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Everything posted by Fuse

  1. Fuse

    Love the new AI firefights

    You may have already done this, but I suggest going in to the graphics settings and disabling or lowering some of the post-processing. Things like FXAA and DoF tend to make it very hard for me to spot enemies. EDIT: I know it's two days late, but I just realized SMAA makes Arma III blurry and FXAA is crips. I was assuming FXAA was the blurry one (from my experiences in other titles). So, replace FXAA with SMAA in my above post.
  2. Read the FAQ. http://www.arma3.com/alpha/briefing
  3. Fuse

    Take Downs.

    Bingo. Silly, unrealistic, unnecessary. The risks of a melee kill far outweigh the reward, not to mention the (IMHO negative) change it will bring to multiplayer. If they add QTE melee I quit.
  4. Fuse

    Just me or no content?

  5. Take On FMs aren't implemented yet.
  6. I suggest you go in to the editor's preview mode and play around until you know how to do everything. This will let you search for and change keybindings without having to think about a guy who is going to be shooting you as soon as you close the menu. I tried to do the showcases first and got slaughtered. Spent an hour playing around in the editor and now I'm a lot more comfortable.
  7. Fuse

    ARMA3 Naval Question

    I don't know jack about modding or much about PhysX, but would PhysX pre-packaged vehicle physics allow for modders to add new vehicles (or should I say new types of vehicles) with less work?
  8. Fuse

    Metric System Option

    Other games I've played that allowed you to switch units just resulted in confusion. Teammates calling out ranges in different units, the devs forgetting to switch all the units in descriptions, etc. I've always figured that it was easier to just get comfortable with Metric. Imperial sucks anyways. We fought a war to break free of those guys yet kept their antiquated units.
  9. Scale is the main reason. If I want to hook up with a handful of friends and assault a big enemy base the most convenient way to do that is make the enemy be AI. It can be challenging getting your fireteam together on time, just imagine having to get your guys AND the enemy organized before you could play a mission, not to mention some poor sob has to pay for and manage that server (which is more expensive as you increase playercount).
  10. http://www.arma3.com/alpha/faq This is not the final product. It's not even beta. The game is currently in alpha and there are only like 6 vehicles available. You can play around with them by placing them in the editor and previewing the map.
  11. Fuse

    FOV still a bit messy

    Agreed, the default FOV is far too narrow, and I only play on a 24" screen. It's especially noticeable when you're in a vehicle.
  12. My first few tries on Infantry Showcase were embarrassing. Then I loaded up the editor and plopped my self down on the empty airfield, spent an hour or so rebinding and getting the hang of the controls. After that the Infantry Showcase went pretty well (apart from the first attempt where I was shot by guys through dense foliage). Basically just go in to the editor's "preview" mode and run around until you feel comfortable. It's a lot easier to get the hang of the controls when you're not being shot at.
  13. Fuse

    "Adjust Up" & "Adjust Down"?

    I think having both is a great idea. I have lean bound to Q and E and Hold Lean bound to Ctrl+Q/E. Some times I just need to pop out for a second and some times I need to hold it to pie a corner. I see no reason not to be able to do the same with the step-lean.
  14. I support this suggestion. GameSpy has been nothing but a pain in my side for over a decade at this point. I really don't understand why it still exists.
  15. Fuse

    "Adjust Up" & "Adjust Down"?

    Thanks for this thread. I'm pretty new to Arma (only played a few hours of A2) and have been digging through the controls for a "stance reset" key thinking I just had to be missing it. I really like the ideas here. Adjust up and down seems like a great idea as I'm instinctively mashing "prone" multiple times to get all the way down from standing, resulting in me hopping up and down (and usually eating a bullet). It just feels like how the stances should work. Maybe that's just something I need to get used to. A stance indicator is pretty much required and a stance reset key will keep the new stance system from feeling like you're playing DDR on your keyboard when trying to quickly shift to a drastically different stance. I played with a friend and he ran around half the night not realizing he was in a step lean. Looked far too silly.