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Everything posted by aleksadragutin

  1. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    Oh my god, such ignorance in such a small space. History has proof after proof after proof that what small countries do is not their interest but the interest of a higher power. Or perhaps you think that small countries are just suicidal by nature?
  2. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    What I said is a sad truth. If you don't see it now, you will one day, or if the current information bombardment continues maybe you won't.
  3. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    There is no free will. Saying this has made me realize how bombarded with propaganda you actually are. No small country has free will. Free will is an illusion created to keep the people happy no matter what's really going on. And when has Russia been aggressive besides Ukraine deal? You have the history of Georgia, which shows that they were taking back what was theirs. NATO is like 10 times more aggressive than Russia, but no one says anything.
  4. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    Oh please. If you seriously believe that then I feel sorry for you. Do you really think that they are not trying to expand? Small countries have no control over their actions, it's the big guys who decide their faith. The sooner you realize this the better for you.
  5. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    Maybe there were plans for cooperation with Russia, but NATO for sure never viewed Russia as friendly or even neutral. It always had the same attitude towards Russia. If not why did it feel the need to spread east and to try to strategically encircle Russia? And Eu was never better. For example Bulgaria and Romania didn't fit any of the conditions needed to join, yet they joined in a blink of an eye.
  6. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    Well of course that Americans will think that Russia is the source of all evil (Which they never stopped since WW2), and Russians are going to think that USA is evil. What's your point?
  7. aleksadragutin

    Serbian Armed Forces (SAF) [v0.90]

    That is an M-79 Osa (Wasp).
  8. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    That would mean that countries such as US will crash at one time or another, and the problem is that they are buying weapons rather than paying back debt.
  9. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    They can get a loan to pay off another loan? Then they're really replacing one debt with another. What matters is GDP.
  10. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    Well what do you want them to do? Invade Russia?
  11. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    Then again that could be the trigger for full on Russian invasion. They, after all, don't have so many red lines. ---------- Post added at 17:21 ---------- Previous post was at 17:20 ---------- A war of ignorance.
  12. aleksadragutin

    Serbian Armed Forces (SAF) [v0.90]

    Some ammo like 7.62x54 and 7.62x39 could be implemented, but there are our own cartridges and magazines that can't. So the M70 and M84 could have ammo compatibility with RHS Escalation.
  13. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    I'm afraid that this doesn't have anything to do with who's in charge. If everyone was acting we would have WW3 by now. You have to stay silent sometimes for the greater good. ---------- Post added at 21:21 ---------- Previous post was at 21:20 ---------- That is why east is behind west. It's our own flaw.
  14. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    That's how sanctions work man. You can't sanction people blindly and deal justice, you have to take your economy into account as well. ---------- Post added at 21:17 ---------- Previous post was at 21:14 ---------- I wouldn't call it greed. It's interests. You can not push your economy aside. Industry needs fuel. People need heat during the winter.
  15. aleksadragutin

    Iraq (current news/events)

    Why would you be defending these extreme fanatics if you weren't one yourself?
  16. aleksadragutin

    Iraq (current news/events)

    The argument is against killing innocent people. If it is to ideal to ask to not behead children, then I'm sorry. I have nothing against normal, moderate and peaceful Islam, but radicals and extremists make me sick. I remember a women from Germany saying on TV that she loves Egypt but probably won't come there any more because they are banning bear even for tourists.
  17. Doesn't replace it anymore. :D
  18. I don't think the wooden ones are in use today. Maybe there are some in reserve.
  19. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    What about SNAR-10? It also has a turret and since this thing doesn't have much of it's, it could also be that.
  20. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    What is that thing anyway.
  21. aleksadragutin

    Iraq (current news/events)

    Again, in Egypt was more than 50% since they won the elections.
  22. aleksadragutin

    Iraq (current news/events)

    Don't know where you live, but what vilas said is also true in Serbia. Most of the muslims here are radical, coming to our country and insisting on their laws. There have been open provocations like lifting of monuments to terrorist groups like UCK, and the government had to send in elite police forces to take it down. It is a bit weird that the concentration of radical muslims is this high. In Egypt people voted a while back for the extreme islamic party. It just means that the percent of radicals is much greater than 0,0001%. Not saying that there are no normal muslims, of course there are. PS. I am orthodox and we can marry who ever we want.
  23. aleksadragutin

    Iraq (current news/events)

    Christianity does not forgive murder in any case, so crusaders weren't really following christianity.\ There's mentioned "Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land" And that's why it is acceptable to kill infidels.
  24. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    Why should being a far right extremist be relevant?
  25. aleksadragutin

    Iraq (current news/events)

    Islam is the only wide spread religion that I know of that is supporting jihad and killing of infidels. It does not punish you in any way for murder, instead it rewards you with virgins in heaven. It is also one of the youngest religions. This, and the lack of rational thinking make it a very dangerous combination, not just for other religions but for "normal" muslims too.