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Posts posted by elec

  1. elec's HeadLessClient Auto Detection Switch

    Hi there,

    i wrote a script to auto-detect a headlessclient and let the mission be able to choose it to spawn units or do script stuff on it.

    Basically it's just a "auto" switch that ask if a HC is connected. If so, your scripts - like upsmon or whatever - will execute on it. If not the scripts will run on the server like normal.

    The thing is, you don't have to be change your "if (!isServer) exitWith{};" every time you build a headlessclient mission local to test it.

    Also if you want to build a mission that should be able to spawn your units on a headless client but it should be also run if no headless client is available or something like that.

    I have build a example mission to test out the proper working of the script. You can spawn units whit a radio trigger and check in the sidechat where they running.

    Also i have implemented a switch that you can force HC or Server execution if you need



    Copy "elec_HC_detect.sqf" into your mission folder and add this code in the !! FIRST !! line of your init.sqf:

    elec_HC_detect = ["auto"] execVM "elec_HC_detect.sqf"; waitUntil {scriptDone elec_HC_detect};
    //	========SWITCH========
    // 	Use "auto" to autodetect if a headless client is connected and force execution on it.
    // 	Use "on" to force the execution of your scripts on the HC, even he is not connected to the server. 
    //	(so your scripts won't execute if no HC is connected to the server)
    // 	Use "off" to force server execution. 

    //	Replace your 
    // 	line with 
    	if(elec_stop_exec == 1) exitWith{};
    //	in your scripts, that you want to execute over the switch.

    If you have any question just use this thread to ask. :)

  2. hey,

    is there a solution to get occupied vehicles spawned with UPSspawn?

    if i try to spawn a template which includes 2 occupied vehicles, upsmon spwans the vehicles and the crew outside, then the crew moves to his area but the vehicles stay empty. The template itself works fine because the allready in the mission without being spawned.

    would be nice if anyone has an idea.

  3. Hey, i have a small question...

    Is it possible to set the "ACE_canBeLoad" Vehicle config variable ingame in a mission?

    For example: I wan't to be able to load a normal Arma2 object like a toilet or a sandwall into a vehicle over the ACE cargo system.

    Also it would be nice to be able to drag the toilet like a small ammobox via ACE interaction menu.

    I have tried:

    myToiletName setVariable ["ACE_canBeCargo",1, true];

    but of course it would be too easy^^

    EDIT: ----------------

    Found it:

    [[myCrate1, myCrate2], myTruck] call ACE_fnc_loadCargo;


  4. Great work man, amazing :)

    but unfortunately the RKL for the Fw Opel and also the BW Feldjäger Opel don't work in my case? should they blink or something?

    And i would much appreciated if you can release the "BW Feldjäger" Opel as a standalone version with german signs and the right addaction.

    (currently "get in UAZ as driver" for example)

  5. [...] the server logs information about who's been wounded by who.[...]

    ...not in my Arma 2 OA Server RPT File.

    If i connect the RPT to that Programm and press "View-Raw Output" then it shows me the raw RPT content... so far so good

    If i press "wounds output" the window remains empty, because the RPT file contains no entrys like "Peter has been team wounded by Kevin".

    I think there has to be a extra Mod to log things like wounds in the server log!?
