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About rmooney01

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  1. Sorry to Necro this, but I've found the solution! It is a steam setting: https://steamcommunity.com/discussions/forum/1/1500126447406396480/
  2. rmooney01

    [MP][TVT/COOP] Total Conquest for Arma III

    [/color]I don't know how to read that, but the only thing I see out of place is : A3_Weapons_F_EBR in a3\weapons_f\longrangerifles\ebr\, CAData in a3\ Where the statement ends with " in a3\" , no others end that way. That may be normal and fine, it's just all I could see without any real knowledge of what I'm reading. Rob
  3. rmooney01

    [MP][TVT/COOP] Total Conquest for Arma III

    Great news!! Thank you again!
  4. rmooney01

    [MP][TVT/COOP] Total Conquest for Arma III

    Hey there, thanks for creating such an awesome game mode for Arma 3 and 2. My buddies and I play this and Tee Times Warfare but prefer UC. We are going through major withdrawl..... Also, does anyone host UC? Never can find one in the MP Browser... (Of course, there won't be one right now... but I mean when it was alpha) ( And hopefully when it's updated for Beta) Anyway, thanks again for such a great addition to the Arma series. Rob