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Everything posted by aleksadragutin

  1. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    Doubt Novorossiya has any tourists at this time.
  2. aleksadragutin

    Serbian Armed Forces (SAF) [v0.90]

    Since we haven't removed any features, just replaced them with HQ models and textures and added new ones, it should be compatible.
  3. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    Doubt he really fired at Ukrainian positions. You can't be on the front lines, fire at someone, and then, not expecting return fire, calmly take a group photo as a souvenir.
  4. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    This is ridiculous.
  5. I understand that. The interior is amazing, it's just the camo on the walls that is kinda weird.
  6. I know, but it's really eye poking, when the overall quality of the Tigr is amazing but this interior camo is kinda grainy.
  7. But if the camo was just a bit higher res, it would be much better. When you see it next to a high res soldier цифра uniform, it really stands out.
  8. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    I am not supporting Russia here. I don't have anything against Ukranians, but I hate a one sided coverage where media is free to invent stories that better suit them, and where there is no criticism. You (as in pro western) always criticize Russian propaganda without ever thinking to go deeper into your own. It's like you're watching Russian news, saying their bullshit and then pointing to everything opposite of that as THE truth.
  9. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    If someone supports NATO but hates Russia for it's actions, then that someone exposes him/her self as a hypocrite (not talking about anyone in particular), and if someone is a hypocrite then his/her right or wrong system of values doesn't hold water and thus can't be taken seriously in an argument.
  10. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    If you blame this on Russia, then you have to blame NATO for every other shithole on Earth.
  11. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    Well with so much weapon being supplied by so many countries to so many factions, it's kinda hypocritical to blame Russia. He's right, it's the flight companies fault as much as it is the fault of who ever's in charge of closing down the airspace. They knew the risks, and they took it to save time and fuel. It's like walking through a minefield marked with danger signs, and then blaming someone else because your leg was blown of.
  12. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    Well the experts integrity is in question here. Not saying that MH17 was or was not shot down by SU-25, just pointing to the fact that western propaganda has been known to spawn experts with some false info.
  13. Hahahaha "зайебаваш" :D
  14. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    I think those are some low resolution pictures.
  15. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    There was word of satellite images for months now. How come it took them this long to analyse and reach a conclusion? Ether they are really inefficient or there were no assuring images at all.
  16. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    As do I (for a couple of reasons, mainly not being able to think for them selves). My point was simply that there is much more pro Russian orientation in Serbia than there is pro EU, just goes to show that you can't trust almost any statistics unless you come and talk to people. By the way, you shouldn't say that like it's just a Serbian problem. Croatia isn't much better ether (the difference being the political orientation), same with Ukraine. People are generally dumb and super nationalistic.
  17. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    Then you don't know nothing about Serbian public opinion.
  18. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    Don't know if you're aware that my opinions are considered very moderate in Serbia. That is to all those who did not believe in the political orientation of people in Serbia.
  19. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    Now there's a guy who doesn't give a damn anymore.
  20. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    They haven't had weapons before they stormed the depots, which was after they were marked as terrorists. And the storming of buildings and beatings also happened in Kiev, but I guess it's a crime only if Russians do it.
  21. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    You are making no sense here. People usually don't agree to fight, they do it because ether they can't reach an agreement or because one side can't reach their goals legally, so they have to organize a coup. Yes. Colonel as a matter of fact. Those guys tend to be much more educated and intelligent than a common boxer. Did I already mention that he gets punched in the face for living? ---------- Post added at 08:35 ---------- Previous post was at 08:29 ---------- And let's not forget that the war started with an amazing display of ignorance by Ukrainian leadership, when they sent an army and turned protests into war.
  22. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    The word professional means that he get's paid to do it, doesn't make it any more noble. Anyway if that's the best they could do for a mayor, imagine the lower ranks.
  23. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    It's not a secret that east wants to spread west, and west wants to spread east. ---------- Post added at 20:49 ---------- Previous post was at 20:47 ---------- Don't see much difference there in this case (boxers don't tend to be gentlemen).
  24. aleksadragutin

    Ukraine General

    Kiev mayor is a boxer. He get's punched and beats people for living. A definition of a thug. And he was put in place by those "protests".
  25. Don't think the sway has anything to do with scopes being 3D.