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About knifeprty

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  1. knifeprty

    Removing gear from opfor

    Never thought of that GRS. Will give it a go. Sounds logical
  2. knifeprty

    Removing gear from opfor

    Thanks to both of you! I will be having a lot of fun now.
  3. How would I go about removing gear from opfor such as nvgs? Its there a way to edit the missions .sqm so all of opfor has the same gear loadout? Or must I do this individually on each unit? If so what is the script llne for that?
  4. At times, when adding a waypoint for a particular unit, I cant seem to create one. No matter how many times I click on an area. I have also insured the units are an un-grouped individual or squad leaders. Sometimes it works after 100 clicks. Is this just a bug? What is the specific rules for laying a waypoint?