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Everything posted by JohnC

  1. Hey there Savage. Yep, we combine scripting with DM style direction as a hybrid session organization style. MCC is in my watch list but we are not using it atm. Btw 1 setRadioMsg "NULL" doesnt work well in init line so with Loyal`s recommendation, we used it in init.sqf with if (session_organizer != player) then statement to solve the issue. Now only session organizer has access to radio triggers.
  2. Thanks a lot Savage ! LoyalGuard also kindly provided the same answer and suggested to use the following in the init lines for those who shouldnt use the radio: 1 setRadioMsg "NULL"; 2 setRadioMsg "NULL"; (1 is for radio alpha, 2 for bravo, etc)
  3. Hey Jacmac, check this out as well:
  4. JohnC

    =BTC= Revive

    Great script Giallustio. Everything is working but I still get the following error when someone is killed. What may be the problem?
  5. Hey neokika, How would you limit the execution of a radio triggered script to a player (lets say named as session_organizer). I tried if (isServer && player == session_organizer) then {... script here }; but this script can still be called by any player based on my testing results (When I host a game btw, not dedicated server).
  6. JohnC

    =BTC= Revive

    Thx for the code Giallustio. Quick question. I disabled mobile respawn and set respawn type to Instant. In this case, you respawn into the ocean. I was wondering if Base respawn is the only type that can be used with this.
  7. Thanks guys, learning new stuff from every post. I also tried it using BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle function in trigger and it works that way too. [getmarkerpos "crash", 0, "Land_Wreck_Commanche_F", east] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; PS: Modified the code from another source. I`m not sure what 0 and east stands for. crash is the marker name you need to create.
  8. Thanks guys... One more toy to play with.
  9. Thx pedwards3x. I found it a few minutes ago but somehow it cant be added to ammo crates.