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About DocTore

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  1. DocTore

    North Korea General

    Hopefully, NK won't bother doing anything too... aggressive. Whatever insanity they're under is just asking to get themselves removed from the map. Part of me wants to see them disappear from the map but there's plenty of innocent people that are simply starving and shouldn't be a part of this situation.
  2. Name: You can call me the Doc'Tore Time: -5 GMT or EST... I'm not sure by this point. It's -5. About myself: Got into ARMA recently and... still a little shakey but I'm sure I can adapt with a few keybinding changes at some point. I've always been a fan of military history myself and at one point considered even joining. I just want to be part of a community who do operations, are generally amusing, and are not d-nozzles. I'd like to hope I can fill a role in a Helo at some point but I'm in no hurry. I have a working mic, semi-powerful rig (I can give specs if asked from memory), and some sexy peripherals. Hmm, I guess I should also post more on the forums and get the discussion going. Also! I've always wondered what it'd be like to have video footage of myself in some way or another. Be it myself or an in-game avatar.