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About NighthawkXL

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  1. I can confirm that this is the same crash I'm experiencing since the August 23rd update. It's been driving me mad, but it does indeed seem to be ServerifyA3 that is the culprit as switching over to FASTER cleared the fault. In hindsight I wish I had tried it before spending a few hours rolling up a Linux VM to temporarily host from groups missions from. I can't imagine what is causing the issue, but if I had to take a guess I'd say it has to do with how the config files are handled. I'll likely drop this post as a Issue on ServerifyA3's GitHub. Full Log - Minidumps Mods: @cba_a3;@enhanced_movement;@enhanced_movement_rework;vn;A3;curator;kart;heli;mark;expansion;jets;argo;orange;tacops;tank;enoch;aow ServerMods: vn;@enhanced_movement_rework;@enhanced_movement;@cba_a3 Version 2.10.149799 Fault time: 2022/08/29 03:47:03 Fault address: 00EFE5D3 01:00E9D5D3ll D:\Arma 3\arma3server.exe file: world: Stratis Prev. code bytes: 84 C9 75 EB 8B C2 33 D2 F7 77 04 8B 07 8D 0C 52 Fault code bytes: 8B 34 88 8B 44 88 04 8D 04 80 8D 3C 86 3B F7 74 Registers: EAX:00000000 EBX:025FD6C8 ECX:16466C61 EDX:076CCECB ESI:025FD6CD EDI:025FECB0 CS:EIP:0023:00EFE5D3 SS:ESP:002B:025FD604 EBP:FFFFFFFF DS:002B ES:002B FS:0053 GS:002B Flags:00010212 =======================================================
  2. When approaching a tank regarding the One Man Tank module, is there a way to make a toggle for it on the action menu? Alternatively, is there a way to exclude actual client players from it? We implemented it in our heavily modified version of Escape, and love being able to roll in armor by ourselves but it cost us the ability to ride together if there is only one tank available.
  3. I've tried several scripts around the net and thus far none of them seem to worked correctly (or I'm doing it wrong). Basically, I'm looking for something that will report when a NPC kills a player and reports it to chat. Preferably with the grid number. I've tried different handlers to no avail. ie. "Nighthawk was killed by BMP-3" Me and a friend are working on a highly modified Escape from Chernarus mission for our small group. We're really looking at having this for the sake of communication with some of our younger players. Thanks a bunch!