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Everything posted by pr0ph3tswe

  1. pr0ph3tswe

    low FPS on high end PC

    what i did when i had my fx-8350 was lowering view distance to 1k, objects to 6-800 and put object and terrain quality on low, gave around 25-35 fps in multiplayer on the bad wasteland servers, sa-matra would give a bit more, but atm there's nothing you can do really other than overclocking or buying intel
  2. nv controlpanel fxaa is, imo, way too blurry, i prefer the ingame fxaa with sharpening filter over it, or a fxaa/smaa injector like sweetfx
  3. fx-8350 isn't a massive improvement, slight but not worth the money for arma. you're better off saving up for intel cpu + mobo
  4. sli will not make a difference overclocking your cpu will help, a bit, read up on some OC guides, there are plenty out there :) upgrading to intel cpu will help, a lot adding more ram will not help fps
  5. pr0ph3tswe

    AMD FX-8350 VS Intel 4670 for ArmA 3

    that benchmark makes it look like fx-8350 actually can hold it's own in arma though, which in multiplayer at least, it cannot from own experience fx-8350 @ 4.8ghz average 30-35 fps vs 2500k @ 4.8ghz avg 40-50 fps playing wasteland
  6. pr0ph3tswe

    broken FXAA with newer nvidia driver than 320.14

    not working on the editor map for me, though i don't know if it works for anyone? :) in game however it does work did you install the latest drivers with clean install box ticked? not sure if it does any difference
  7. pr0ph3tswe

    broken FXAA with newer nvidia driver than 320.14

    works fine for me with 326.80 beta drivers, just make sure you don't use SMAA ingame also you can just use ingame fxaa if driver forced doesn't work, or the ingame smaa if you don't like the sharpening filter on the fxaa :)
  8. pr0ph3tswe

    Running at around 5 FPS during Showcases?

    anything under 25 fps is quite unplayable, below 20 is just terrible in arma, or any game for that matter, 30 fps seems fluid, til you play on a server with 60 fps also for OP, if you're getting a desktop, go for intel cpu as it will give you the best performance in arma 3
  9. can you install msi afterburner or evga precision x or something to monitor gpu usage when it happens as well?
  10. does it happen in other games? any overclock on your gpu?
  11. try posting full system specs first, someting tells me you're using amd cpu or some older intel cpu
  12. pr0ph3tswe

    Extremely Low Fps

    there are wasteland servers that run just fine (50 avg fps with system in sig)
  13. pr0ph3tswe

    Lagg on a HD 7970

    true that, but some oc is still possible :D
  14. pr0ph3tswe

    Lagg on a HD 7970

    you can overclock fine with stock intel cooler, i ran my old 2500k @ 4.5ghz for a month before i got the mounting bracket for my noctua cooler also higher cpu speed will help in multiplayer up to a certain point depending on the server and mission file etc also op will have to lower some settings from the ultra preset for decent fps, 4xaa instead of 8, disable pip, turn off blur is my recommendation, leave all the other gpu heavy options on ultra
  15. pr0ph3tswe

    Visual glitch or gpu issue?

    tried new drivers?
  16. pr0ph3tswe

    Visual glitch or gpu issue?

    it it's frequent try to lower your gpu oc, as some games can give artifacts while others don't
  17. pr0ph3tswe

    Visual glitch or gpu issue?

    i've seen the same 2-3 times with nvidias 320.18 driver (i have a gtx670), not since i changed to newer drivers though unless you see the same in other games i doubt the card is dying, you can always try the latest amd driver http://www.guru3d.com/files_details/amd_catalyst_13_x_%2813_150_1_june_21%29_download.html
  18. pr0ph3tswe

    FPS stuck around 18 on every setting.

    there is no way your friend is getting 60 fps with that cpu in multiplayer try sa-matra wasteland version to see if you get improved fps
  19. think you need to re-read what he posted :p
  20. pr0ph3tswe

    FPS stuck around 18 on every setting.

    put overall view distance on 1k, object slightly lower put up gpu heavy settings to medium or high at least, play on sa-matra wasteland servers if you play wasteland as those have the highest fps
  21. i ran a 2500k @ 4.5ghz with a stock cooler for a few weeks, all you have to do is take it easy with the voltage and monitor your temperatures
  22. lower object and terrain quality to low or medium and see how that works, also turn off PiP, lower FSAA to 2x, turn off bloom and blur, it might help.
  23. how much vram do you have? not like limiting options is a good way to go about it but still :p i still have ultra textures with a 670 2gb
  24. pr0ph3tswe

    ArmA3Mark - Benchmark your ArmA 3

    system in sig, avg fps 34 ultra ingame settings http://i.imgur.com/66dMST7.jpg