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Everything posted by blinger

  1. blinger

    low fps with 7970

    i5 2500k 8gb mem Geforce 580's in SLI getting 20-30 frames a sec with everything on low minus view distance. what am i doing wrong here? I was under the impression SLI 580's are still pretty decent.
  2. so should i be using null = "ALL" execVM "killTicker.sqf"; or unit spawn killticker; if i want this to show all kills during a TDM?
  3. performance wise, is it better to put say _Handle = this execVM "opfor_gear.sqf"; in the init box of an ammo crate or should i list everything out in the init line like this addweaponcargo ["arifle_MXM_F", 20]; this addweaponcargo ["srifle_EBR_F", 20]; this addweaponcargo ["LMG_Mk200_F", 20]; this addweaponcargo ["hgun_P07_F", 20]; this addweaponcargo ["arifle_Khaybar_F", 20]; this addweaponcargo ["arifle_Khaybar_C_F", 20]; this addweaponcargo ["arifle_Khaybar_GL_F", 20]; this addweaponcargo ["hgun_rook40_F", 20] Looking for any and all FPS optimization tips for mission building thanks
  4. blinger

    =BTC= TK punishment script

    what is the punishment for a TK?
  5. i can't figure this editor out. there are a limited number of units available when i double click hte map to add a new unit. Ammo is not one of them. Is there a video tutorial for arma 3 on this?
  6. VPS quad core, 8gb ram, 40gb hdd I'm launching using two different set of parameters -server -config=wasteland\server.cfg -cfg=wasteland\basic.cfg and -server -window -port=2302 "-config=wasteland\config.cfg" "-cfg=wasteland\basic.cfg" -noPause -noSound -cpuCount=4 -maxMem=4096 -bandwidthAlg=2 -exThreads=7 sometimes the server will last for 10 minutes, other times it will last for a few hours. // // server.cfg // // comments are written with "//" in front of them. // GLOBAL SETTINGS hostname = "[bSC] 404 Wasteland v1.0.2 Alpha"; // The name of the server that shall be displayed in the public server list password = ""; // Password for joining, eg connecting to the server passwordAdmin = "password"; // Password to become server admin. When you're in Arma MP and connected to the server, type '#login xyz' //reportingIP = "armedass.master.gamespy.com"; // For ArmA1 publicly list your server on GameSpy. Leave empty for private servers //reportingIP = "arma2pc.master.gamespy.com"; // For ArmA2 publicly list your server on GameSpy. Leave empty for private servers reportingIP = "arma2oapc.master.gamespy.com"; // For Arma2: Operation Arrowhead logFile = "server_console.log"; // Tells ArmA-server where the logfile should go and what it should be called // WELCOME MESSAGE (message of the day) // It can be several lines, separated by comma // Empty messages "" will not be displayed at all but are only for increasing the interval motd[] = { "Welcome", "", }; motdInterval = 5; // Time interval (in seconds) between each message // JOINING RULES checkfiles[] = {}; // Outdated. maxPlayers = 65; // Maximum amount of players. Civilians and watchers, beholder, bystanders and so on also count as player. kickDuplicate = 1; // Each ArmA version has its own ID. If kickDuplicate is set to 1, a player will be kicked when he joins a server where another player with the same ID is playing. verifySignatures = 2; // Verifies .pbos against .bisign files. Valid values 0 (disabled), 1 (prefer v2 sigs but accept v1 too) and 2 (only v2 sigs are allowed). equalModRequired = 0; // Outdated. If set to 1, player has to use exactly the same -mod= startup parameter as the server. //requiredBuild = 12345 // Require clients joining to have at least build 12345 of game, preventing obsolete clients to connect // VOTING voteMissionPlayers = 1.5; // Tells the server how many people must connect so that it displays the mission selection screen. voteThreshold = 50; // 33% or more players need to vote for something, for example an admin or a new map, to become effective // INGAME SETTINGS disableVoN = 0; // If set to 1, Voice over Net will not be available vonCodecQuality = 5; // since 1.62.95417 supports range 1-20 //since 1.63.x will supports range 1-30 //8kHz is 0-10, 16kHz is 11-20, 32kHz is 21-30 persistent = 1; // If 1, missions still run on even after the last player disconnected. timeStampFormat = "short"; // Set the timestamp format used on each report line in server-side RPT file. Possible values are "none" (default),"short","full". BattlEye = 0; // Server to use BattlEye system // SCRIPTING ISSUES onUserConnected = ""; // onUserDisconnected = ""; // doubleIdDetected = ""; // //regularCheck = "{}"; // Server checks files from time to time by hashing them and comparing the hash to the hash values of the clients. Causes heavy I/O, uncomment to disable feature - READ WARNING ABOVE - makes cheating possible! // SIGNATURE VERIFICATION onUnsignedData = "kick (_this select 0)"; // unsigned data detected onHackedData = "kick (_this select 0)"; // tampering of the signature detected onDifferentData = ""; // default was " ban " data with a valid signature, but different version than the one present on server detected // MISSIONS CYCLE (see below) class Missions { class Wasteland_Chernarus { template="404Wasteland_ArmA3.Stratis"; difficulty="Regular"; }; }; // These options are created by default language="English"; adapter=-1; 3D_Performance=1.000000; Resolution_W=800; Resolution_H=600; Resolution_Bpp=32; // These options are important for performance tuning MinBandwidth = 262144; // Bandwidth the server is guaranteed to have (in bps). This value helps server to estimate bandwidth available. Increasing it to too optimistic values can increase lag and CPU load, as too many messages will be sent but discarded. Default: 131072 MaxBandwidth = 10000000000; // Bandwidth the server is guaranteed to never have. This value helps the server to estimate bandwidth available. MaxMsgSend = 256; // Maximum number of messages that can be sent in one simulation cycle. Increasing this value can decrease lag on high upload bandwidth servers. Default: 128 MaxSizeGuaranteed = 512; // Maximum size of guaranteed packet in bytes (without headers). Small messages are packed to larger frames. Guaranteed messages are used for non-repetitive events like shooting. Default: 512 MaxSizeNonguaranteed = 256; // Maximum size of non-guaranteed packet in bytes (without headers). Non-guaranteed messages are used for repetitive updates like soldier or vehicle position. Increasing this value may improve bandwidth requirement, but it may increase lag. Default: 256 MinErrorToSend = 0.001; // Minimal error to send updates across network. Using a smaller value can make units observed by binoculars or sniper rifle to move smoother. Default: 0.001 MinErrorToSendNear = 0.01; // Minimal error to send updates across network for near units. Using larger value can reduce traffic sent for near units. Used to control client to server traffic as well. Default: 0.01 MaxCustomFileSize = 0; // (bytes) Users with custom face or custom sound larger than this size are kicked when trying to connect. from the rpt file.. 14:53:30 Client: Object 78:17 (type Type_79) not found. 14:53:30 Client: Object 127:19 (type Type_79) not found. 14:53:30 Client: Object 144:2 (type Type_79) not found. 14:53:30 Client: Object 114:19 (type Type_79) not found. 14:53:30 Client: Object 131:2 (type Type_79) not found. 14:53:30 Client: Object 134:2 (type Type_79) not found. 14:53:30 Client: Object 2:698 (type Type_79) not found. 14:53:30 Client: Object 17:2 (type Type_79) not found. 14:53:30 Client: Object 28:43 (type Type_79) not found. 14:53:30 Client: Object 28:2 (type Type_104) not found. 14:53:30 Server: Object 77:24 not found (message 245) 14:53:30 Server: Unhandled user message Type_290 14:53:30 Server: Unhandled user message Type_290 14:53:30 Server: Unhandled user message Type_290 14:53:30 Error: Object not found 14:53:30 Error: Object not found 14:53:30 Error: Object not found ======================================================= ------------------------------------------------------- Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 004EEAE6 Allocator: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\dll\tbb4malloc_bi.dll graphics: No resolution: 160x120x32 Addons: A3_Structures_F_Civ_Statues in a3\structures_f\civ\statues\ A3_Structures_F_Naval in a3\structures_f\naval\ A3_Structures_F_Ind_Shed in a3\structures_f\ind\shed\ A3_Weapons_F_Pistols_P07 in a3\weapons_f\pistols\p07\ A3_Air_F_MH9 in a3\air_f\mh9\, A3_Missions_F in a3\missions_f\ A3_Soft_F in a3\soft_f\, A3_Structures_F_Civ_Market in a3\structures_f\civ\market\ A3_Weapons_F_Rifles_TRG20 in a3\weapons_f\rifles\trg20\ A3_Animals_F_AnimConfig in a3\animals_f\animconfig\, A3_Map_Data in a3\map_data\ A3_Modules_F_UAV in a3\modules_f\uav\ A3_Modules_F_Supports in a3\modules_f\supports\, A3_Signs_F in a3\signs_f\ A3_Static_F_Mk6 in a3\static_f\mk6\ A3_Structures_F_Civ_Garbage in a3\structures_f\civ\garbage\ A3_Structures_F_Dominants_Church in a3\structures_f\dominants\church\ A3_Structures_F_Mil in a3\structures_f\mil\ A3_Structures_F_Mil_Bunker in a3\structures_f\mil\bunker\ A3_Characters_F_Heads in a3\characters_f\heads\ A3_Characters_F_BLUFOR in a3\characters_f\blufor\, A3_Music_F in a3\music_f\ A3_Soft_F_Quadbike in a3\soft_f\quadbike\, A3_Soft_F_Offroad in a3\soft_f\offroad\ A3_Static_F in a3\static_f\ A3_Structures_F_Civ_Accessories in a3\structures_f\civ\accessories\ A3_Structures_F_Civ_SportsGrounds in a3\structures_f\civ\sportsgrounds\ A3_Structures_F_Ind in a3\structures_f\ind\ A3_Weapons_F_Rifles_SDAR in a3\weapons_f\rifles\sdar\ A3_Weapons_F_Pistols_Rook40 in a3\weapons_f\pistols\rook40\ A3_Weapons_F_Machineguns_M200 in a3\weapons_f\machineguns\m200\ A3_Boat_F_Speedboat in a3\boat_f\speedboat\ A3_Characters_F_Common in a3\characters_f\common\, A3_Data_F in a3\data_f\ A3_Functions_F in a3\functions_f\, A3_Modules_F in a3\modules_f\ A3_Structures_F_Bridges in a3\structures_f\bridges\ A3_Structures_F_Walls in a3\structures_f\walls\ A3_Structures_F_Civ_Dead in a3\structures_f\civ\dead\ A3_Structures_F_Mil_Radar in a3\structures_f\mil\radar\ A3_Structures_F_Mil_Offices in a3\structures_f\mil\offices\ A3_Weapons_F in a3\weapons_f\ A3_Modules_F_GroupModifiers in a3\modules_f\groupmodifiers\ A3_Roads_F in a3\roads_f\, A3_Soft_F_Hunter in a3\soft_f\hunter\ A3_Structures_F_Civ_Camping in a3\structures_f\civ\camping\ A3_Structures_F_Households_House_Small01 in a3\structures_f\households\house_small01\ A3_UI_F in a3\ui_f\, A3_Animals_F_Rabbit in a3\animals_f\rabbit\ A3_Anims_F_Config_Wmn in a3\anims_f\config\wmn\, A3_Editor_F in a3\editor_f\ CALanguage_missions in ca\languagemissions\ A3_Modules_F_Misc in a3\modules_f\misc\ A3_Modules_F_LiveFeed in a3\modules_f\livefeed\ A3_Modules_F_Intel in a3\modules_f\intel\ A3_Structures_F_Households_House_Small02 in a3\structures_f\households\house_small02\ A3_Structures_F_Ind_DieselPowerPlant in a3\structures_f\ind\dieselpowerplant\ A3_Structures_F_Ind_AirPort in a3\structures_f\ind\airport\ A3_Structures_F_Ind_ReservoirTank in a3\structures_f\ind\reservoirtank\ A3_Anims_F_Config_Sdr in a3\anims_f\config\sdr\ A3_Boat_F_Assault_Boat in a3\boat_f\assault_boat\ A3_Modules_F_DynO in a3\modules_f\dyno\ A3_Structures_F_Dominants_Church_Calvary in a3\structures_f\dominants\church\calvary\ A3_Structures_F_Civ_Lamps in a3\structures_f\civ\lamps\ A3_Structures_F_Training in a3\structures_f\training\ A3_Structures_F_Dominants_Lighthouse in a3\structures_f\dominants\lighthouse\ A3_Structures_F_Households in a3\structures_f\households\ A3_Structures_F_Households_House_Small03 in a3\structures_f\households\house_small03\ A3_Structures_F_Ind_PowerLines in a3\structures_f\ind\powerlines\ A3_Structures_F_Ind_SolarPowerPlant in a3\structures_f\ind\solarpowerplant\ A3_Structures_F_Ind_Cargo in a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\ A3_Weapons_F_Rifles_Khaybar in a3\weapons_f\rifles\khaybar\ A3_Weapons_F_Ammoboxes in a3\weapons_f\ammoboxes\ A3_Animals_F_Fishes in a3\animals_f\fishes\ A3_Animals_F_Snakes in a3\animals_f\snakes\ A3_Characters_F_Civil in a3\characters_f\civil\, A3_Sounds_F in a3\sounds_f\ A3_Structures_F_Dominants_Church_Chapel in a3\structures_f\dominants\church\chapel\ A3_Structures_F_Civ_PlayGround in a3\structures_f\civ\playground\ A3_Structures_F in a3\structures_f\ A3_Structures_F_Furniture in a3\structures_f\furniture\ A3_Structures_F_Households_Stone_Big in a3\structures_f\households\stone_big\ A3_Structures_F_Households_House_Shop01 in a3\structures_f\households\house_shop01\ A3_Structures_F_Ind_FuelStation in a3\structures_f\ind\fuelstation\ A3_Structures_F_Mil_Helipads in a3\structures_f\mil\helipads\ A3_Weapons_F_Launchers_LAW in a3\weapons_f\launchers\rpg32\, A3_Air_F in a3\air_f\ A3_Animals_F_Kestrel in a3\animals_f\kestrel\ A3_Characters_F_OPFOR in a3\characters_f\opfor\ A3_Dubbing_Radio_F in a3\dubbing_radio_f\ A3_Structures_F_Naval_Piers in a3\structures_f\naval\piers\ A3_Structures_F_Naval_RowBoats in a3\structures_f\naval\rowboats\ A3_Structures_F_Dominants in a3\structures_f\dominants\ A3_Structures_F_Households_Addons in a3\structures_f\households\addons\ A3_Structures_F_Households_WIP in a3\structures_f\households\wip\ A3_Structures_F_Households_House_Shop02 in a3\structures_f\households\house_shop02\ A3_Weapons_F_Launchers_NLAW in a3\weapons_f\launchers\nlaw\ A3_Weapons_F_EBR in a3\weapons_f\longrangerifles\ebr\, CAData in a3\ A3_Anims_F in a3\anims_f\, A3_Boat_F in a3\boat_f\, A3_Misc_F in a3\misc_f\ A3_Misc_F_Helpers in a3\misc_f\helpers\, A3_Soft_F_Galkin in a3\soft_f\galkin\ A3_Structures_F_System in a3\structures_f\system\ A3_Structures_F_Civ_Constructions in a3\structures_f\civ\constructions\ A3_Structures_F_Households_House_Big01 in a3\structures_f\households\house_big01\ A3_Structures_F_Ind_Transmitter_Tower in a3\structures_f\ind\transmitter_tower\ A3_Structures_F_Mil_Cargo in a3\structures_f\mil\cargo\ A3_Weapons_F_Items in a3\weapons_f\items\ A3_Weapons_F_Explosives in a3\weapons_f\explosives\ A3_CargoPoses_F in a3\cargoposes_f\, A3_Plants_F_Bush in a3\plants_f\bush\ A3_Rocks_F in a3\rocks_f\ A3_Structures_F_Households_House_Big02 in a3\structures_f\households\house_big02\ A3_Structures_F_Ind_Pipes in a3\structures_f\ind\pipes\ A3_Animals_F in a3\animals_f\ A3_Data_F_ParticleEffects in a3\data_f\particleeffects\ A3_LanguageMissions_F in a3\languagemissions_f\ A3_Modules_F_Skirmish in a3\modules_f\skirmish\ A3_Signs_F_AD in a3\signs_f\signs_ad\, A3_Structures_F_Civ in a3\structures_f\civ\ A3_Structures_F_Civ_InfoBoards in a3\structures_f\civ\infoboards\ A3_Structures_F_Mil_TentHangar in a3\structures_f\mil\tenthangar\ A3_Structures_F_Mil_Barracks in a3\structures_f\mil\barracks\ A3_UIFonts_F in a3\uifonts_f\, A3_Weapons_F_Rifles_MX in a3\weapons_f\rifles\mx\ A3_Animals_F_Seagull in a3\animals_f\seagull\, A3_BaseConfig_F in a3\baseconfig_f\ A3_Characters_F in a3\characters_f\, A3_Language_F in a3\language_f\ A3_Map_Stratis in a3\map_stratis\ A3_Modules_F_ObjectModifiers in a3\modules_f\objectmodifiers\ A3_Modules_F_Events in a3\modules_f\events\ A3_Modules_F_Sites in a3\modules_f\sites\ A3_Structures_F_Dominants_Church_BellTower in a3\structures_f\dominants\church\belltower\ A3_Structures_F_Items_Vessels in a3\structures_f\items\vessels\ A3_Structures_F_Items in a3\structures_f\items\ A3_Structures_F_Households_Stone_Small in a3\structures_f\households\stone_small\ A3_Structures_F_Households_Stone_Shed in a3\structures_f\households\stone_shed\ A3_Structures_F_Mil_Fortification in a3\structures_f\mil\fortification\ A3_Structures_F_Wrecks in a3\structures_f\wrecks\, A3_Air_F_Ka60 in a3\air_f\ka60\ A3_Animals_F_Turtle in a3\animals_f\turtle\ A3_Characters_F_Proxies in a3\characters_f\proxies\ A3_Structures_F_Civ_Pavements in a3\structures_f\civ\pavements\ A3_Structures_F_Households_Slum in a3\structures_f\households\slum\ A3_Weapons_F_Acc in a3\weapons_f\acc\ Mods: A3 Distribution: 0 Version 0.5.102571 Fault address: 004EEAE6 01:000EDAE6 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\arma3.exe file: 404Wasteland_ArmA3 world: Stratis Prev. code bytes: 59 F4 00 8B C8 89 45 F0 FF 92 24 01 00 00 8B 07 Fault code bytes: 8B 48 50 8B 01 8D 55 FE 52 FF 90 20 01 00 00 66 Registers: EAX:00000000 EBX:00000000 ECX:01DAF3B0 EDX:00000000 ESI:35279B70 EDI:35279B98 CS:EIP:0023:004EEAE6 SS:ESP:002B:1732FEA8 EBP:1732FF18 DS:002B ES:002B FS:0053 GS:002B Flags:00010246 ======================================================= 14:53:30 Client: Object 106:8 (type Type_79) not found. note: Minidump has been generated into the file C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Arma 3 Alpha\arma3.mdmp ===================================================================== == C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\arma3.exe == "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\arma3.exe" -window -server -config=wasteland\server.cfg -cfg=wasteland\basic.cfg Exe timestamp: 2013/03/06 00:07:33 Current time: 2013/03/07 14:53:39 Type: Public Alpha Branch: Stable Version: 0.5.102571 ===================================================================== Item STR_DISP_OPT_DISABLED listed twice Item STR_WORD_DIST100 listed twice Item STR_WORD_DIST1000 listed twice Item STR_WORD_DIST200 listed twice Item STR_WORD_DIST500 listed twice Item STR_WORD_DIST2000 listed twice Item str_disp_hintc_continue listed twice Updating base class Default->GdtAsphalt, by a3\map_data\config.bin/CfgSurfaces/carpet/ Updating base class Default->GdtStratisDirt, by a3\map_data\config.bin/CfgSurfaces/mud/ Updating base class RscControlsGroup->RscControlsGroupNoScrollbars, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/controls/ModIcons/ Updating base class RscPicture->RscPictureKeepAspect, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayMain/IconPicture/ Updating base class RscListBox->RscCombo, by a3\ui_f\config.bin/RscDisplayCustomizeController/Steepness/ PhysX3 SDK Init started ... ... PhysX3 SDK Init ended String STR_DN_STONE not found String STR_DN_STONE not found 14:55:25 Mission 404Wasteland_ArmA3.Stratis: Number of roles (65) is different from 'description.ext::Header::maxPlayer' (60) 14:55:26 Server error: Player without identity Exydos (id 975142488) 14:56:54 No more slot to add connection at 033057 (3386.8,5735.4) 14:56:55 Strange convex component24 in a3\structures_f\households\slum\slum_house03_f.p3d:geometryView 14:56:55 Strange convex component25 in a3\structures_f\households\slum\slum_house03_f.p3d:geometryView 14:56:55 House_Big_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_2' for 'door_1' 14:56:55 House_Big_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_2' for 'door_2' 14:56:55 House_Big_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'door_4' 14:56:55 House_Big_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_2' for 'glass_4_hide' 14:56:55 House_Big_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_2' for 'glass_4_unhide' 14:56:55 House_Big_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_2' for 'glass_4_effects' 14:56:55 House_Big_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_7_hide' 14:56:55 House_Big_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_7_unhide' 14:56:55 House_Big_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_7_effects' 14:56:55 House_Big_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_8_hide' 14:56:55 House_Big_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_8_unhide' 14:56:55 House_Big_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_8_effects' 14:56:55 House_Big_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_9_hide' 14:56:55 House_Big_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_9_unhide' 14:56:55 House_Big_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_9_effects' 14:56:55 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_military_f.p3d 14:56:56 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_military_f.p3d 14:56:56 Unknown hit sound type in A3\data_f\Penetration\body.bisurf.soundHit 14:56:56 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_military_f.p3d 14:56:56 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo40_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo40_military_f.p3d 14:56:56 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_military_f.p3d 14:56:56 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_china_color_V1_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_china_color_v1_f.p3d 14:56:56 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_military_f.p3d 14:56:56 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_military_f.p3d 14:56:56 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_military_f.p3d 14:56:56 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_china_color_V1_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_china_color_v1_f.p3d 14:56:56 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo40_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo40_military_f.p3d 14:56:56 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_military_f.p3d 14:56:56 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo40_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo40_military_f.p3d 14:56:56 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo40_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo40_military_f.p3d 14:56:56 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_military_f.p3d 14:56:56 Strange convex component10 in a3\structures_f\training\obstacle_pass_f.p3d:geometryFire 14:56:56 Strange convex component12 in a3\structures_f\training\obstacle_pass_f.p3d:geometryFire 14:56:56 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_military_f.p3d 14:56:56 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo40_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo40_military_f.p3d 14:56:56 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo40_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo40_military_f.p3d 14:56:56 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_military_f.p3d 14:56:56 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_military_f.p3d 14:56:56 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_china_color_V1_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_china_color_v1_f.p3d 14:56:56 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_china_color_V1_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_china_color_v1_f.p3d 14:56:56 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_military_f.p3d 14:56:56 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_china_color_V1_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_china_color_v1_f.p3d 14:56:56 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo40_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo40_military_f.p3d 14:56:56 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo40_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo40_military_f.p3d 14:56:56 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_china_color_V1_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_china_color_v1_f.p3d 14:56:56 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_military_f.p3d 14:56:56 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_china_sign_V1_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_china_sign_v1_f.p3d 14:56:56 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_china_color_V1_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_china_color_v1_f.p3d 14:56:56 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_military_f.p3d 14:56:56 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_military_f.p3d 14:56:56 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_military_f.p3d 14:56:56 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_military_f.p3d 14:56:56 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_china_color_V1_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_china_color_v1_f.p3d 14:56:56 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo40_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo40_military_f.p3d 14:56:56 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo40_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo40_military_f.p3d 14:56:56 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_china_color_V1_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_china_color_v1_f.p3d 14:56:56 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_china_color_V1_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_china_color_v1_f.p3d 14:56:56 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_china_color_V1_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_china_color_v1_f.p3d 14:56:56 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_china_color_V1_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_china_color_v1_f.p3d 14:56:56 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo40_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo40_military_f.p3d 14:56:56 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_military_f.p3d 14:56:56 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_military_f.p3d 14:56:56 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_china_color_V1_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_china_color_v1_f.p3d 14:56:57 No skeleton given for a3\structures_f\bridges\bridge_01_f.p3d destruction 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_1_hide' 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_1_unhide' 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_1_effects' 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_2' for 'glass_2_hide' 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_2' for 'glass_2_unhide' 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_2' for 'glass_2_effects' 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_2' for 'glass_3_hide' 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_2' for 'glass_3_unhide' 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_2' for 'glass_3_effects' 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_4_hide' 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_4_unhide' 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_4_effects' 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_2' for 'glass_5_hide' 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_2' for 'glass_5_unhide' 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_2' for 'glass_5_effects' 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_6_hide' 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_6_unhide' 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_6_effects' 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_7_hide' 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_7_unhide' 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_7_effects' 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_8_hide' 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_8_unhide' 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_8_effects' 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_9_hide' 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_9_unhide' 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_9_effects' 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_10_hide' 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_10_unhide' 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_10_effects' 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_11_hide' 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_11_unhide' 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_11_effects' 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_12_hide' 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_12_unhide' 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_12_effects' 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_13_hide' 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_13_unhide' 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_13_effects' 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_14_hide' 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_14_unhide' 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_14_effects' 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_15_hide' 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_15_unhide' 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_15_effects' 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_16_hide' 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_16_unhide' 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_16_effects' 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_17_hide' 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_17_unhide' 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_17_effects' 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_18_hide' 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_18_unhide' 14:56:57 Shop_02_skeleton: Invalid parent bone 'dam_1' for 'glass_18_effects' 14:56:57 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_military_f.p3d 14:56:57 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_military_f.p3d 14:56:57 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo40_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo40_military_f.p3d 14:56:57 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo40_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo40_military_f.p3d 14:56:57 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_military_f.p3d 14:56:57 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_military_f.p3d 14:56:57 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_military_f.p3d 14:56:57 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_military_f.p3d 14:56:57 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_military_f.p3d 14:56:57 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_military_f.p3d 14:56:57 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_military_f.p3d 14:56:57 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo40_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo40_military_f.p3d 14:56:57 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_china_color_V1_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_china_color_v1_f.p3d 14:56:57 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo40_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo40_military_f.p3d 14:56:57 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_china_color_V1_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_china_color_v1_f.p3d 14:56:57 Strange convex component52 in a3\structures_f\households\stone_shed\d_stone_shed_v1_f.p3d:geometryView 14:56:58 bin\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/AmovPknlMtacSlowWpstDf.InterpolateTo: Bad move AovrPknlMstpSlowWpstDf 14:56:58 bin\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/AmovPknlMtacSlowWpstDf.InterpolateTo: Bad move AmovPknlMevaSlowWpstDf 14:56:58 bin\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/AmovPknlMtacSlowWpstDfl.InterpolateTo: Bad move AmovPknlMevaSlowWpstDfl 14:56:58 bin\config.bin/CfgMovesMaleSdr/States/AmovPknlMtacSlowWpstDfr.InterpolateTo: Bad move AmovPknlMevaSlowWpstDfr 14:57:03 String STR_A3_cfgVehicles_FxCartridge0 not found 14:57:03 String STR_A3_cfgVehicles_FxCartridge0 not found 14:57:03 String STR_A3_cfgVehicles_FxCartridge_Small0 not found 14:57:03 String STR_A3_cfgVehicles_FxCartridge_Small0 not found 14:57:04 Speaker Male01_F not found in CfgVoiceTypes 14:57:05 Speaker Male01_F not found in CfgVoiceTypes 14:57:05 String STR_A3_cfgVehicles_FxCartridge0 not found 14:57:05 Speaker Male01_F not found in CfgVoiceTypes 14:57:05 Speaker Male01_F not found in CfgVoiceTypes 14:57:05 Speaker Male01_F not found in CfgVoiceTypes 14:57:05 Speaker Male01_F not found in CfgVoiceTypes 14:57:05 Speaker Male01_F not found in CfgVoiceTypes 14:57:05 No speaker given for Janos Dimitriadis 14:57:05 No speaker given for Janos Gikas 14:57:05 No speaker given for Kostakis Elias 14:57:05 "############################# 404Wasteland_ArmA3 #############################" 14:57:05 "WASTELAND SERVER - Initilizing Server" 14:57:05 NetServer::SendMsg: cannot find channel #1971565630, users.card=8 14:57:05 NetServer: users.get failed when sending to 1971565630 14:57:05 Message not sent - error 0, message ID = ffffffff, to 1971565630 (Kevin) 14:57:05 Server: Unhandled user message Type_290 14:57:05 Server: Unhandled user message Type_290 14:57:05 Server: Unhandled user message Type_290 14:57:05 No player found for channel 316096576 - message ignored 14:57:05 No player found for channel 316096576 - message ignored 14:57:05 No player found for channel 316096576 - message ignored 14:57:05 No player found for channel 316096576 - message ignored 14:57:05 No player found for channel 316096576 - message ignored 14:57:05 No player found for channel 316096576 - message ignored 14:57:05 No player found for channel 316096576 - message ignored 14:57:06 Error in expression <Administrators = ["60373250,16139216", ]; publicVariable "serverAdministrator> 14:57:06 Error position: <]; publicVariable "serverAdministrator> 14:57:06 Error Missing [ 14:57:06 File mpmissions\404Wasteland_ArmA3.Stratis\server\admins.sqf, line 27 14:57:06 Error in expression <dministrators"; serverAdministrators = ["60373250,16139216", ]; publicVariab> 14:57:06 Error position: <["60373250,16139216", ]; publicVariab> 14:57:06 Error Generic error in expression 14:57:06 File mpmissions\404Wasteland_ArmA3.Stratis\server\admins.sqf, line 26 14:57:06 "WASTELAND SERVER - Initilizing Server Vars" 14:57:06 "WASTELAND SERVER - Initilizing Server Compile" 14:57:06 "WASTELAND SERVER - Initilizing Server Relations" 14:57:06 Cannot create non-ai vehicle HeliHEmpty, 14:57:06 "WASTELAND SERVER - Server Complie Finished" 14:57:06 "WASTELAND SERVER - Initilizing Server Spawning" 14:57:06 String STR_A3_cfgVehicles_FxCartridge0 not found 14:57:07 String STR_A3_cfgVehicles_FxCartridge0 not found 14:57:07 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo40_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo40_military_f.p3d 14:57:07 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo40_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo40_military_f.p3d 14:57:08 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_china_color_V1_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_china_color_v1_f.p3d 14:57:08 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo40_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo40_military_f.p3d 14:57:08 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo40_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo40_military_f.p3d 14:57:08 String STR_A3_CfgWeapons_XM_base_F_WeaponSlotsInfo_MuzzleSlot0 not found 14:57:09 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_military_f.p3d 14:57:10 String STR_A3_cfgVehicles_FxCartridge0 not found 14:57:15 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_military_f.p3d 14:57:15 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_military_f.p3d 14:57:15 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_military_f.p3d 14:57:15 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_military_f.p3d 14:57:16 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_military_f.p3d 14:57:16 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_military_f.p3d 14:57:21 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_military_f.p3d 14:57:21 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_military_f.p3d 14:57:21 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo40_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo40_military_f.p3d 14:57:21 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo40_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo40_military_f.p3d 14:57:21 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo40_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo40_military_f.p3d 14:57:21 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_china_color_V1_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_china_color_v1_f.p3d 14:57:21 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_military_f.p3d 14:57:21 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo40_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo40_military_f.p3d 14:57:21 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_military_f.p3d 14:57:21 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_military_f.p3d 14:57:22 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo40_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo40_military_f.p3d 14:57:22 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_china_color_V1_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_china_color_v1_f.p3d 14:57:22 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_china_color_V1_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_china_color_v1_f.p3d 14:57:22 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo40_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo40_military_f.p3d 14:57:22 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_china_sign_V1_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_china_sign_v1_f.p3d 14:57:22 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_china_color_V1_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_china_color_v1_f.p3d 14:57:22 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo40_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo40_military_f.p3d 14:57:24 "WASTELAND SERVER - 110 Vehicles Spawned" 14:57:46 Server: Unhandled user message Type_290 14:57:46 Server: Unhandled user message Type_290 14:57:46 Server: Unhandled user message Type_290 14:57:50 Speaker Male01_F not found in CfgVoiceTypes 14:59:13 Server: Unhandled user message Type_290 14:59:13 Server: Unhandled user message Type_290 14:59:13 Server: Unhandled user message Type_290 14:59:16 Speaker Male01_F not found in CfgVoiceTypes 14:59:17 Server: Unhandled user message Type_290 14:59:17 Server: Unhandled user message Type_290 14:59:17 Server: Unhandled user message Type_290 14:59:28 Speaker Male01_F not found in CfgVoiceTypes 14:59:35 Some of magazines weren't stored in soldier Vest or Uniform? 14:59:42 Server: Unhandled user message Type_290 14:59:42 Server: Unhandled user message Type_290 14:59:42 Server: Unhandled user message Type_290 14:59:50 Speaker Male01_F not found in CfgVoiceTypes 15:00:02 Server: Unhandled user message Type_290 15:00:02 Server: Unhandled user message Type_290 15:00:02 Server: Unhandled user message Type_290 15:00:10 Speaker Male01_F not found in CfgVoiceTypes 15:00:19 Client: Remote object 2:210 not found 15:00:29 Server: Unhandled user message Type_290 15:00:29 Server: Unhandled user message Type_290 15:00:29 Server: Unhandled user message Type_290 15:00:31 Client: Remote object 2:204 not found 15:00:31 Client: Remote object 11:0 not found 15:00:31 Client: Remote object 11:1 not found 15:00:31 Server: Unhandled user message Type_290 15:00:31 Server: Unhandled user message Type_290 15:00:31 Server: Unhandled user message Type_290 15:00:33 Server: Unhandled user message Type_290 15:00:33 Server: Unhandled user message Type_290 15:00:33 Server: Unhandled user message Type_290 15:00:35 Server: Unhandled user message Type_290 15:00:35 Server: Unhandled user message Type_290 15:00:35 Server: Unhandled user message Type_290 15:00:35 Speaker Male01_F not found in CfgVoiceTypes 15:00:38 Speaker Male01_F not found in CfgVoiceTypes 15:00:40 Speaker Male01_F not found in CfgVoiceTypes 15:00:49 Client: Remote object 2:242 not found 15:00:51 Speaker Male01_F not found in CfgVoiceTypes 15:01:02 Server: Unhandled user message Type_290 15:01:02 Server: Unhandled user message Type_290 15:01:02 Server: Unhandled user message Type_290 15:01:05 Client: Remote object 2:235 not found 15:01:05 Client: Remote object 17:1 not found 15:01:05 Client: Remote object 17:0 not found 15:01:07 Speaker Male01_F not found in CfgVoiceTypes 15:01:25 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_china_color_V1_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_china_color_v1_f.p3d 15:01:25 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_military_f.p3d 15:01:25 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_military_f.p3d 15:01:26 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo20_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo20_military_f.p3d 15:01:26 Bad simulation thingX, type Land_Cargo40_military_F (class=house), a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\cargo40_military_f.p3d 15:01:26 Ragdoll - loading of ragdoll source "Soldier" started. 15:01:26 Ragdoll - loading of ragdoll source "Soldier" finished successfully. 15:01:28 Server: Unhandled user message Type_290 15:01:28 Server: Unhandled user message Type_290 15:01:28 Server: Unhandled user message Type_290 15:01:28 Server: Unhandled user message Type_290
  7. this is pretty much my summary as well. I can run 65 people for 2-3 hours but it will crash. Sometimes the server lasts for 10-20-30-40 minutes, other times a few hours. My RPT file grows by the second. (running wasteland mission)
  8. WELCOME TO THE BATH SALTS CREW We'll be run multiple servers of various game play options. We currently run a 404 Wasteland server and have another server setup to run custom missions. We'll be adding a TDM server and more in the coming weeks! stay tuned http://bathsaltscrew.com
  9. bottom of server.cfg... change 404Wasteland_Arma3.Stratis to the mission you want. You can cycle multiple missions however I do not have that code. google is your friend // MISSIONS CYCLE (see below) class Missions { class Wasteland_Chernarus { template="404Wasteland_ArmA3.Stratis"; difficulty="Regular"; }; };
  10. please god! don't overdo it like bf3, but definitely need some sort of suppression system