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Everything posted by defk0n_NL

  1. defk0n_NL

    the MXM is too weak?

    It also has a longer range than the normal MX, or so i believe. The EBR, probably next up in the chart, has a higher caliber + long barrel. Also, more kinetic energy does not correlate to higher damage. Its possible for a slower bullet to do more damage then a fast one.
  2. defk0n_NL

    the MXM is too weak?

    How exactly should the MXM do more damage then the normal assault rifle. They are both 6.5mm, The MXM should only have a accuracy advantage due to the longer barrel, which it has. People need to stop making bullshit threads. The MXM has a accuracy advantage as well as ammo compatibility. Thats the whole point of a marksman rifle. Its not a sniper rifle. Its used at medium to longe range.
  3. They should just force aiming deadzone game-wide. With the addon i made there is almost no disadvantage to using it anymore. Atleast not how it was before (A2/A3 beta) You can still do 360s if you are good but definitely not every single time.
  4. defk0n_NL

    Unused Animations Mod

    yes, ithink its possible. If you would have to adjust both the animation speed and walking speed idk.
  5. defk0n_NL

    Unused Animations Mod

    Hey i got a suggestion, Could you re-place it like this. wep lowered, no combatpace AmovPercMtacSlowWrflD(f/fr/fl/b/r/l/br/bl) becomes AmovPercMrunSlowWrflD(f/fr/fl/b/r/l/br/bl) - wep lowered, combat pace: AmovPercMrunSlowWrflD(f/fr/fl/b/r/l/br/bl) becomes AmovPercMrunSrasWrflD(f/fr/fl/b/r/l/br/bl) wep raised, combat pace AmovPercMrunSrasWrflD(f/fr/fl/b/r/l/br/bl) becomes AmovPercMrunSrasWrflD(f/fr/fl/b/r/l/br/bl) (original) The combat pace was never really the issue i think. Its the running with weapons down. It generated this awkard looking half running half walking one handed walk/run (lol) How did you replace this btw? Did you also adjusted the interpolates or declerations? Or did you just switched the animation files?
  6. defk0n_NL

    Unused Animations Mod

    This is perfect!! I always found the walking anim a bit too relaxed.
  7. 2. This is so true, I am currently working on a simulation control scheme where you don't have to press a billion keys all over your keyboard. Ill let you know. 3. look at my mod in my signature, it improves on this issue. (experience may vary)
  8. Im trying to add functionality to the inventory system. There is a zombie mod who shall not be named ;P which uses a action menu on items. After looking through the code i tried to recreate the most basic of functionality. But it when i try to test it out. It does not respond. Does anyone have a deep knowledge of resources and is willing to help? I know its a very long shot by just hacking apart dayz code and expect it too work i just need to know if im on the right path. Let me just show you what i got. init.sqf (loaded via mission) player_selectSlot = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "ui_selectSlot.sqf"; // ui_selectSlot not important seeing it doesnt even calls the test hints below. gear_ui_offMenu = { private["_control","_parent","_menu"]; disableSerialization; _control = _this select 0; _parent = findDisplay 106; if (!(_this select 3)) then { for "_i" from 0 to 9 do { _menu = _parent displayCtrl (1600 + _i); _menu ctrlShow false; }; _grpPos = ctrlPosition _control; _grpPos set [3,0]; _control ctrlSetPosition _grpPos; _control ctrlShow false; _control ctrlCommit 0; }; }; gear_ui_init = { private["_control","_parent","_menu","_dspl","_grpPos"]; disableSerialization; _parent = findDisplay 106; _control = _parent displayCtrl 6902; for "_i" from 0 to 9 do { _menu = _parent displayCtrl (1600 + _i); _menu ctrlShow false; }; _grpPos = ctrlPosition _control; _grpPos set [3,0]; _control ctrlSetPosition _grpPos; _control ctrlShow false; _control ctrlCommit 0; }; config.cpp (separate addon) #include "gear.hpp" gear.hpp (separate addon) I dont know about the parents but i checked most of these classes from dayz_code.pbo\rscTitles.hpp and they are present in A3\Addons\ui_f\config.bin Question is: Can it be overridden and/or does A3 supports them? dont mind the \ca\ui\data\ its just me being lazy. My goal right now is to have a hint being displayed when you click a item. Kidzone_kid also mentions somewhere on his blog that you cant have duplicate names for rsc classes? true/false? also the actual file (rscTitles.hpp) has a bunch of diffrent stuff mixed. (most of it are duplicate classes normally found in ui_f\config.bin, anyone know why?) I tried to just jank the classes that are more likely to port over to a3 class RscPicture; class RscButton; class CA_IGUI_Title; class RscText; class RscControlsGroup; class RscLineBreak; class RscIGUIShortcutButton; class RscGearShortcutButton; class RscIGUIListNBox; class RscActiveText; class RscPictureKeepAspect; class RscStandardDisplay; class RscProgress; class RscProgressNotFreeze; class RscButtonTextOnly; class RscButtonActionMenu: RscButton { SizeEx = 0.02674; colorBackground[] = {0.44,0.7,0.44,1}; colorBackgroundActive[] = {0.24,0.5,0.24,1}; colorBackgroundDisabled[] = {1,1,1,0}; colorFocused[] = {0.2,0.5,0.2,1}; colorShadow[] = {1,1,1,0}; borderSize = 0; w = 0.095 * safezoneW; h = 0.025 * safezoneH; }; class RscDisplayGear { idd = 106; enableDisplay = 1; //onUnload = ""; onLoad = "hint 'Gear Called'; call gear_ui_init; if (isNil('IGUI_GEAR_activeFilter')) then { IGUI_GEAR_activeFilter = 0;}; private ['_dummy']; _dummy = [_this,'initDialog'] call compile preprocessFile '\A3\ui_f\scripts\handleGear.sqf'; _dummy = [_this,'onLoad'] execVM '\A3\ui_f\scripts\handleGear.sqf'; _dummy;"; class ControlsBackground { class Mainback: RscPicture { idc = 1005; x = 0.04; y = 0.01; w = 1.2549; h = 1.6732; moving = 1; text = "\ca\ui\data\igui_background_gear_ca.paa"; }; }; class controls { class G_Interaction: RscControlsGroup { idc = 6902; x = 0.502; y = 0.250 * safezoneH; w = 0.145 * safezoneW; h = 0; //0.250 * safezoneH; onMouseMoving = "hint 'test'; _this call gear_ui_offMenu;"; class VScrollbar { autoScrollSpeed = -1; autoScrollDelay = 5; autoScrollRewind = 0; color[] = {1,1,1,0}; width = 0.001; }; class HScrollbar { color[] = {1,1,1,0}; height = 0.001; }; class Controls { class RscButton_1600: RscButtonActionMenu { idc = 1600; text = ""; x = 0; y = 0 * safezoneH; }; class RscButton_1601: RscButtonActionMenu { idc = 1601; text = ""; x = 0; y = 0.025 * safezoneH; }; class RscButton_1602: RscButtonActionMenu { idc = 1602; text = ""; x = 0; y = 0.05 * safezoneH; }; class RscButton_1603: RscButtonActionMenu { idc = 1603; text = ""; x = 0; y = 0.075 * safezoneH; }; class RscButton_1604: RscButtonActionMenu { idc = 1604; text = ""; x = 0; y = 0.1 * safezoneH; }; class RscButton_1605: RscButtonActionMenu { idc = 1605; text = ""; x = 0; y = 0.125 * safezoneH; }; class RscButton_1606: RscButtonActionMenu { idc = 1606; text = ""; x = 0; y = 0.15 * safezoneH; }; class RscButton_1607: RscButtonActionMenu { idc = 1607; text = ""; x = 0; y = 0.175 * safezoneH; }; class RscButton_1608: RscButtonActionMenu { idc = 1608; text = ""; x = 0; y = 0.2 * safezoneH; }; class RscButton_1609: RscButtonActionMenu { idc = 1609; text = ""; x = 0; y = 0.225 * safezoneH; }; }; }; class G_GearItems: RscControlsGroup { idc = 160; x = 0.502; y = 0.09; w = 0.463; h = 0.776; class VScrollbar { autoScrollSpeed = -1; autoScrollDelay = 5; autoScrollRewind = 0; color[] = {1,1,1,0}; width = 0.001; }; class HScrollbar { color[] = {1,1,1,0}; height = 0.001; }; class Controls { class CA_Gear_slot_primary: RscActiveText { idc = 107; x = "0.502 - 0.502"; y = "0.244 - 0.09"; w = 0.286; h = 0.15; style = "0x30 + 0x800"; onMouseButtonDown = "hint 'test'; _this call player_selectSlot;"; soundDoubleClick[] = {"",0.1,1}; color[] = {1,1,1,1}; colorBackground[] = {1,1,1,1.0}; colorBackgroundSelected[] = {1,1,1,1.0}; colorFocused[] = {0.0,0.0,0.0,0}; canDrag = 1; }; class CA_Gear_slot_secondary: CA_Gear_slot_primary { idc = 108; y = "0.398 -0.09"; }; class CA_Gear_slot_item1: CA_Gear_slot_primary { idc = 109; x = "0.790 - 0.502"; y = "0.244 - 0.09"; w = 0.055; h = 0.074; }; class CA_Gear_slot_item2: CA_Gear_slot_item1 { idc = 110; x = "0.847 - 0.502"; y = "0.244 - 0.09"; }; class CA_Gear_slot_item3: CA_Gear_slot_item1 { idc = 111; x = "0.904366 - 0.502"; y = "0.244 - 0.09"; }; class CA_Gear_slot_item4: CA_Gear_slot_item1 { idc = 112; x = "0.790 - 0.502"; y = "0.321 - 0.09"; }; class CA_Gear_slot_item5: CA_Gear_slot_item1 { idc = 113; x = "0.847 - 0.502"; y = "0.321 - 0.09"; }; class CA_Gear_slot_item6: CA_Gear_slot_item1 { idc = 114; x = "0.904366 - 0.502"; y = "0.321 - 0.09"; }; class CA_Gear_slot_item7: CA_Gear_slot_item1 { idc = 115; x = "0.790 - 0.502"; y = "0.398 - 0.09"; }; class CA_Gear_slot_item8: CA_Gear_slot_item7 { idc = 116; x = "0.847 - 0.502"; y = "0.398 - 0.09"; }; class CA_Gear_slot_item9: CA_Gear_slot_item7 { idc = 117; x = "0.904366 - 0.502"; y = "0.398 - 0.09"; }; class CA_Gear_slot_item10: CA_Gear_slot_item7 { idc = 118; x = "0.790 - 0.502"; y = "0.474 - 0.09"; }; class CA_Gear_slot_item11: CA_Gear_slot_item7 { idc = 119; x = "0.847 - 0.502"; y = "0.474 - 0.09"; }; class CA_Gear_slot_item12: CA_Gear_slot_item7 { idc = 120; x = "0.904366 - 0.502"; y = "0.474 - 0.09"; }; class CA_Gear_slot_handgun: CA_Gear_slot_primary { idc = 121; x = "0.560 - 0.502"; y = "0.551 - 0.09"; w = 0.113; h = 0.15; }; class CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item1: CA_Gear_slot_item1 { idc = 122; x = "0.674 - 0.502"; y = "0.551 - 0.09"; w = 0.055; h = 0.074; }; class CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item2: CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item1 { idc = 123; x = "0.733 - 0.502"; y = "0.551 - 0.09"; }; class CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item3: CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item1 { idc = 124; x = "0.790 - 0.502"; }; class CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item4: CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item1 { idc = 125; x = "0.847 - 0.502"; }; class CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item5: CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item1 { idc = 126; x = "0.674 - 0.502"; y = "0.628 - 0.09"; }; class CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item6: CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item5 { idc = 127; x = "0.733 - 0.502"; y = "0.628 - 0.09"; }; class CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item7: CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item5 { idc = 128; x = "0.790 - 0.502"; y = "0.628 - 0.09"; }; class CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item8: CA_Gear_slot_handgun_item5 { idc = 129; x = "0.847 - 0.502"; y = "0.628 - 0.09"; }; class CA_Gear_slot_special1: CA_Gear_slot_item1 { idc = 130; x = "0.502 - 0.502"; y = "0.09 - 0.09"; w = 0.113; h = 0.15; }; class CA_Gear_slot_special2: CA_Gear_slot_special1 { idc = 131; x = "0.847 - 0.502"; y = "0.09 - 0.09"; w = 0.113; h = 0.15; }; class CA_Gear_slot_inventory1: CA_Gear_slot_special1 { idc = 134; x = "0.560 - 0.502"; y = "0.705 - 0.09"; w = 0.055; h = 0.074; }; class CA_Gear_slot_inventory2: CA_Gear_slot_inventory1 { idc = 135; x = "0.617 - 0.502"; y = "0.705 - 0.09"; }; class CA_Gear_slot_inventory3: CA_Gear_slot_inventory1 { idc = 136; x = "0.674 - 0.502"; y = "0.705 - 0.09"; }; class CA_Gear_slot_inventory4: CA_Gear_slot_inventory1 { idc = 137; x = "0.733 - 0.502"; y = "0.705 - 0.09"; }; class CA_Gear_slot_inventory5: CA_Gear_slot_inventory1 { idc = 138; x = "0.790 - 0.502"; y = "0.705 - 0.09"; }; class CA_Gear_slot_inventory6: CA_Gear_slot_inventory1 { idc = 139; x = "0.847 - 0.502"; y = "0.705 - 0.09"; }; class CA_Gear_slot_inventory7: CA_Gear_slot_inventory1 { idc = 140; x = "0.560 - 0.502"; y = "0.782 - 0.09"; }; class CA_Gear_slot_inventory8: CA_Gear_slot_inventory7 { idc = 141; x = "0.617 - 0.502"; y = "0.782 - 0.09"; }; class CA_Gear_slot_inventory9: CA_Gear_slot_inventory7 { idc = 142; x = "0.674 - 0.502"; y = "0.782 - 0.09"; }; class CA_Gear_slot_inventory10: CA_Gear_slot_inventory7 { idc = 143; x = "0.733 - 0.502"; y = "0.782 - 0.09"; }; class CA_Gear_slot_inventory11: CA_Gear_slot_inventory7 { idc = 144; x = "0.790 - 0.502"; y = "0.782 - 0.09"; }; class CA_Gear_slot_inventory12: CA_Gear_slot_inventory7 { idc = 145; x = "0.847 - 0.502"; y = "0.782 - 0.09"; }; class CA_Gear_slot_inventory13: CA_Gear_slot_inventory7 { idc = 1122; x = 10.1; y = 10.1; }; }; }; }; };
  9. yes but what about the actual items. I have been looking through it. Have not been able to manipulate those ID's surrounding the container. When say, you click the magazine. It turns white. What IDC's controls that item?
  10. Whats wrong with it? Seems to me its working as intended. Tested on 32,000 viewdistance. 24 fps ish. once the objects get replaced for images gtx 570, 12gb@1600, 2600k 4.4
  11. defk0n_NL

    Mouse non-linearity?

    this mod fixes it: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?163285-A3-FreeAim-Fix disclaimer, i made it lol
  12. defk0n_NL

    Memory Points, hand & feet in vehicles

    sorry for the necro, So does that mean if one has the car doors animated you can kinect it? Can anyone look up the humvee config key and attributes in VBS 1.54? Im interested in how that looks config wise.
  13. Feel like i should update this with a news. Nice little nugget made by kidzone kid [] spawn { disableSerialization; _gearDisplay = displayNull; waitUntil { _gearDisplay = findDisplay 602; !isNull _gearDisplay; }; for "_i" from 2 to 6554 do { _gearCtrl = _gearDisplay displayCtrl _i; if (!isNull _gearCtrl) then { _gearCtrl ctrlAddEventHandler [ "ButtonClick", "hint str _this" ]; }; }; }; execute it ingame. then go to inventory and click on all the equipslots (vest/uniform/gps/etc) So my question is now a bit more clear. Where does one find the displays for the actual items ?
  14. But yet so far away how do you make players be able to aim while AttachTo??
  15. defk0n_NL

    Buildings devoid of life....

    Look they are not going to release the A3 official lods anytime soon. They haven't even released the A2 lods yet, which they announced. So for a modder to make high quality furniture in A3 it would require making the entire house in order for proxies to support furniture and between all the high priority items on the bugtracker its hard for me to believe they would just stop fixing those issues for added furniture. Something that has no purpose besides looking pretty. The suggestion i made was broadly in the sense of, BIS should support modders more so we can do it ourselves. Instead of "ZOMG BIS GIVE ME FURNITUREE" Pulling out A2 objects and placing it inside a released A1 lod is different then actually designing the house and furniture's on A3 scale wont you say? I doubt BIS would agree with you on their timescale but im still holding out for the future. Who knows. I actually like furniture. and although i do believe attachto is lacking somewhat. Its not what i am referring to when talking about improved OOP support. Cheap arguments? Against what? What do you consider cheap? How are modifiable house/car proxies unrelated suggestions when talking about furniture/house proxies, i have yet to hear you level a reasonable argument against it besides. "Personal priorities" and related ad hominem. I see how you fail to understand my logic. Matter of fact. I honestly believe you fail to understand the concept of logic entirely... Reply as you wish i am not responding back unless you can actually make a coherent piece of thought.
  16. defk0n_NL

    Buildings devoid of life....

    First of all, I rather pay a good chunk of money for a proper SDK where i can built something with my own hands. Then spending money on content DLC's Second, I dont see how making it easier for modders to mod can actually be anything but a development cost saver. So i think you are a little confused. You are demanding from BIS to add furnitures, for free? paid? While linking to a video about a modder making furniture's? Furniture's can already be done, But its too cumbersome to make a entire house just for the furniture right? So taking in mind your already existing experience in proxies and buildings you rather have the ability to add furniture to existing houses, correct? "Round and round she goes" yer, you are right. But what if their was a possibility to add stuff to their proxies. Let it compile ontop of existing models. (Dont have experience in modelling. Just throwing it out there)
  17. defk0n_NL

    Buildings devoid of life....

    You are right that begging for script commands also is feature begging. There is however a difference, just adding furniture will not solve some of these usability problems. You will have a nice furniture but the things that are broken will still stay broken. It would be more logical to try and advocate for some sort of OOP framework (SDK) where people can build & compile on top of bis models without them having to actually give everything away. Source engine did it like this. They did not gave away all their models (or so i believe). They just broke them apart, and let people build stuff with it. BIS is a game company, they have deadlines to reach. money to make, bubblegum to chew. The models bis use is their proprietary right. It would be retarded to give it away like that in some uncontrolled explosion. Its never a one time job. Having to anticipate for any and all possible uses is beyond what i expect from a game i payed 30 bucks for. The thing is, even if BIS decides to add furniture's. They would all be copy pasted across the whole map. Their would be no way to change them beyond that point. It would be a really generic looking furniture. maybe a cabinet and some stools.
  18. defk0n_NL

    Buildings devoid of life....

    I just wish BIS could just provide the community with more tools/commands. feature begging is not going to help. We need more modding support so people can actually turn this "1 step forward 2 steps back" thing around. For every new feature BIS adds their will be numerous game/immersion/realism breaking bugs taking its place. That's not because they don't know what they are doing. I definitely have some faith in that. Its because of the sheer scale of everything. The last spot rep talked about 5 guys basically making the entire Altis map. Who would not burn out with a task like that. Not to mention deadlines etc. Not trying to find excuses for BIS. I have been pretty vocal about some of the stuff mentioned before. In the end it doesn't really matter though. ArmA as it stands right now is too end user focused. It has little potential to mod ArmA3 into something its not besides quasi realism shooter. Sure you can throw on top a WW2 reskin, or a Zombie Reskin, but expanding on some of the core features is like fighting against the current. Dont get me wrong, ArmA is a sandbox but a pretty small one, how ironically that may sound with a map that big. The scripting functions leave little room for creative input, they are purely functional. Things i wish bis would improve on besides returning the alien abducted furniture. OOP framework. Being able to dynamically access/modify/add all the soldier/house/car/radio/inventory variables currently locked inside configs and being able to actually start using them. i.e say i have downloaded a car someone made. But its raining and i need windshield wipers. Then instead of me having to try to adjust the model (god knows how you do that) why not let players create the windshield wiper model. add car variables, and attachTo models i.e: windshield.p3d attachTo[car1 [x,y,z,yaw,pitch]]; onClick[car1 action ["windshields"]] do { animate["windshield.p3d", "animation.rtm"] } where the models/animations would already be prefetched via manifest or something. just my .2c
  19. defk0n_NL

    Shooting out cars, So close...

    submitted: 2013-04-21 01:56 assigned: 2013-08-09 13:17
  20. defk0n_NL

    Shooting out cars, So close...

    ok but how did it manage to change state from just sitting their to aiming a weapon (anim) + actually holding a weapon (model) i think i know how they manage to increase the range. class CfgVehicles { class CAManBase : Man { mingunturn = -90; maxgunturn = 90; mingunturnai = -90; maxgunturnai = 90; }; BI Wiki: mingunturn part of any Turret class (tanks eg)
  21. defk0n_NL

    The New York City Project

    If you can add proper doors i might have a script laying around here somewhere that is able to lock them in a3. this could make for a fun garry's mod type map.
  22. defk0n_NL

    Shooting out cars, So close...

    yer im by all means no sqf boywonder. maybe you could look understand the code better then i do and figure out exactly how did they do it? it think the animations might be hooked via action [] upon vehicle enter or something. Tried to open the .rtm files in oxygen2 but gave me errors
  23. defk0n_NL

    Shooting out cars, So close...

    Yes, but how. Have looked through the code. Cant really find anything about aiming. FYI Its also dependent on ACE and CBA, so stop recommending st_lil_burd_enhancemunt :P we need to just get down and do this. I am tired of feature begging BIS. two ways i have tried #1, can aim while car is moving but will laydown due to physx if i can find a way to let physx ignore the player standing up at 200 km/h we are golden p1 setUnitPos "middle"; p1 switchMove "AadjPknlMstpSrasWrflDright"; while {true} do { p1 disableAI "anim"; _rel = car2 modelToWorld [0.2,-0.2,-0.8]; p1 setPos _rel; }; #2, doesnt work cuz attachTo bs p1 setUnitPos "middle"; p1 switchMove "AadjPknlMstpSrasWrflDright"; p1 attachTo [car2, [0.6,-0.2,-0.8]];
  24. defk0n_NL

    Shooting out cars, So close...

    like for real, who thought it would be a good idea super glueing two objects together like that. anywho. Looking into maybe creating a invisibile static model with no lods. (if thats even possible), hide it and let a player gun, i guess static models like hmg etc can turn on attachto. only when they clip the car basically gets fubar