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About Traece

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  1. Traece

    Flying Helicopters

    The flight model for helicopters is, literally, nothing like ARMA 2. In that game helicopters flight was more like being in a plane that moves up instead of forward. As my friends referred to it: "Thrust vectoring." Obviously that's not how helicopters really fly. That's why in Take On Helicopters BI developed some actual helicopter-like flight, and made the helicopters fly far more realistically. What ends up happening is that the helicopters actually became much easier to flight and considerably harder to crash, which is fantastic because it's how it should be. For some people flying helicopters will probably be a lot more difficult, but for people like myself who enjoy a good Sim I suspect an easier time murdering all the little peoples.
  2. Traece

    Does wind affect things yet?

    I know Take On Helicopters had it so that weather affected flight. Since that game seems to have been, more or less, a "demo" for a new flight model in future titles, I can see no reason why they wouldn't at least make it an option. Especially since ARMA3 has some pretty cool rain effects.