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About Grimez

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  1. Hey, I just finished updating Arma 3 on Steam. When I open the launcher it say "All mods up-to-date" and then I can click the yellow play button. When I do that the Arma III icon comes up with the little loading words and bar under it. Then my screen goes black like it does whenever I launch a game, but before the splash screen or anything shows up - it crashes. arma3.exe just disappears completely. I don't know what is causing this so any help would be appreciated.
  2. Sorry about the necro, but this has happened to me too and I haven't seen any other things posted about it. Miller even gave me an attitude about screwing up the mission before we start it, which i assume is because the game thinks i didn't help him.
  3. Hey, I want to be able to run Arma 3 on Very High/Ultra graphics. I decided to upgrade my i3 to and i5-3570k Ivy bridge but I still need to decide on a new GPU (preferably NVIDIA). Any graphics cards that will be able to run it without being excessively expensive would be appreciated.