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About DogCoyRecruiting

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    Arma 3, Wargame AirLand Battle, War Thunder, World of Tanks, EVE Online and many other games.
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    Dog Company is a unit focused around Arma 3. We try to push for the limit, combining milsim with a fun, serious, coop environment. Aside from Arma 3, we play many other games, whether they be strategy-based or simple stress relief.
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  1. DogCoyRecruiting

    Dog Company is recruiting!

    Dog Company is recruiting for active leadership! Dog Company is an Arma 3 milsim community reflecting the structure of an Infantry rifle company with an incorporated combined arms aspect. We boast a multi-national membership and play one operation per week. In addition to our scheduled operations, we also offer a variety of training courses. Dog Company has recently undergone structural reorganization, and is now looking for personnel to fulfill in- and out-game leadership billets. Our unit has an in-game leadership body consisting of NCOs and officers. Being part of the in-game leadership cadre means that you will be leading elements such as fire teams or squads in-game. Our out-game leadership body comprises of staff departments modelled after the continental staff system. The out-game leadership body is responsible for helping maintain and organize the unit. The following leadership billets are available: In-game: Fire team leader (rank of corporal or sergeant) Squad leader (rank of sergeant or staff sergeant) Out-game: S1: Personnel general staff S1 handles all administrations related to personnel management, such as applications, LOAs or resignations. S2: Recruitment and Outreach general staff S2 is responsible for both recruitment and contact with other Arma 3 milsim units. S3: Training and Doctrine general staff S3 oversees all training of the unit and ensures the quality and development of our operational doctrine. S4: Missions and Operations general staff S4 specializes in creating scenarios for our operation days. S5: Technology general staff S5 monitors the forums and performs maintenance work on the website, Arma 3 servers, and TeamSpeak 3 servers. Leadership is focused on activity, attitude, and knowledge. Activity means that you attend scheduled events such as individual training courses, team or squad training sessions, and operations. Attitude means that you conduct yourself in a respectful manner towards others and that you are willing to go the extra mile. Knowledge means that you meet standard training requirements. Initially you might not possess the required knowledge, but as you attend more and more training courses, you will increase your experience. If you posses the above-described attributes, and you would like to fulfill a leadership billet, then consider applying to our unit (details below). When filing your application, specifically state that you want to apply for a leadership billet, and state what billet you want to apply for. If you have any questions, please feel free to send me a PM. Regards, SSG. Dunn Site: http://www.dog-company.com/ Steam: http://www.steamcommunity.com/groups/dogco Teamspeak: password: lupo Personal contact (Steam): Stardog or Dunn
  2. DogCoyRecruiting

    Dog Company is recruiting!

    SITREP 2: Welcome to our second SITREP, In the earlier post we mentioned having a full mechanized infantry platoon. However, after much deliberating we decided to bump our platoon size up. As opposed to following a standardized yet outdated mechanized infantry platoon, we are now using an MTOE of a Stryker Infantry Platoon. We feel that with the addition of the Patria AMV/MCVs (in-game name yet to be revealed), we can make best use of the improved passenger space by increasing our platoon size. This effectively means that the platoon will go up from thirty-six personnel to a size of forty-six personnel. Dog Company is proud to announce that it has just reached an active-members roster of forty-six personnel! The tank platoon is still being worked on, but the field manual and crew training programs are coming along pretty well. Further growth of the unit will be in accordance with a combat company team. Other nearby-future plans include: Restructure of the training Training, training, training Finalizing the new forum theme and finishing transition As always, if you're interested in joining up or you just want to play a game with us sometime, our contact info is as follows: Site: http://www.dog-company.com/ Steam: http://www.steamcommunity.com/groups/dogco Teamspeak: password: lupo Personal contact (Steam): Stardog or Dunn Regards, SSG.Dunn (PSGT) SITREP 3: Hey guys, Dog Company here The restructured training system has been in effect for a while now, and it's definitely paying off. Our operations have been very good as of late. As before, we're still trying to step up our tank platoon. Of course, we're also waiting for BIS to release the Merkava MBT as well. The training system itself offers a Recruit Training (held whenever the need arises), a Basic Combat Training (held every Sunday), an Advanced Individual Training (also held every Sunday) which is phased to encompass several proficiencies (think MOUT as well as MOS) and an NCO Professional Development Training (every first week of the month). With that being said, the new website is still in development. We make sure not to rush the job as to ensure a top-notch site. As always, if you're interested in joining up or you just want to play a game with us sometime, our contact info is as follows: Site: http://www.dog-company.com/ Steam: http://www.steamcommunity.com/groups/dogco Teamspeak: password: fenway Personal contact (Steam): Stardog or Dunn Regards, SFC.Dunn (PSGT)
  3. DogCoyRecruiting

    Dog Company is recruiting!

    SITREP 1: Well, Dog Company has effectively reached a mechanized infantry platoon-sized group and we're still looking for more people. To give you guys a little insight in how we're planning to go: We're looking at growing into a Tank and Mechanized Infantry Company Team. What this entails: -One active mechanized infantry platoon (Thirty-six players: completed) When the IFVs will finally be introduced, we'll transform into a well accomplished unit in mechanized warfare. We can do long range missions and close assaults. We'll also have a fighting force that can fight almost anywhere in any conditions. -Activate one tank platoon (Twelve players: not completed) Integrating another combat arm will open up the unit to more high-speed operations and increase our lethality. With the activation of the tank platoon, we will stand up a company HQ and officially be a company sized element. Further development will be in accordance with a Company Combat Team system. -Activate an additional mechanized infantry platoon Same as before, we'll give ourselves another multi-role force to defeat the enemy with. Veteran players from the first platoon will train the second. We'll also be toying with enemy doctrine by this point (who's up for going RU and laying a wall of fire so our IFVs can crush the enemy with shock force?). Now that we've given you a little insight on how we're planning to grow in the future, we hope you're even more enthusiastic to join. We have given ourselves a time frame of about three years to grow into the size we want our unit to be. We were however surprised by the amount of people we recruited in such a short amount of time. If anything it has made us all even more hopeful of the future. We've established a nice community consisting of some really awesome people, and we hope to reel in even more awesome people. Other imminent-future plans include a reworking of our website and forums and switching our website to a new server-host. Anyway, if you're looking for a complete unit that offers training, missions and banter, check out our forums at http://www.dog-company.com/ or just visit our teamspeak: password: lupo You can also simply message me on the Bohemia forums or join our Steam group: http://www.steamcommunity.com/groups/dogco Lastly, you can get directly in touch with someone of our recruitment staff. Add the following person on Steam: Stardog (his avatar is a picture of a blue eclipse) Regards, SSG.Dunn (PSGT)
  4. DogCoyRecruiting

    =BTC= Revive

    Hey, first of all, great script! The addition of revive creates some real depth in mission scenarios. There is one problem however. I'm using a custom gear script with a scroll down action: if you walk up to an ammobox and for instance select 'Rifleman', it will give you a rifleman kit. I found that after using the scroll down option, the revive doesn't work anymore. Once you get killed, you respawn and the screen fades into black and stays that way. Could there be any possibility of the gear script conflicting with the revive script? I'm a worse-than-novice scripter, but after using the search function I did find mentions of the problem also occuring to people using the Virtual Gear Script. Again, the script only bugs out after using the scroll down menu and selecting the action. Before that, it works fine. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I'd love to use this script in our unit's missions but can't because of this bug :( Thank you in advance. The gear script called rifleman.sqf: player = _this select 0; removeAllWeapons player; removeAllItems player; sleep 0.5; player addWeapon "arifle_TRG21_F"; player addWeapon "hgun_P07_F"; player addMagazine "30Rnd_65x39_case_mag"; player addMagazine "30Rnd_65x39_case_mag"; player addMagazine "30Rnd_65x39_case_mag"; player addMagazine "30Rnd_65x39_case_mag"; player addMagazine "30Rnd_65x39_case_mag"; player addMagazine "30Rnd_65x39_case_mag"; player addMagazine "16Rnd_9x21_Mag"; player addMagazine "16Rnd_9x21_Mag"; player addMagazine "HandGrenade"; player addMagazine "HandGrenade"; player addMagazine "HandGrenade"; player addMagazine "HandGrenade"; player addMagazine "SmokeShell"; player addMagazine "SmokeShell"; player addItem "FirstAidKit"; player addItem "FirstAidKit"; Content of the loadout_init.sqf player addAction ["Rifleman","loadouts\rifleman.sqf","",5,true,true,"","player distance ammobox_loadouts < 4 && cursorTarget == ammobox_loadouts"]; How the script is called in the init.sqf execVM "loadouts\loadouts_init.sqf";
  5. Squad name: Dog Company Timezone/location: EST+0 (International) Gamemode preference: Coop Contact email: DogCompanyARMA@gmail.com Website address: http://www.dog-company.com Short description: Arma 3 Infantry rifle company with an incorporated combined arms aspect. Language: English
  6. DogCoyRecruiting

    Dog Company is recruiting!

    Military simulation (MILSIM) has always been a focus point for the Arma series. With the release of its latest title, Arma 3, the game has opened up many new opportunities to provide an immersive and accessible experience. Ever since its founding, Dog Company has adapted its operational cadre to facilitate this experience. Boasting a multinational membership, we try to emulate real world tactics, techniques, and procedures used by the US Army (ATTPs). Our ranks, values, and organization are vested in a real world example, and reflect a standard US Army rifle company. However, denying the inclusion of combined arms elements would deny the inclusion of varied scenarios. As a result, Dog Company abides by a Modified Table of Organization and Equipment (MTOE) that accounts for the deployment of Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery, and Aerial elements. You can find our unit roster and organization here. Community participation plays an important role in our unit. Everything is based upon the initiative of our members. Many volunteers dedicate their free time to create content, whether it would be missions, training courses, or otherwise. Activity is highly appreciated. Being an active member of the community is a requirement for being part of it. Although we emulate the ATTPs, we value comradely over hierarchy. In-game, we are a serious group of players that strive to always do better. Out-game, we are a group of friends who like to banter. Respect derives from character, not rank. Upon being accepted into the unit, you will be assigned to an element. This element is typically a fire team. Teams train together and play together. To prevent people from getting into a rut, we provide a large variety of training courses that will allow you to play the game how you want. Although the fire teams are typically fixed, we still encourage you to switch roles at your discretion. For example, you might find yourself jumping into the thick of a heavy fire fight one day, only to provide indirect fire support the next. You can find more about our training and doctrine here. Promotions are based around activity, attitude, and knowledge. Activity means that you attend scheduled events such as individual training courses, team or squad training sessions, and operations. Attitude means that you conduct yourself in a respectful manner towards others and that you are willing to go the extra mile. Knowledge means that you meet standard training requirements. Initially you might not possess the required knowledge, but as you attend more and more training courses, you will increase your experience. Combined, these factors will determine your eligibility for promotion. Courtesy is an important aspect of our unit. Being respectful of other people is being courteous. Don’t do unto others what you don’t want others do unto you. Everyday life supersedes the unit. However, letting us know in advance you cannot attend an operation, is not only courteous to the mission-maker, but also to your team. If the words realism, MILSIM, comradely, and courtesy appeal to you, than by all means apply to our unit. But be aware that applying to our unit means committing to it. Our unit motto is “Forward!†This implies the sacrifice we all make in order to better ourselves. As always, if you're interested in joining up or you just want to play a game with us sometime, our contact info is as follows: Site: http://www.dog-company.com/ Steam: http://www.steamcommunity.com/groups/dogco Teamspeak: password: lupo Personal contact (Steam): Stardog or Dunn Forward! Dog Company Command Staff