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Posts posted by robowilso

  1. My Uncle is 4 years retired from 20yrs with the 160th here in Ft. Campbell KY. and still to this day is working for a specialized civillian company with only a handful of ret. SOAR guys that is contracted to be maintenance and flight advisors for that unit only. He has no desire to get into any 'classified' information but talks pretty freely with me about tech specs, aircraft details and aircraft abilities. A source of information you will not find on any wiki or website. I will talk with him soon and share your WIP pics with him to cross-check authenticity and to attempt to get any inside info that can help you to make these helos the absolute most accurately produced as possible. If you have any certain specific questions that you would like to ask him plz PM them to me as soon as you get a chance to get with your dev team and round them up and I will bring back as many answers as I can. Shouldn't be too many 'off-limit' topics so fire away! Will have to test the waters about targeting systems and L.L Tech. But surely i can get enough out of him to fill your needs.

    Thank You and your team for all your work on this mod, the 160th SOAR is a source of great pride for me and it thrills me to see how committed all you guys are! Keep up the great work and thank you for sticking to factual data as pertains to the Nightstalkers. I will be here to assist in anyway that you may need me to.

  2. One of the things that draws me to your addons so much is I take it as an accurate portrayal of these aircrafts real life counterparts, So if there is a monitor pos. and three other gun stations then I would love to see it left as is. spooky operation with 6 personnel aboard is like its own mini game! I am not in any way pushing, or requesting a release date at all when I ask this fullerpj,,, But I am intimately interested in the upcoming B-2 Stealth bomber that you are planning to release as a part of this roster of deadliness. It is a highly researched item for me and everything from the initial planning of it all the way to our recent deployment of 2 of them into europe; I keep up with the aircraft in other words and am just super stoked to know a true USAF serviceman is going to reproduce one for us! Could you humor me with a W.I.P teaser plzzzz :D and one question... What are the roles of the different renditions of the c130's??

  3. I am having a problem when piloting the newer super-sized Mech. The Frost XXXL; when walking along a coast it just kept stumbling over itself and doing a faceplant. All the other models I have had 0 bugs. Great work! I admire the imagination and ambition that went into this project. I battle squadrons of wipeouts in these things!

  4. To me, this is crucial for my enjoyment. It's not fun for me to have to manage collective/pedals/cyclic for every little input I make on my joystick. Why? Because I don't have to do that in real life. I'm not concentrating on those things because it's second nature. Instead I'm concentrating on other more important things. When it's harder to fly a computer game (because of the interface or game mechanics) than it is the real thing, that ceases to be fun for me.

    But adding the various options for the player to turn on or off allows each individual player to be happy (until they go onto a server, I guess).

    Great post gator! This line of thinking fits in line with so many aspects of Arma gameplay. The player is filling the role of a professional whether that role be aerial or ground forces and alot of these things would be 'second nature' But I also can relate to the opposing view. Just further evidence of "reality is all subject to the perception of the person experiencing it''

  5. This thread is getting way off it's intended mark.

    Peral,,, I stopped by to see if there is any type of data you may need on these pieces of equipment. I am licensed to Run 'Lull' type lifts and forklifts as well as many other relatives of these variants. Just shout if there's any technical data you require or any rl life ''querks'' about these things I can offer up. Thanks for all you do!

  6. Please excuse my ignorance & thank you for promptly addressing my post. I am wondering though.. what is 'Simulation_X problem?' Peral's A-10C addon has quite a few and your Apache runs almost perfectly within the game. Although I am not aware nor informed on what it takes to create such interaction points or even a functioning model. All that I DO Know is that you two guys along with your teams put out one of the grandest addons i've came across in Arma so far and quite selfishly, I have been very anxious to see you guys' future designs and ideas. Maybe with the new Helo DLC that is en-route our way a request for the adjustments that you need to have BI square away can be relayed to them to see if they are possibilities. Has there been some type of change within the game engine from Arma 2 - Arma 3?

  7. I love this community that has rallied around Arma! The purpose behind me dropping that video about the new fa-18 was fulfilled. Wasn't implying that Saul and Spartan should implement the changes but rather to just throw it out there and the devs as well as the people that follow this thread to crank up a convo about it and then watch the communitys wheels spin as everyone that is way more 'in the know' than myself make the assesment. There is a way to make a radar functional and useful within Arma 3. HOW??? I dont know lol, but you guys are off to a great start!

  8. Don't know what your current time restraints are or where your combined interests lie, but this is something I found that I thought might would possibly get you guys excited about this project again and provide a relevant truth that would fit along the lines of Arma 3.

    ---------- Post added at 04:35 ---------- Previous post was at 04:34 ----------

    And this is planned to be a ''partner system'' with the Guardian. Thank You for the most awesome modification you have gifted to us.

  9. Don't know if your library of Aircrafts for this mod is complete or not but if your open to another challenge I thought this video might be inspirational. I'm sending this to Franze and Nodunit in case they would be interested in either updating their already awesome AH64 III mod or allowing another addon artist to modify it to create this newest version that will be rolling out in full very soon. Thank You for all the hard work you guys have been putting in to bring us such an awesome gift, that will surely change the face of warfare for many.

  10. The EA-18G ''The Growler'' is a modified version of the FA-18 Super Hornet Coming fresh off of boeings assembly lines with updated munitions and ordnances. It is an electronic warfare aircraft; in that it's primary role is to fly ahead of the fighter formation using intensive 360 degree advanced radar and tracking jamming technology's. Love the Super Hornet you guys have provided the community that has now made itself a staple in most if not all real-mil-sim community's server mod sets. And since Arma 3 is all about looking towards the future of warfare I thought this may be a source of new information that you guys may take interest in.

  11. Thnk You for this contribution man; way to think outside of the box and get ahead of the curve! I have a couple of ideas that could be helpful,

    1. add a new zeus module that would set an orbital flight pattern for helicopters (like the spot the module is placed be the center and player could use a sliding bar to choose how large the diameter of the flight radius would be from that point.

    2. Fully incorporating V.A.S. so that it could just be added completely and simply to any object would be very functional and would fill the gaping hole left behind when mcc removed that feature from their latest update.

    3. It would be super useful to have a module that would permit click and place functionality of the 'Igiload (and or) RAV Lifter loading and logistical systems.

    If you get time let me know what you think of these ideas. If I think of anything else beneficial i will come back to jot it down :) Thanks again for this addon man, makes zeus alot less novelty and alot more functional......*much needed*
