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Everything posted by Moon_chilD

  1. Moon_chilD

    up to date server.cfg?

    @Dedmen disconnectTimeout = 5; This appears twice.
  2. Moon_chilD

    AI Facts & Myths Compilation List

    That might all be true, but the video that is supposed to prove this does not prove it. (So basically R3vo doesn't say the statement is wrong, but he says the video doesn't prove the statement.)
  3. Moon_chilD


    Terrain assets and decorative items are a free content update! https://store.steampowered.com/app/1021790/Arma_3_Contact/
  4. Moon_chilD


    Think this measurement is specifically for the cry babys "I don't want aliens in my hyper realism game". We shall see how they handle it with the Alien stuff. I'd be annoying if it'd be locked behind a paywall though. They wouldn't really make the backlash of the cDLC better with this approach!
  5. Moon_chilD


  6. Moon_chilD


    Well, I mean some of the Vanilla buildings (mostly those with the big windows in the front) are meant to be stores. Altian people are not some basic pleb. They are very well established. They are not buying in super markets or even discount stores. No, only specialized stores like butcher's shops and small grocery stores. ;3
  7. Moon_chilD

    Arma 3 DLC - CONTACT

    Yeah, heard about Arma Futura just a few minutes ago. But...HOLY SH*T. Finally I know why this stupid _F is everywhere. (I mean, I never got curious enough to look it up...but still)
  8. Moon_chilD

    Arma 3 DLC - CONTACT

    Jopp, all points toward Aliens https://dev.arma3.com/post/sitrep-00231 And (as I've just been informed by) Arma 3 started as a futuristic sci-fi game and only late in the development was changed to military simulation!
  9. Hello, I want to have a module that when placed in a mission would add an Eventhandler to all player units even when the are JIP. I'm really not sure how'd be the best way to deal with this. While I'm sure I could come up with something for the adding of the Eventhandler part I'm most concerned about the JIP part (Only way I could think of is to a have a while loop or something along those lines but I don't know if there possibly is a more elegant way) Hope you guys can help me Many Greetings Moony
  10. Moon_chilD


    By the way, dunno if these have been reported already. I'm currently playing your Singleplayer missions and this keeps poping up when trying to search an object (only occasionally and not everytime). Whenever the error pops up the inventory window opens for a fraction of a second and closes again: 21:33:33 Error in expression <m); _lootholder addBackpackCargoGlobal [_loot, 1]; _lootholder setdir (random 35> 21:33:33 Error position: <_loot, 1]; _lootholder setdir (random 35> 21:33:33 Error Undefined variable in expression: _loot 21:33:33 File ravage\code\rvgLoot\fn_checkLoot.sqf, line 32 And this one pops up every now and then while moving around: 21:42:20 ERROR: Switch uniform! Uniform is not supported by soldier 21:42:20 Uniform U_BasicBody is not allowed for soldier class Bandit_Renegade 21:42:20 Error in expression <Random rvg_backpacks; _unit addBackpack _backpack; clearAllItemsFromBackpack _un> 21:42:20 Error position: <_backpack; clearAllItemsFromBackpack _un> 21:42:20 Error Undefined variable in expression: _backpack 21:42:20 Error in expression <ectRandom rvg_goggles; _unit addGoggles _goggle; }; }; if (!((count rvg_nvgs) is> 21:42:20 Error position: <_goggle; }; }; if (!((count rvg_nvgs) is> 21:42:20 Error Undefined variable in expression: _goggle
  11. Moon_chilD


    Awesome, works now. Thank you two for your help. :3
  12. Moon_chilD


    Mhhh still having issues though I think they are more Arma issues than Ravage ones but maybe someone knows why: So whenever I don't add a check for the Zombie all works fine. My script fires and everything works as expected. When I add the check (either with Vandeansons or haleks' way) nothing happens. So I went out and debugged a bit. I added this "hint format ["%1\n%2\n%3\n%4",_unit,_shooter,_damage,_projectile];" What I then get is something like: bis_o1 <NULL-object> 0.45 <NULL-object> What is interesting is: before <NULL-object> is shown it says something else for a fraction of a second. (I would guess it shows what actually is supposed to be there. So zombie_walker and rvg_zedAmmo) Anybody knows whats going on and what I could do (and maybe what I do wrong xD).
  13. Moon_chilD


    Seems to work @Vandeanson, except that for some reason it does not like this: "If (_shooter != "zombie") exitwith {} ;" Which is odd. I get the error: "Error in expression" for "!=" but I don't know why. (!(_shooter != "zombie") doesn't work either). But I'll find a different solution for that. Thank you for the help! (zombie is right by the way)
  14. Moon_chilD


    If I understand it right, the hit Eventhandler only fires on the person getting hit. Therefore I guess the option in the Zombie Module can not be used for what I want to do (I want to add an infection script I wrote). I guess I could use the hit evenhandler on all player and add a check for the source of the damage to the script. I just wonder if the Zombie will actually be the Source. I can test it, would still not say no to that example ;3
  15. Moon_chilD


    Oh boy, I'm so dumb. I completely missunderstood the use of the Hit Eventhandler. xD Howerver, now that brings me to an issue: I want to make it so, that whenever a Zombie attacks and hits a unit a script/function is executed. Any idea how I could do that?
  16. So the question is, what "fix" do you want here? A. I want to keep using my mods but don't want to use ACE! B. I want to keep using my mods and don't care if I have to use ACE! C. I want to play Vanilla! As Dedmen said, the error is not due to ACE being present but because ACE is missing and another mod requires it. So the first step here is: Tell us which mods you use or even better, give us a .rpt file.
  17. Moon_chilD


    No no, how evenhandler work is not a problem for me, what I was wondering was What info do I need to add in the HitEvent Field in the module. Only the code I want to execute or the whole content of the eventhandler codeblock. So with this example: ["CAManBase", "fired", {systemChat str _this}] call CBA_fnc_addClassEventHandler; I need to add "CAManBase", "fired", {systemChat str _this} Into the field in the module?
  18. Moon_chilD


    Thanks for your answer. I think I'm more looking for a sandbox mission. Something where you start of with very few gear and you have to survive (basically similar to the SP Missions that come with Ravage). I'm gonna check your missions out. I have another question now: How do I use the event Handler in the Zombie Module? I want to call a function once a Zombie Attacks someone but I don't know how to format it in that field :3
  19. Moon_chilD


    Does anyone know about a rather up to date mission that suitable for 2-4 player? Since there is a tone of missions on the workshop (some updated, some not) its hard to find the best :3
  20. Moon_chilD

    Arma 3 Units - Feedback thread

    Looking at the page, the issue has been resolved! ;D
  21. Moon_chilD

    Arma 3 Units - Feedback thread

    No I don't but that is a hint I think:
  22. Moon_chilD

    Arma 3 - Creator DLC Discussion

    Good to hear (also good to hear that there is an active development on A3S still...seemed kinda quiet around it! ;3), thanks for letting us know
  23. Moon_chilD

    Arma 3 - Creator DLC Discussion

    If you mean Arma3Sync: Launcher Options -> Put this in Additional Parameters (Bottom right) "-mod=GM" (Without "")
  24. Moon_chilD

    Jet landing too hard

    It is, imo essential the same with helicopter. I mean I know that a chopper should not drop like a stone but especially the skidded ones should survive way more than they do. (Though I think it was worse before the Helicopter DLC) I might be wrong with that, in no way I'm an expert. But in general, I think that's just an Arma problem overall. Everything seems to go haywire when touching something. The collision model across the whole game is just flawed (try to ram a car with another one. For me 7 out of 10 times I learn to fly). Just another syndrome of this old engine?
  25. Hey guys, once again I chose a great title </sarcasm>. What I'd like is, that I can add information about a Marker in a little box next to it once someone hovers with his mouse over the marker. The inspiration for this was "EasyTrack" by DasCleverle. The general idea can be seen here: (Taken from this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCTHJ0A1mN4&amp;t=364s) While I could certainly reverse engineer this part out of EasyTrack I don't feel comfortable enough to work with "dialogs" and such. So I'd really appreciate if someone could help me with this. Many greetings Moony