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About kzrts

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  1. kzrts

    crCTI Kastenbier Edition

    Stable game version, mission is running on a dedicated server.
  2. kzrts

    crCTI Kastenbier Edition

    Indeed, as a commander I got absolutely no money on start whatever the paramater is.
  3. Here is my client .rpt http://pastebin.com/r5zmHLus . I'll edit this post with the server one at some point tomorrow.
  4. kzrts

    crCTI Kastenbier Edition

    I've played around with it a bit and it looks great , however you don't get any money to start with on first spawn, meaning you have to capture something first ? I'm thinking it might be intended but why would there be " Start up money amount" variable in the parameters ?
  5. kzrts

    Update FaceTrackNoIR

    It works like a charm for me aswell, really smooth and great to use. EDIT: I can't seem to get it right it's either too sensitve or not enough. EDIT2: Here are my settings: pastebin.com/dkECKkCt , it has no deadzone so reactivity is increased and you won't get stuck in a single axis anymore, it should be lightly sensitive to create a "natural" headbob when still. It uses accela as a filter and F11 key for Centering.