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About falconthree

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  1. falconthree

    Graphical Artifacts with AA Enabled

    I have the same issue just a bit more pronounced. If I turn AA off it goes away but who wants super harsh edges. I have even uninstalled all graphics drivers and it still does this. AMD 6950
  2. falconthree

    Graphics Problem

    I have found that if I turn off anti aliasing the issue is resolved. So I am not sure how to truly fix this.
  3. falconthree

    Arma 3 Graphics Glitch

    I have found that if you turn anti aliasing off the issue goes away. Hope this is fixed soon. Really would like soft edges.
  4. falconthree

    Arma 3 Graphics Glitch

    I have an AMD 6900 series card with the latest drivers. I also uninstalled all drivers to see if it resolved. No change.
  5. falconthree

    Graphics Problem

    I installed the Alpha and this is how it looked straight out the gate. I then uninstalled all graphics drivers restarted and still had the same result. I have since re installed all graphics drivers with the same issue. Tend to think this might be an alpha issue. I cannot locate this issue anywhere else on the web. AMD Radeon HD 6900 Series video card. http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc1/887426_10200126383896339_133222562_o.jpg (163 kB)