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Everything posted by dezkit

  1. dezkit

    Bell 206

    i will be making it with the new rotorlib system. the hard part is getting real life values and placing it within the system thus making it realistic
  2. It seems as PhysX is broken with the new RotorLIB Helo class... I can land my chopper on water and let it float without rotorlib, but as soon as I enable it, it sinks into the water.
  3. dezkit

    Bell 206

    updated OP with police variant picture
  4. dezkit

    Bell 206

    im not the best at making faux settings for pictures :D
  5. Does anybody know how to fix this? http://i.imgur.com/H7h1Arw.png My texture has a transparent circle in the middle of it that I need. It's TGA with 32bit no compression and _CA filetype.
  6. dezkit

    Black fuzziness

    every time i add a small transparency somewhere in my texture, my whole texture becomes buggy where you can see stuff through it. I have tried PNG as well and it still doesnt work
  7. dezkit

    HMNZS Te Kaha

    what problems?
  8. dezkit

    HMNZS Te Kaha

    Next update i'll add tomahawk and essm
  9. dezkit

    HMNZS Te Kaha

    its a big ship, they take a while to turn :P
  10. dezkit

    HMNZS Te Kaha

    new version released
  11. dezkit

    HMNZS Te Kaha

    i had to remove it because the real counterpart doesnt have one. also lovely video!
  12. dezkit

    reloadTime with A-164 Cannon

    Do not overwrite classes like that. Do this instead class CfgWeapons { class Gatling_30mm_Plane_CAS_01_F; class MyCoolWeapon : Gatling_30mm_Plane_CAS_01_F { reloadTime = 0.015; }; };
  13. remove class Turrets; // External class reference
  14. dezkit

    HMNZS Te Kaha

    put download link
  15. I have the DLC bundle, and I have updated to the latest dev branch as of today and problem still persists. Also, I fixed the mergeConfigFile error, I forgot to add diag_ in the beginning. But there is a new problem now. Every time I execute diag_mergeConfigFile it gives me a scope error at first, but after looking through the errorlogs it seems that after I execute that function, it stops inheriting from any BI classes such as SHIP and SHIP_F in cfgVehicles.
  16. dezkit

    Snakes still open doors?

    Working as intended.
  17. I keep getting this error when I try to launch arma3diag.exe in dev branch, I have tried using both regular steam and steamcmd: Also when trying to use mergeConfigFile it says
  18. dezkit

    Simulation = "carx"; ArmA3 crashs

    what does it say in the rpt
  19. I have no idea what happened... The paths are still the same, but theres no sound when I shoot my weapons.
  20. for some reason, one of my textures is being reflected by the sun in the reverse direction, e.g. the texture facing towards the sun is darker then the one facing away from it how do i fix this ---------- Post added at 07:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:10 PM ---------- fixed. my nohq was faulty
  21. dezkit

    Make launcher default

    I feel as if making it an option on steam is not enough, it should be a required and I can see no cons of having it as default other than having to click 1 more button to click play. There are a bunch of games on steam that have a launcher as default (such as planetside 2) so why not? It will make everybody that plays the game realize that the game now has a way to download mods off the steam workshop, a way to edit which mods they run, a way to customize launch options, and etc. Those that choose their configuration through the launcher must always right click on the game and click on launcher in order for to play with their set configuration, making it a pain and nuisance for them. Feedback link: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=19684
  22. Hey, I was wondering if its possible to animate some arbritary memory points to follow an animation in cfgmodels. For example: collision lights following folded wings. This should be possible, but I can't figure out how, because of the fact that the effects that follows the shooting of a tank turret, follows the turret instead of standing stationary. Thanks.
  23. dezkit

    Make launcher default

    I got a confirmation from our lord and savior dwarden that the launcher will be indeed default soon, just not now. :D