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Everything posted by HaZZarD

  1. No luck, even with last addition still some players are unable to load the setup right, for now I will find a workaround like players getting the equip from vehicles, via add-action script thanks for helping and I hope BIS will take a look at custom loadouts in AIII because right now it's too messy, too many problems cheers
  2. this make lot of sense, having one single mod but more complete would be best
  3. I have something interesting to show you from last tests, before trying your last suggested modification. We made these tests with even waitUntil {time > 60}; , so waiting for the player to take control of the character didn't fix things for now. http://i.imgur.com/dXKj8Rd.jpg Top left you have the basic vanilla loadout that comes with the mod Top right you have my custom loadout, always working for me as host in MP Below you see what happen to a player joining me, not even in progress, I waited for him to press continue his loadout is a total mess with a mix of vanilla stuff (red cross) and from my custom loadout stuff (green check), items not marked are those in common with both setups. I will try your last suggested modifications and report back
  4. should I put that before triggering each loadout script ? like below ? waitUntil {!isNull player}; waitUntil {time > 5}; _scriptFinished = [s1] execVM "loadout1.sqf"; waitUntil {scriptDone _scriptFinished}; _nul = [s1] execVM "loadout1.sqf"; _scriptFinished = [s2] execVM "loadout2.sqf"; waitUntil {scriptDone _scriptFinished}; _nul = [s2] execVM "loadout2.sqf";
  5. Hey mate, we tested your method today , with last modficiations set in place, all in all I say it works better, not sure if placebo effect but there are more probabilities of players spawning with the right custom loadout loaded, hower in some cases, some people failed to load the custom loadout so I had to restart the mission 2 or 3 times, wait for them to press continue and then start it and at second/third restart all had their custom equip loaded with no apparently issues. I'am happy with the improvements but still no luck in having something 100% working, are further changes/improvements possible ? What do you think about putting more than 0 as wait time ? something like waitUntil {!isNull player}; waitUntil {time > 1}; would it make sense ? Now I'am not 100% sure of this but look like players with worst performances have less probabilities to load the custom loadout Another question, can we create a "loop", a continue check, untill sure that " _nul = [s1] execVM "loadout1.sqf"; " etc. are loaded correctly ? Maybe something that keep doing "_nul = [s1] execVM "loadoutX.sqf" untill sure that the loadout is loaded, so a variable is returned as true ? Now I don't know much about scripting so I just put ideas there, I really want to find a solution and then share it with other people cheers
  6. Awesome, can't wait for it, Vietnam and WWII best
  7. HaZZarD

    Middle East Conflict mod

    I confirm the problem with PWS and I say , keep up the good work because your mod offer the best Opfor factions available on AIII
  8. This and suppressive fire mechanism = almost perfect gameplay IMO
  9. I want to show you the custom-loadout script I used until now init.sqf execVM "scripts\client.sqf"; client.sqf if !(isDedicated) then { waitUntil { !IsNull Player }; if (local player) then { waitUntil { time > 8 }; switch (faction player) do { case "mas_ukf_sftg": { [] call compile preprocessFile "scripts\SASloadouts.sqf";}; case "mas_usa_mars": { [] call compile preprocessFile "scripts\USMCloadouts.sqf";}; }; switch (player) do { case s1: {[s1] call SAS_SL;}; case s2: {[s2] call SAS_TL;}; case s3: {[s3] call SAS_RO;}; case s4: {[s4] call SAS_M;}; case u1: {[u1] call USMC_SL;}; case u2: {[u2] call USMC_TL;}; case u3: {[u3] call USMC_RAT;}; case u4: {[u4] call USMC_G;}; case u5: {[u5] call USMC_A;}; case u6: {[u6] call USMC_MG;}; }; }; }; SASloadouts.sqf SAS_SL = { _unit = _this select 0; removeallweapons _unit; removevest _unit; removeuniform _unit; removeheadgear _unit; removeallassigneditems _unit; sleep 1; [[{}, _unit addUniform "U_mas_uk_B_IndUniform2_m"], "BIS_fnc_spawn", true] call BIS_fnc_MP; //attention to the syntax here. This, and only this syntax worked for me, even with other resources showing differently _unit addHeadgear 'H_mas_uk_beret'; _unit addGoggles 'G_Aviator'; _unit addVest 'V_mas_uk_Rangemaster_belt'; _unit addBackPack 'B_AssaultPack_cbr'; _unit addmagazine '13Rnd_mas_9x21_Mag'; _unit addmagazine 'CUP_30Rnd_556x45_Stanag'; _unit addweapon 'CUP_arifle_Mk16_CQC_FG'; _unit addweapon 'hgun_mas_bhp_F'; _unit addweapon 'CUP_LRTV'; _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem 'CUP_muzzle_snds_SCAR_L'; _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem 'CUP_acc_ANPEQ_15'; _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem 'CUP_optic_ELCAN_SpecterDR'; _unit addHandgunItem 'muzzle_mas_snds_L'; _unit addItemToUniform 'FirstAidKit'; _unit addItemToUniform 'FirstAidKit'; _unit addItemToUniform '13Rnd_mas_9x21_Mag'; _unit addItemToUniform '13Rnd_mas_9x21_Mag'; _unit addItemToUniform 'B_IR_Grenade'; _unit addItemToUniform 'SmokeShell'; _unit addItemToUniform 'SmokeShell'; _unit addItemToUniform 'SmokeShell'; _unit addItemToUniform 'HandGrenade'; _unit addItemToVest 'CUP_30Rnd_556x45_Stanag'; _unit addItemToVest 'CUP_30Rnd_556x45_Stanag'; _unit addItemToVest 'CUP_30Rnd_556x45_Stanag'; _unit addItemToVest 'CUP_30Rnd_556x45_Stanag'; _unit addItemToVest 'CUP_30Rnd_556x45_Stanag'; _unit addItemToVest 'CUP_30Rnd_556x45_Stanag'; _unit addItemToVest 'CUP_30Rnd_556x45_Stanag'; _unit addItemToVest 'CUP_30Rnd_556x45_Stanag'; _unit addItemToVest '13Rnd_mas_9x21_Mag'; _unit addItemToVest '13Rnd_mas_9x21_Mag'; _unit addItemToVest '13Rnd_mas_9x21_Mag'; _unit addItemToVest '13Rnd_mas_9x21_Mag'; _unit addItemToVest 'SmokeShell'; _unit addItemToVest 'SmokeShell'; _unit addItemToBackpack 'HandGrenade'; _unit addItemToBackpack 'HandGrenade'; _unit addItemToBackpack 'HandGrenade'; _unit addItemToBackpack 'SmokeShellRed'; _unit addItemToBackpack 'SmokeShellRed'; _unit addItemToBackpack 'SmokeShellGreen'; _unit addItemToBackpack 'SmokeShellGreen'; _unit addItemToBackpack 'SmokeShellPurple'; _unit addItemToBackpack 'SmokeShellPurple'; _unit addItemToBackpack 'Chemlight_green'; _unit addItemToBackpack 'Chemlight_red'; _unit addItemToBackpack 'CUP_30Rnd_556x45_Stanag'; _unit addItemToBackpack 'CUP_30Rnd_556x45_Stanag'; _unit addItemToBackpack 'CUP_30Rnd_556x45_Stanag'; _unit addItemToBackpack 'CUP_30Rnd_556x45_Stanag'; _unit linkItem 'ItemMap'; _unit linkItem 'ItemCompass'; _unit linkItem 'ItemWatch'; _unit linkItem 'ItemRadio'; _unit linkItem 'ItemGPS'; _unit linkItem 'NVGoggles_mas_h'; _unit linkItem 'CUP_LRTV'; }; SAS_TL = { _unit = _this select 0; //.....etc etc// However the script above is not without problems, first one BIG problem is that is not 100% reliable, you have most of the players joining you with correct loadout loaded and other where custom-loadout failed to load, and apparently, to me, look like it happen randomly, sometime player X loads the custom-loadout and sometime not etc. Second problem is that it load the custom-loadout just for human players and not for the AI. So basically in months I have found no 100% reliable and always-working custom-loadout script, now I'am hoping in your script or finding a way to make the above working in all conditions. I just find "weird" to say the last that making custom-loadouts in AIII give all these problems : ( Luckily enought there are people like you helping or I would have already stopped making missions for AIII sigh/lol
  10. ah damn, I feel pretty noob now ahah , let's see if I get it right this time _unit = (_this select 0); if (_unit getVariable ["hasLoadout",false]) exitWith {}; removeallweapons _unit; removevest _unit; removeuniform _unit; removeheadgear _unit; removeallassigneditems _unit; sleep 1; [[{}, _unit addUniform "U_mas_uk_B_IndUniform2_o"], "BIS_fnc_spawn", true] call BIS_fnc_MP; //attention to the syntax here. This, and only this syntax worked for me, even with other resources showing differently _unit addHeadgear 'H_mas_uk_beret'; _unit addGoggles 'G_Aviator'; //....rest of the setup code // //at the end// _unit setVariable ["hasLoadout", true, true]; if everything is fine, like I said, I put the right corrections, I test and I report back, fingers crossed
  11. ok, let's see if I got it, I know very little of scripting, the initPlayerLocal.sqf should now look like below, right ? waitUntil {!isNull player}; waitUntil {time > 0}; _nul = [s1] execVM "loadout1.sqf"; _nul = [s2] execVM "loadout2.sqf"; _unit setVariable ["hasLoadout", true, true]; While inside each "loadoutX.sqf" this ?: _unit = (_this select 0); if (_unit getVariable ["hasLoadout",false]) exitWith {}; removeallweapons _unit; removevest _unit; removeuniform _unit; removeheadgear _unit; removeallassigneditems _unit; sleep 1; [[{}, _unit addUniform "U_mas_uk_B_IndUniform2_o"], "BIS_fnc_spawn", true] call BIS_fnc_MP; //attention to the syntax here. This, and only this syntax worked for me, even with other resources showing differently _unit addHeadgear 'H_mas_uk_beret'; _unit addGoggles 'G_Aviator'; _unit addVest 'V_mas_uk_Rangemaster_belt'; ....rest of the code Once I have confirmation that the above is right I will try testing again and I will let you know Thanks for helping, I really want to find an infallible way to make custom loadouts work in every condition. cheers
  12. HaZZarD

    Displaying unit name

    We using this one http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=26360 and in general the whole ShackTac HUD is awesome, should be in AIII by default
  13. hey guys, like the title says, I would like a trigger to be activated when all remaining members of two different teams enter in it thanks for your eventual help ---------- Post added at 19:57 ---------- Previous post was at 19:53 ---------- This is what I tried but wont work in first group SL init SASteam = group this ; in second group SL init USMCteam = group this ; In trigger condition: ({_x in thislist} count units SASteam == count units SASteam)&&({_x in thislist} count units USMCteam == count units USMCteam) ;
  14. I tried your method and look like it works fine for human controlled players but when other players join in MP then some of the AI controlled soldiers lose their uniform : (
  15. HaZZarD

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    Ye because I already use UPSMON but I don't know If I'am using it in its full potential or in the right way so something like teamplates is welcome, looking forward for next update : ) thanks cheers
  16. HaZZarD

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    First of all thanks for your hard work : ) Are you planning to make some userfriendly UPSMON teamplates to show the full potential of this script to the ones a bit new to editor and scripting ?
  17. hi all, I have a problem in the mission I'am making, I have the mission starting with AI using pistols instead of their primary weapons, is there a way to force them to use their primary weapons ? thanks
  18. awesome, I'll try it out, thanks
  19. ok, so, I put initPlayerLocal.sqf in my mission folder (is it auto launched when mission start / players join ? ) inside initPlayerLocal.sqf I put these waitUntil {!isNull player}; waitUntil {time > 0}; _nul = [s1] execVM "loadout1.sqf"; _nul = [s2] execVM "loadout2.sqf"; inside "loadout.sqf" something like : _unit = _this select 0; removeallweapons _unit; removevest _unit; removeuniform _unit; removeheadgear _unit; removeallassigneditems _unit; sleep 1; [[{}, _unit addUniform "U_mas_uk_B_IndUniform2_o"], "BIS_fnc_spawn", true] call BIS_fnc_MP; //attention to the syntax here. This, and only this syntax worked for me, even with other resources showing differently _unit addHeadgear 'H_mas_uk_beret'; _unit addGoggles 'G_Aviator'; _unit addVest 'V_mas_uk_Rangemaster_belt'; _unit addBackPack 'B_AssaultPack_cbr'; _unit addmagazine '13Rnd_mas_9x21_Mag'; _unit addweapon 'hgun_mas_bhp_F'; _unit addmagazine 'CUP_30Rnd_556x45_Stanag'; _unit addweapon 'CUP_arifle_Mk16_CQC_SFG'; _unit addweapon 'CUP_LRTV'; _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem 'CUP_muzzle_snds_SCAR_L'; _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem 'CUP_acc_ANPEQ_15'; _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem 'CUP_optic_ELCAN_SpecterDR'; _unit addHandgunItem 'muzzle_mas_snds_L'; _unit addItemToUniform 'FirstAidKit'; _unit addItemToUniform 'FirstAidKit'; _unit addItemToUniform '13Rnd_mas_9x21_Mag'; _unit addItemToUniform '13Rnd_mas_9x21_Mag'; _unit addItemToUniform 'B_IR_Grenade'; _unit addItemToUniform 'SmokeShell'; _unit addItemToUniform 'SmokeShell'; _unit addItemToUniform 'SmokeShell'; _unit addItemToUniform 'HandGrenade'; _unit addItemToVest 'CUP_30Rnd_556x45_Stanag'; _unit addItemToVest 'CUP_30Rnd_556x45_Stanag'; _unit addItemToVest 'CUP_30Rnd_556x45_Stanag'; _unit addItemToVest 'CUP_30Rnd_556x45_Stanag'; _unit addItemToVest 'CUP_30Rnd_556x45_Stanag'; _unit addItemToVest 'CUP_30Rnd_556x45_Stanag'; _unit addItemToVest 'CUP_30Rnd_556x45_Stanag'; _unit addItemToVest 'CUP_30Rnd_556x45_Stanag'; _unit addItemToVest '13Rnd_mas_9x21_Mag'; _unit addItemToVest '13Rnd_mas_9x21_Mag'; _unit addItemToVest '13Rnd_mas_9x21_Mag'; _unit addItemToVest '13Rnd_mas_9x21_Mag'; _unit addItemToVest 'SmokeShell'; _unit addItemToVest 'SmokeShell'; _unit addItemToBackpack 'HandGrenade'; _unit addItemToBackpack 'HandGrenade'; _unit addItemToBackpack 'HandGrenade'; _unit addItemToBackpack 'SmokeShellRed'; _unit addItemToBackpack 'SmokeShellRed'; _unit addItemToBackpack 'SmokeShellGreen'; _unit addItemToBackpack 'SmokeShellGreen'; _unit addItemToBackpack 'SmokeShellPurple'; _unit addItemToBackpack 'SmokeShellPurple'; _unit addItemToBackpack 'Chemlight_green'; _unit addItemToBackpack 'Chemlight_red'; _unit addItemToBackpack 'CUP_30Rnd_556x45_Stanag'; _unit addItemToBackpack 'CUP_30Rnd_556x45_Stanag'; _unit addItemToBackpack 'CUP_30Rnd_556x45_Stanag'; _unit addItemToBackpack 'CUP_30Rnd_556x45_Stanag'; _unit linkItem 'ItemMap'; _unit linkItem 'ItemCompass'; _unit linkItem 'ItemWatch'; _unit linkItem 'ItemRadio'; _unit linkItem 'ItemGPS'; _unit linkItem 'NVGoggles_mas_h'; _unit linkItem 'CUP_LRTV'; should it work fine ? I'am really searching for something that I can use to give custom loadouts to playable and non playable units and that never broke when human players join thanks for helping
  20. Hey dude, can you make an example of custom setups by using this initPlayerLocal.sqf method ?
  21. One question after months of AIII editor, what's your actual favorite and infallible script to make custom setup units ?
  22. HaZZarD

    Arma3 - AGGRESSORS

    My problem in general is that I was searching for an Opfor mod which add realistic Opfor factions, and I found this one as best one also for the reason that was stanalone, so I really wish this will stay standalone. I think what AIII really need is a standalone mod which add realistic Opfor factions, specially of "insurgents" kind.
  23. HaZZarD

    Arma3 - AGGRESSORS

    I tried this mod + audio fix but still the AK's sound very low or not at all : ( Any eta on next version ? keep up the good work
  24. HaZZarD

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Hey guys thanks for your awesome mod, if my Capture mission is now the most popular of the week is thanks to your mod as the vanilla version of it got much fewer votes : ) I think people are asking a lot because this mod put hype on people, it's damn awesome like a brand new game really
  25. HaZZarD

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    awesome , it worked and it's great to have such features. Do you know any other unusual combination of keys/feature ? like when on tanks to change optic ? : ) One thing would be nice to have is adjusting brightness of NVG's