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Posts posted by jetset22a

  1. On 1/19/2017 at 9:36 AM, Von Quest said:

    I'm not sure about spawning a Module. But you can place the LEAP Module and set it to "System Only", and then when you are ready you can just add the addAction Menus to the Objects you need.


    If you are comfortable with some scripting, you can add these to the Object(s) you need if/when they become unlocked:

    [[JumpMaster, ["Flight Plan: XC-130 Nightmare -- H.A.L.O.", "missionNamespace setVariable ['planeType', 2, true]; missionNamespace setVariable ['flightHALO', 1, true]; missionNamespace setVariable ['flightPARA', 0, true]; execVM 'vqi_halo\VQI-DemonDropper\FlightPlan\vqi_halo_flightplan.sqf'; [JumpMaster, 1]"]], "addAction", true, true] call BIS_fnc_MP;
    [[JumpMaster, ["Flight Plan: XC-130 Nightmare -- ParaJump", "missionNamespace setVariable ['planeType', 2, true]; missionNamespace setVariable ['flightPARA', 1, true]; missionNamespace setVariable ['flightHALO', 0, true]; execVM 'vqi_halo\VQI-DemonDropper\FlightPlan\vqi_halo_flightplan.sqf'; [JumpMaster, 2]"]], "addAction", true, true] call BIS_fnc_MP;
    [[JumpMaster, ["S.A.M. Intel Report", "execVM 'vqi_halo\VQI-DemonDropper\Airspace\vqi_halo_sam_mkrs_intel.sqf'; [JumpMaster, 3]"]], "addAction", true, true] call BIS_fnc_MP;
    [[JumpMaster, ["H.A.L.O. Inspection", "[player] execVM 'vqi_halo\VQI-DemonDropper\FlightCrew\vqi_halo_inspection_halo.sqf'; [JumpMaster, 4]"]], "addAction", true, true] call BIS_fnc_MP;
    [[JumpMaster, ["ParaJump Inspection", "[player] execVM 'vqi_halo\VQI-DemonDropper\FlightCrew\vqi_halo_inspection_para.sqf'; [JumpMaster, 5]"]], "addAction", true, true] call BIS_fnc_MP;
    [[LoadMaster, ["CLEARED for TakeOff", "[player] execVM 'vqi_halo\VQI-DemonDropper\FlightCrew\vqi_halo_takeoff.sqf'; [LoadMaster, 1]"]], "addAction", true, true] call BIS_fnc_MP;

    Just change the names JumpMaster and LoadMaster to the Objects you want to have those Menu Options. Then you can also spawn the HALO Crate and C-130 Plane as needed. Not sure if that helps, as I haven't worked on this in a long time. I'm also not sure what works and what doesn't right now. I should be coming back to this project in a few weeks or so to take a closer look at its current state.


    This actually works really well for a Liberation edit I've been working on. Along these lines though, is there a line of code I can use to add Cargo Menu Options to an object as well?

  2. Loving the new sig 550 series! I finally made the plunge to go with your all-in-one pack on the steamworkshop because everything you guys do is such high quality, but I had one small gripe that has more to do with the steam workshop uploads. If it's not too much of an inconvenience, could you remove the requirements off the compatability files so that those of us that play with the All-in-one pack don't get the pesky notifications when switching between mod presets?


    edit: EEEEEEEEEEK just saw your release on the workshop! THANKS!

  3. Loving the mod, keep up the great work! I voted for not having the flag patches to allow for flexible use of the gear, but I can imagine players from countries that get less attention would appreciate them. Why not both?
    I also assume that you did your due diligence and got permission for the icon. There was an iranian mod on SW recently that did something similar and changed it at RHS's request. Just a heads up.

  4. 5 minutes ago, Wyqer said:


    So you use classnames from the resistance side in the opfor preset and wondering why they behave like the resistance concerning friend or foe?

    Opfor preset -> opfor side

    You can't add resistance side classnames for Opfor, as it's obviously not the opfor side. Same if you would add classnames from the blufor side in the opfor preset.

    Thanks, that's what I figured, but I was hoping that was not the case. I just wanted confirmation because I did some research before I asked and you had previously mentioned that this was possible.


    On 8/2/2017 at 1:41 AM, Opavelin said:


    Many thanks. Everything was so simple.


    About the second. I do not need to change GRLIB_side_enemy = EAST; ?
    Or just replace
    O_Soldier_F to I_Soldier_F and this will work?


    On 8/2/2017 at 1:58 AM, Wyqer said:

    You can just replace it.


  5. 44 minutes ago, Darkhound7 said:

    96 gave us separate presets for opfor and resistance fighters so it added another faction that could help you or depending on your rep, shoot you. Is this what you mean? In other words the spawns,at times will include resistance fighters that are indeed freindly and will help you unless you shoot them of course


    Say for example my resistance preset was filled with FIA units, and my OPFOR preset was filled with AAF units. They're both defined as Independent factions in the base game. Basically what's happening is sometimes AAF units are spawned as resistance fighters. Except in this case I'm using GREF as the resistance preset, and using a custom preset using Project Opfor's Iranian Faction. None of the units I'm using as opfor are in the resistance preset, but they're still spawning as resistance fighters.

  6. I may have run into a bug when filling the opfor preset with independent faction units. I used Project Opfor's Iranian faction for the opfor preset.


    Sometimes, vehicles spawned as sector defenders spawned as "friendly" and when killed, I had a resistance fighter was killed text pop up. Only seems to happen with units spawned in vehicles, otherwise infantry units are hostile.


    I used the default preset for Resistance fighters so I know that they weren't supposed to be friendly or ID'd as resistance fighters.

  7. ACE has everything you're looking for, including an advanced and basic medical system, both of which are much more involved and advanced than the vanilla medical system and include firemans carry, drag, and ability to put wounded into a vehicle. Anything outside of the medical you might not want I believe you can switch off based on preference.


    Alternatively you can add A3 Wounding System (AIS by Psycho) script to your missions. This doesn't require mods which can be advantageous if you're looking for accessibility.


  8. Love this mod! The newest update is awesome, I love the little cutscene for teleporting into the plane. Can we ever expect to see an official steam workshop release? I know you mentioned considering it quite a while ago, but the most recent authorized upload is from July and causes a few minor errors. It would be great to be kept up to date more easily, as well as have it more accessible to my friend group of casual arma players.

    • Like 1

  9. Loving the shotguns, especially the keltec! Arma's definitely been in need of good shotties ever since Purple stopped working on his m4 pack. Is there any plan to have CBA joint rails compatibility so we can use other mods' accessories on your weapons? Also, just out of curiosity, why did you decide to make the m8 standalone rather than part of this pack? Not complaining, it just seemed like a perfect fit for Aegis.

  10. 8 minutes ago, zeealex said:

    haha, aye, thanks! yeah the plan was to package it with FEMAL3 but my hard disk died and i lost the source files xD


    Ah I see :( that's a shame . Are you unable to publish that .pbo itself under another name? I apologize I don't fully understand how steam workshop works on the creator's end. Nevertheless I think those heads would still make a good addition even as a standalone on the workshop.

  11. 3 minutes ago, zeealex said:

    I'll take these into account, thanks all!


    wait... its not already?

    did i set it to friends only again?? ugh... steam...

    Sorry my phrasing was a little inaccurate. I meant to say that the more heads you had posted here would be a good complement to your femal3 head already on the workshop.

  12. 11 minutes ago, kremator said:

    AFAIK the whole idea was just to collapse the group to the leader to save on processing power.   Why can't you not just spawn them again?  Keeping the leader makes the mission dynamic until you approach (or they are within LOS of an enemy).


    By nature of DUWS, the patrols that spawn will already be dynamic in the position that they spawn in. As long as they're within the AO, it doesn't really matter much whether they're in a position because they spawned there or because they walked there while I was away from the AO. The issue I'm more concerned about is that VCOM AI breaks the mission when there are too many groups in the mission. Because the leader is left behind when the AI is cached, the leader still counts as a group, so the number of total groups in the mission doesn't change.

  13. Is there such a way to set it up so that groups that I don't need to move around while I'm far away can also cache the group leader so that the entire group is cached? I am trying to implement VCOM AI into DUWS but it has the issue of severe scheduler lag when there are too many groups present in the mission. I tried including the enable/disable line to the ai spawn scripts for the groups I want to cache in particular but I believe this still leaves the leader, so the group still exists.


    TL;DR is there a way to cache an entire group without leaving the leader behind to move about freely?

  14. On 1/25/2017 at 0:38 AM, genesis92x said:

    I am curious...if you have time...can you do a simple hint format ["%1 --- %2",count allunits, count allgroups]; and tell me the numbers? I know all machines are different but I was able to get ~200 AI, in groups of 8, all in combat to have an FPS drop of ~10 and scheduler lag of about .5 seconds. I am just curious about other missions and etc and one of the biggest things I am finding is that missions with MORE groups (Even if they have less AI) perform far worse than missions with MORE AI but LESS groups. 


    So yeah... I tested my mission with the amount of zones I typically like to run with and I got 326 units, 108 groups.... I think I'll try using ZBE_caching and see if that helps me. Otherwise I'll have to completely rework the way enemy units spawn.

  15. 8 hours ago, genesis92x said:

    This. I would have Vcom execute AFTER the units are spawned. Vcom puts units in a queue so it won't activate all the AI at once. This should help FPS/script lag

    Ok, so I tried this and it definitely worked in allowing me to generate all the zones I wanted. However, I found that I now have problems with other scripts running properly once VCOM is executed. Is this because I'm waiting for VCOM to be applied to all the units in the queue like you said, or because it's just that the VCOM is very script heavy so my game is just going to have all other scripts run super slow as well? Basically when VCOM is initialized, all other scripts act super slow, which as you can imagine can create big problems. A small example of what I'm talking about; if I try to do certain actions, such as opening a requests menu in the action menu, the requests menu will open several seconds after the action is done. This basically happens to all scripts the mission utilizes to the point of being unplayeable again :(. Do I just have to wait for VCOM to initialize for all units that are generated before it's back to normal or is it just how the script runs and there's nothing I can do?


    TL;DR Everything that is supposed to happen via scripts happens several seconds (anywhere from 10-30 seconds) after it's supposed to. In some cases with more complicated scripts, such as parajumping via VQI LEAP mod can take minutes or seemingly never.


    Edit: After some testing, it doesn't seem like the game ever goes back to normal, or at least not within a reasonable amount of time, so I will have to go back to no VCOM AI :icon_cry:. Still, thank you for your response. I appreciate the communication and the knowledge that you're still working on this mod and trying to make it better gives me hope. I look forward to seeing what comes out of making it CBA compatible.

  16. I have a question about how the VCOM script version works. Like I said in a previous post, I want to use VCOM in a DUWS mission I'm working on but have trouble generating more than 6-7 zones for a mission when VCOM is initialized. My question is does VCOM only affect AI that is spawned after VCOM is initialized? My work around that I'm considering is having the VCOM script executed AFTER the zones are generated, which means after the units are already spawned.  Would this work?

  17. On 1/22/2017 at 10:41 AM, SN M. Buchanan said:


    You want to speed things up?? Move what logic you can over to the CBA state machine.  It's intensely fast, and lets you define all of your states and transitions in a seemingly easier .hpp class structure than the one in vanilla.  @baermitumlaut wrote it.  He loves people, and loves to answer anyone's questions at any time, day or night.  Right buddy?  


    Would this also mean faster spawning of units with VCOM? I'm currently trying to implement VCOM into a DUWS mission I've been working on, but during startup, the generation of the zones slows to the point that it's unplayable. It only really works with 6-7 zones at most, and even then the generation of the zones slow to the point where I'm not sure if they'll initialize or not. If this can help with that, then +1 to this idea! I only tried VCOM a few times in my mission since it limits the zones I can spawn, but since playing with it I feel like I'm missing out on the best gameplay I could possibly have when I take it out!
