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Everything posted by surfer

  1. IP, no need to simulate every bit out of it! ;-) Once we have the tornado we just add some terrible noise to it, spice it with some cam shake and a distance dependant damage. Ah, this brings me to the point that we, or should I say you as the technical mastermind ;-), need to think of a median function of player positions to use for the center of blowouts. We could then randomize the blowouts as we do it with the acid rain. Spoil. Tease.
  2. The whirlpool-anomaly sounds inviting! But considering how little time we Arma players spend in water it's hardly worth the effort I guess ;-) But having a whirler anomaly or just a regular tornado wandering the zone sounds fun. Let's put this on our list. Somewhere down there. Hehe.
  3. Hey Mr. IC: Sorry, I can't help you when using AiA TP. I only run A3MP +AP and don't have the bandwidth to download more large mods to find out. Maybe start be trying to open the Thirsk Winter map in the editor. Let us know if it opens! Twizztid: Thanks a lot for your ongoing support. If you could see what IndeedPete and I are crafting at the moment ... Not spoiling too much here but it will run on Altis, all vanilla, still tons of custom textures, particle effects, sounds, music, story, mission generator, shop system and all new cities and locations. IndeedPete is a genius in making things possible. Let's meet up soon for a run of Siberia and the new wip Altis Zone. PM me for timings and I hope IndeedPete will join in! European time zone here.
  4. Hi Rell! Thanks so much for playing the mission and also recording the videos. It's always great to see others play your mission :-) I think the first two error messages you encountered both come from the missing AK mod. If I recall corretly Indeed Pete already included a fix for the next update. Ignore them for now! Destroying the trucks: It's not always the same truck you have to destroy. You have to find the radioactive one, then the task should be solved. The inability to enter the tunnel makes me wonder. I can see at the beginning and the end of the video that the green action "enter tunnel" is there, you just have to click it. Try the mousescroll & click. Or you did and it didn't work. I would then think this has something to do with savegames, meaning saving inside the underground lab or something. I'm sure the car or APC doesn't have to do with the tunnel. Try again and I will also check if anything could break the tunnel action. You followed the mission correctly, you just didn't find the hint to Proteus yet. Maybe try to just cruise the island, there's other locations giving you hints. Generally the mission starts with clear tasks and later you just follow hints without tasks. This should also represent that there's no official orders you follow but rather your curiosity to find out more. This also means that for many things there are more than one solution. For example you can continue without checking the underground lab (though it looks great): There's another (but not so precise) hint to Proteus at the map at the scientists office. The google translation worked fine. Thanks for sharing your further feedback! Hope you enjoy the rest of the mission! Surfer
  5. http://i41.tinypic.com/2eq9qia.jpg (136 kB) Here's another one for you fans of stealth missions. It can be played as a 4 player coop or as single player. Features: - Voice-acting by the incredible Laqueesha and Sandman - Lots of custom ambient sounds - Mission plays at a hazy break of day, no NVG required - Ammobox with optional weaponry - uses Farooq's revive script (each player can reanimate his teammembers within the first critical 60 seconds) - no mods required Thanks to Laqueesha and Sandman for their great support and to Farooq for his script and Professor[can't remember his exact name] for keeping it alive! Also big thanks to everyone in this forum to answer questions and bring mission development further. Installation: Put the below file into your MPmissions folder and start it via Play/Multiplayer http://www.mediafire.com/?gjm2hqo5u8opo04 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23904
  6. surfer

    Cash Register Sound

  7. surfer

    [CP] FIREWORKS by Surfer

    Thanks for your feedback! I've added some time to bleeding before your teammates die. The updated mission is at the mediafire link.
  8. CrazyChrisX, thanks a lot for your encouraging words! Could you please wrap a spoiler tag around the lines concerning the story? Thanks :-)
  9. Thanks for your feedback, hope you enjoy the rest of the mission!
  10. Find the download link on page 1! Good luck, fellow Stalker!
  11. surfer

    Help with Thirsk island mod

    To run Thirsk you need to have these three mods installed: Thirsk A3MP A3MP-AP One of my fav maps!
  12. surfer

    Particle Editor

    Finally got the snow working, using Super-Truite's example and adjusting it to my needs. So if you want beautiful white snowflakes slowly falling down around your player, use this: _snow = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal (getpos player); _snow setParticleParams [["\A3\data_f\ParticleEffects\Universal\smoke.p3d", 1,0,1,0],"","Billboard",1,10,[0,0,0],[0,0,-10],10,1,0,1,[0.12,0.12],[[1,1,1,0.5],[1,1,1,0.5]],[0,1],0.25,1,"","", player]; _snow setParticleRandom [0, [25, 25, 18], [0, 0, 0], 0, 0.01, [0, 0, 0, 0.1], 0, 0]; _snow setParticleCircle [0.0, [0, 0, 0]]; _snow setDropInterval 0.001;
  13. Sorry Lads, have been a little busy in real life lately. Edit: Finally got the snow working and I tell you it looks beautiful, giving the whole scenario even more atmosphere. The anomalies during spawn couldn't be fixed yet. If they happen to you simply restart. I tried alternative revives but both Grime's Revive and Psychobastard's have been incompatible. This results from numerous parallel entries in dialogs.hpp. I spent one night trying to fix it but it only resulted in more errors. So as written in the original post: If IndeedPete and I used weeks to create the mission it's only fair if you need some time to complete it as well ;-)
  14. surfer

    [SP] EJECT! EJECT! by Surfer

    Ironed out script errors and added some more enemies. Thanks for playing!
  15. surfer

    [SP] EJECT! EJECT! by Surfer

    Danke für's Review! Thanks for the review! I didn't expect you to survive just walking the salt flats. I will throw in some more enemies there so you'll have to take the way around the open.
  16. surfer

    Particle Editor

    see below
  17. surfer

    Particle Editor

    I would like to attach the below particle effect to the player, so the snow is moving with him. If somebody could please give me an example how to do it this would be highly appreciated! XXXPARTICLEEFFECTSOURCEXXX setParticleCircle [30, [0, 0, 0]]; XXXPARTICLEEFFECTSOURCEXXX setParticleRandom [0, [0.25, 0.25, 0], [0.175, 0.175, 0], 0, 0.25, [0, 0, 0, 0.1], 0, 0]; XXXPARTICLEEFFECTSOURCEXXX setParticleParams [["\A3\data_f\cl_feathers2", 10, 0, 0], "", "SpaceObject", 0.05, 50, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, -3], 0.5, 20, 9, 1, [15, 2, 4], [[0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1], [0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0]], [-2], 1, 0, "", "", XXXOBJECTXXX]; XXXPARTICLEEFFECTSOURCEXXX setDropInterval 0.005; destroyOnWaterSurface = 1; //particle can exist - only underwater (-1), only above the water (1), everywhere (0)
  18. Apologies, IndeedPete! It should say "the only one that's not part of the core team" ;-)
  19. It's not a problem of getting the AKs into the Siberian mission but of having the mission dependent on it, meaning to cut the 1% of gamers that use the Thirsk map to even less gamers that use Thirsk and the AKs. Porting it to the "bugged" Chernobyl map would probably reduce the possible users even further... But next time I'm opening it I will save a "Corporal Lib Limited Edition", since you are the only one interested in it anyway :-D
  20. surfer

    Particle Editor

    Priceless! Thanks a lot!
  21. This thread should help you: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?175751-AI-detection
  22. I would like to attach something to a player's head via: object1 attachto [player1,[0.1,0,0.1],"head"]; Unfortunately this doesn't follow the head's movements. Did anybody get it to work? "head_axis" didn't work either. Thanks
  23. surfer

    Locking enemy inventory

    As we're on it: How do you lock items like weapons that you place in a gun shop?