I manage to have the pilot land while still being in the heli by unsyncing the unload transport waypoint with the troop's get out waypoint. So far I just got one of the cargo troop to leave the heli I still need to tweak a few things to get the rest out. There wasn't hardly any scripting done except for assigning a name of the heli pad, the helicopter, and the pilot and cargo units with driver and cargo assignments followed by the unload waypoint on act having:
heli1 land "land"; doGetOut medic01;
It's not the cleanest way I'm sure, but watching the multiple youtube Arma II video tutorials on the subject it just didn't work for Arma III for some odd reason. So my experience so far with the editor is to try unsyncing and applying the additional code to get your troops to disembark on the unload waypoint.