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About SuperbusMaximus

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  1. I am currently trying to create a capture point in the middle of a city, which would either give a point value up to a maximum to end the match; I.E. OPFOR and BLUFOR fighting over a single capture point team the team who reaches the maximum ammount of points wins. Either that or a time limit on the match and the team with the most points from holding the zone wins. Is this possible to do with just the editor? If not is scripting required and where is a good place to go to learn about scripting in Arma? Thanks.
  2. SuperbusMaximus

    SLP Spawning script

    Thanks for the script, but I am having no luck so far getting it to work, which is probably due to the fact I have never really used scripts and don't know where everything should be properly installed to get it to work. Got it working thanks!
  3. SuperbusMaximus

    Automatic mortar fire

    It is pretty much the same as what this person is showing in the YouTube video. Only difference I have found is that all the functions have to be synchronized with each other and the ground units, while pretty much everything for the triggers is the same. Oh and instead of using SecOps function, you are going to use the artillery requester functions and the artillery function at the top (not the virtual artillery).