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About Randolf

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  1. Randolf

    Helicopter Feedback (Dev branch)

    The damage model of helicopters is buggy beyond belief and could use improvements. For example, if you go fast enough and just gently scratch the ground, you either suffer massive damage or straight up explode. I found this out when I tried to "belly slide" on a runway. Also, touching poles or trees with the body of your chopper causes damage way too easily while apparently the rotor can never suffer any damage no matter what you touch with it. In addition, I once managed to explode a helicopter by just shooting about five times through it's glass window with a rifle. I never even hit the chopper itself.
  2. Randolf

    New Helicopter flight model by HTR dev

    Yes, please make this happen! No game has both realistic ground combat and realistic helicopter flight model, but I think Arma3 has potential for that now.
  3. It does, and I have to admit that I abuse it a lot. In DCS Black Shark (the Helicopter one), it is very important to maintain constant awarness on the locations of enemy SAM sites. This isn't very easy to achieve during a mission since there is lots of things going on and the cockpit obstructs your view greatly. In the heat of battle it is very easy to get confused and lose your awaraness and thats where this magic button comes in: I just hit f2 and abra kadabra! I'm completly aware of my surroundings again. It's definitely cheating just as much as it is to select the arcade flight model from options. :P I can also use it to "look" behind hills when scanning for possible SAM threats... It very easily becomes a habit thats hard to get rid of. Not that little cheating was really an issue, but I understand that in a pvp environment it can really water down the immersion.