vanilla would be freaking awesome.
  14. ski2060

    Dynamic Frontline PvP mod

    Roger, I'll either try to get on Discord channel to text chat or get on later to voice chat if I can. We have some people interested and would like to check it out if possible. Thanks!
  15. ski2060

    Dynamic Frontline PvP mod

    So, is the server up for play now or is it only on the specified times per the post above? I'd like to get some guys in to check it out as soon as we can get enough to install everything.
  16. ski2060

    Dynamic Frontline PvP mod

    No need for a ticket. I can just install/re-install plugins manually. I was just wondering about compatibility. Thanks for the answer.
  17. ski2060

    Dynamic Frontline PvP mod

    So, It looks like it found all my mods no problem, and downloaded the new mods. The only issue I have is that my unit uses the new TFAR Beta package. Is the Frontline TFAR plugin mandatory or can I run the TFAR Beta without having to reinstall a plugin every single time I want to check out Frontline?
  18. So yeah, there's a mod out there for an AWACS/ AEW plane. AEW / AWACS frm Armaholic If someone could make a mod to to fix radar configs for that bird you would have what you were looking for.
  19. Pretty sure when it exports it just goes to your clipboard, and you have to paste it into a text file, and label that cba_settings.sqf.
  20. ski2060

    [WIP] Terrain - North Coast Germany

    If that is your plan I would not place an Aircraft carrier as an organic map item. You should leave that to mission makers, as having it placed already can limit mission making or immersion for groups.
  21. ski2060

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Doh! Completely missed that. These old eyes, etc...
  22. ski2060

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Are those RHS settings in the menu area of Arma? Where can one find those extra RHS settings to extend TVM/MFD visual distance?
  23. ski2060

    Pook ARTY Pack

    Along with that Reload truck, can you make some Ammo crate configs for reloading from crates? For bunker settings with ammo crates piled up next to the weapons/SPGs?
  24. Patreon is supposed to be a good service for people to support work by artists of any stripe. You could check that out.
  25. I would love to see Spookwar back in one larger download for inclusiveness. But at the same time, having each available as a download is a good idea also. Steam Workshop would be great. I could possibly get my unit to test this out if it was on Steam Workshop. Do you plan on making components configurable in Editor or Parameters? EDIT: By that I mean, do you plan to incorporate CBA for settings ? Or will it still all be run by modules placed on mission files? I am really looking forward to MP compatible FROGS/SONAR and HALO for inclusion with my unit. CORE/and others will help fill in if someone doesn't want to run missions in Zeus. It's great to see you making progress with the different components of SpookWar. I really think that you should put together some videos detailing the different components and setup. And possibly a playthrough video showing us how your unit plays and YOU envision SpookWar being used for missions and Campaigns.