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Everything posted by PepinKr

  1. Terrain Builder is out ! Find quick guide here : Quick "Terrain Builder" tutorial (Edit: Link removed) And look at visitor 4 Manual : Visitor 4 Manual Before anything else, you should know that making a terrain in ArmA 3 is quite similar to ArmA 2 in many aspects, so check this amazing post : Resourcelink collection: How to make a map, step-by-step TOOLS L3DT GETTING STARTED WITH VISITOR Setting up your P: drive : Guides : Tips & Tricks : ArmA 3 new features New road system: Loading Text: 3D Editor: Satellite normals: Textures : Other Ressources :
  2. Removed the "Lazy" part in my post, didn't know it had such a meaning for some of you. 1) I gave links to some good guide in my post (also check guide for ArmA 2 terrain making). 2) There aren't any video tutorials that i know of. 3) Official wiki is the only wiki around for terrain making and is quite poor in content (but usefull for understanding basics).
  3. This is the Terrain Editing subforum, i think you got the wrong subforum. You should try here instead : http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?162-ARMA-3-MISSION-EDITING-amp-SCRIPTING
  4. Post updated with a new tip from Mondkalb
  5. PepinKr

    NEW Visitor for A3!?

    Thank you Edge, as soon as you give us our toy, we will make sure to repay you with our awesome terrains !
  6. PepinKr

    Visitor 4 (picture) When?

    That's not true, they really gave us what they could. we have to remember that they do not habe the same ressources as crytek or EA. We should be glad to be able to mod the crap out of ArmA. I'm sure the new version of visitor will be a surprise for all of us or at least will make terrain making much easier :)
  7. PepinKr


    Like M1lkm8n said, if you want good looking but not AI friendly river use objects, if you don't really care about the look of the river, use L3DT to "carve" it. I'm using L3DT for my rivers but i hope to be able to make some good looking rivers in the next coming months. I had something in mind for a while but i need to do some models before that ;) Will keep you posted ;)
  8. Amazing work ZeroG. Added your post to the sticky thread ;)
  9. PepinKr


    Hi Frank, What tools are you using ? (L3DT ?)
  10. Sorry ZeroG, i would love to help but i won't have access to my main computer (the one running Visitor & ArmA 3) until late november as i'm going abroad. Hope you find some help ;)
  11. PepinKr

    [WIP] Kepler69c

    Well right now there are no objects at all so it's quite optimized ^^
  12. Kepler69c Kepler69c is a new terrain i have been working on the past three months. It will be my first terrain for ArmA, it is still very early in development as i need to make it look as realistic as possible. I started this terrain because i needed something different from Altis & Stratis for a Mod i'm working on. Kepler69c is an Earth-like planet, while in reality life is not possible for humans on kepler let's just say that terraforming is possible in 2135. General informations : Size : 20480x20480 (419km²) Cell size : 10m (for better performance) Land % : ~70% Features : Rivers One big mountain (1600m peak) Hills small islands all around (7) A volcano A canyon (will be epic) 5 Different biomes ATM (Desert,Red Desert,Temperate,Volcano,Snow Mountain) Screenshots : Note : View distance is set to 12000m, it makes things looks odd and tiny. http://imgur.com/a/cpVko
  13. I'm stalking you, you should know that. Every usefull information you post will be in my thread :p
  14. Hi Stapo, For question 1 & 2 : check this post For question 3 : We will see an updated version of the tools after launch but when is the real question. Working on something different than dayz ?
  15. PepinKr

    Share your ground textures

    Thanks Bushlurker, i was sure i was missing something. Updated my post ;)
  16. ZeroG you are amazing ! If only there was a way to speed up L3DT too :'(
  17. A little tip to speed up the .png to .paa conversion (done by buldozer after an import of your mask and sat) : - Go to your "TexView 2" folder - Copy "Pal2PacE.exe" & "ijl15.dll" to your "Layers" folder - Launch this command after pointing to your Project's Layers folder : pal2pace * - Wait 10 mns (instead of 20~30 mns) - Launch your terrain in buldozer and enjoy !
  18. PepinKr

    Share your ground textures

    Updated my first post with new textures, they all use the new nopx format for normals (finally got it working). Edit : How to make a _nopx PAA Maybe some people still don't know how to make a nopx .PAA so here it is (pretty simple) I use crazybump to make my normals, you only need to change one thing in your preferences : Save your normal as a TGA Open it in photoshop or GIMP and make sure Alpha channel is active. Save again. put nopx as a prefix Use Texview and Voila !
  19. PepinKr

    Share your ground textures

    Updated my textures with better normals.
  20. PepinKr

    SMD_Assets Standalone PBO Release

    Good job SMD team :)
  21. PepinKr

    Terrain Issues.

    This forum is for Terrain Creation, not bug reporting. You should go here : http://forums.bistudio.com/forumdisplay.php?161-ARMA-3-BETA-TROUBLESHOOTING
  22. If you need pictures of Paris, i can give you some :p it would be awesome if some terrain makers would team up to make an European theme map with the size of Altis (it would take years but still be awesome). If only we could use A2 buildings and foliage to make A3 maps but we can dream to make this happen.
  23. I don't fully understand your issue but when you import your sat_lco and mask_lco, they should be in .png and not .bmp and save them as 8 bits images.
  24. There should be a MaxTide somewhere in your island config.
  25. Updated with "How to create custom loading texts" from M1lkm8n.